Monday 30 August 2021

Bank Holiday Monday

The last Bank Holiday before Christmas and that will be another year gone.   How quickly they fly by.  Before the end of the year I shall be a Great Grandmother again and I shall have another Grandson married - all goes to make me feel old.

Outside there is a distinctly Autumnal feel to the weather today - haven't seen the sun and there is a sharp wind blowing.   Amazing after the hot Summer's day we had yesterday  they were so lucky at the Wensleydale Show.   Everyone is now hoping that it doesn't bring with it a new wave of Covid.   At least most of the activity was out of doors.

I find it strange how quickly we have all adapted to and changed our lives.   We have travelled around much less than we did before and most of us do consider the implications when planning any event. During Covid I have a) broken my hip and b) sold my car.   So I am more or less  marooned here unless I have a taxi (which I do to the hairdresser each Thursday);   but I don't mind.   My body is wearing out, I have adapted my day to suit and it always seems to speed past with the odd chat here and there and I am content with that.

It is a nuisance now only having limited television channels and no prospect of a change for some time to come (some talk of a dispute about materials for the new mast being transported over a piece of land of special scientific interest).   But I am even adapting to that.   I have got my book (Hemingway's Farewell to Arms) ready for my presentation on the first Monday in the month, and have also just read Bruce Chatwin's 'In Patagonia' - a book I remember reading (and being blown away by) when it was first published.   It revolutionised travel books - it is presented in a series of short chapters - each about different characters and situations - much more about people and much less  about the scenery.  Brilliant.

I shall go and make myself a cup of tea now and have a rest and watch 'Escape to the Country'  where all the houses they visit are too good to be true - not a speck of dust, not a thing out of place, everything matching and looking totally unlived in.

Enjoy the rest of your day.


  1. I was commenting earlier on another blog about the compact life that the blogger led. All of her days filled with the things she needs to do and the activities she enjoys. How nice to have the calm and peace of accepting how life is and making the best of what you have. You have certainly done a good job of getting on with life and adapting to life's challenges. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  2. I so enjoy reading your posts … wishing you a lovely week!

  3. Well don't wish it away too quickly. It is still only August.

  4. Autumn does seem to have arrived with a bump. We saw lots of blackberries in the hedgerows yesterday and the mornings have been quite misty.
    Soon be Christmas!

  5. Do you know that you might be able to get ITV, Channel 5 and Channel 4 on your computer?

  6. I am ready for Autumn and will be thrilled to have cool breezy weather. Autumn brings many garden chores. The land takes on a different look as the season changes. Observing the changes are wonderful.

  7. We will not have Autumn for many months but the monsoon has helped out rain starved Arizona land.
    Gud Dugs say woof !

  8. We‘re in for a return of summery weather mid-week, according to the weather people. After a few chilly, grey and wet days that felt more like November than August, I am really looking forward to some sun!
    Covid cases are rising steadily here, and it worries me. But apart from sticking to what I have been observing for 1 1/2 years now, there is nothing I can do about it.

  9. Dc - I understand so but it is all too complicated and I usually watch BBC anyway

  10. What about getting a Smart TV then you can get channels through your router.We have just got one and Curry’s will come and set it up for you.Go on.Treat yourself!

  11. It was quite nippy for August here this morning and after my walk I was glad to have a 'slimmed down' hot chocolate.
    I became a great aunt when I was 36 - now that did make me feel old. I find that being a great-grandmother in my 80s is not nearly as alarming!
    It is good that so many are adapting to living with Covid. I think it will be with us for some time to come, in one way or another.
    Looking forward to a bit more warmth before autumn really arrives.

  12. Busy Bee - I do have a Smart TV Our transmitter is out of action and they are having to build a new mast I am finding plenty to watch on iplayer.

  13. During Covid you have broken your hip and recovered from it...and you are still getting stronger. May you enjoy seeing your new great-grandchild starting school!
    It was cooler today, but forecast to warm a bit towards the weekend, with perhaps a little rain...which will save us watering our gardens! And make the lawn grow faster...

  14. It's amazing how you can adapt and feel content with a new life when it happens!

  15. I wonder what it would be like to live in a dust free house...

    It is one of those things that I'll never know.

  16. Time speeds by far too quickly for me these days! I find it amazing how adaptable we humans truly are in light of all the changes of the past year and a half. We have to take what life gives us and most of us do a good job doing just that.

  17. On 'Escape', I believe they have a team of cleaners and designers who go in a few days before the filming. I call that cheating.

  18. I am surprised Pat that you can even spot any dust on the tv, but Cro's explanation is an enlightening one. I have often wondered where the television in these houses are, or even the books!

  19. Cro - that is amazing I had never thought of that and like JayCee I call it cheating. It does sometimes make me wonder when there is a log fire burning in the grate. Now I shall start looking for the tv.
    It is 8am on Tuesday - a late start as it is the day without my carer - grey outside and a bit chilly in here. Fluffy dressing gown morning. Thanks for calling.

  20. My cat is responsible for a lot of the dust in this house - well, that's my excuse!

  21. I'm surprised that people actually believe half the rubbish that those programmes show, also, how many people go on to buy one of those properties? A lot of those kind of programmes are fake and just made for mass viewing. Out of boredom I watched one the other evening where a person has an object valued and then takes it in front of four "experts", who bid against each other to buy it, with the owner hoping they go above the valuation. What a load of tosh.

  22. You never cease to amaze with your great outlook on life and the wonderful way you write about so many interesting things Pat. I'm sure I've said it all before but once again, thank you for sharing your life as it changes with the months and years. You make me feel a little less scared during these difficult times as aging, and all that is going on around us, bring struggles, worries and heartache at times.
    Today I feel blessed that here we have escaped another horrific hurricane, but pray for those in the deep south, especially New Orleans. Meanwhile friends in the west still are dealing with terrible wildfires. The world is a very dangerous place and we all need to be strong.
    Take care dear Pat -
