Tuesday 3 August 2021

A Shorter Post

Just a short post today to put you in the picture.   I did not sleep well, knowing I had to be up, washed, dressed and breakfasted without my carer as this is the one day she doesn't come.   I couldn't fasten my bra (sorry chaps but this is 'girlie' stuff) and what I think is probably the first time since I became an adult, I had to go bra-less.   Then I ate my breakfast - just had a piece of toast and a banana.   I enjoyed the drive there - so much  has altered in the year since I last went on that road.   I didn't have to see the surgeon, I saw a vascular practice nurse and she told me that I had been called because the hospital had had difficulty locating my pulse.   They had difficulty this time but eventually brought some cream and a suction pipe.   After they had done this the sound of a strong even pulse came through loud and clear - it sounded as loud as an army on the march.  She went in and reported this information to the surgeon and he didn't need to see me.   I had some lunch and have sat in the chair half watching Olympics and half dozing all afternoon.   Hopefully I will be back to normal tomorrow.   See you then.


  1. Though bra-less, I would say you had a VERY good, uneventful day.

  2. Excellent news for the really important bit! The bra malfunction is understandable if you’d had an anxious night. You’ve done so well keeping yourself fit your heart is likely to be in good shape. Time for a sit down and some Olympic Games now!

  3. Good news on the heart and pulse front.
    One bra-less day of freedom won't hurt !

  4. A lot of hassle but worth the results.... being checked-off as having a nice strong heartbeat. I'm so glad!! Enjoy being home in your cozy abode. Maybe chuck the bras... your girls have earned the freedom after all these years! :-D ~Andrea xoxoxo

  5. Wonderful news. I always have to set my alarm clock if I have to be up early, even though I usually wake early anyway!
    You are never to old to become a 'liberated woman'!!

  6. So glad the hospital tests went well! Have you ever tried a Front Loader as we used to call a front fastening bra. I've done without a bra during lockdown at home and it's very liberating.

  7. That's a relief. You can do without a bra but you can't do without a pulse.

  8. That's great news! Now you can enjoy the remains of the Olympics without the appointment nagging at the back of your mind.

  9. Good point Tasker.

    Minigranny - Thought I might try one that has no fastening, just pulls on.

  10. LOL at Tasker. But he's absolutely right. Glad all is well!

  11. I'm so glad all is well! Hopefully, the remainder of the day has been relaxing for you. See you tomorrow!

  12. Once you experience the comfort and ease of the pull ons you never go back, believe me.
    Do you remember the pointy hard conical look of the 60's in bras?.(.around the time of the beehive hairdos.) You see vintage photos occasionally somewhere and think, you could poke out an eye with those!! Happy all went well with your medical visit. - keep up the good work Pat..you're an inspiration....from Pam.

  13. I'm glad you got good news about your strong pulse! It seems someone sounded an alarm unnecessarily causing you to require an appointment at the Surgery. This could have been avoided. At least you enjoyed the scenery during the ride and you know you have a good pulse.
    Sweet dreams.

  14. Bras these days come in front closure and (my fav) over the head, just like an undershirt when you were a kid.

  15. Um..Um...if they can't find or locate your pulse on their machines........but they still expect you to drive in for an appt.??????????????? What? If an alarm goes off to them that you have no pulse, shouldn't the EMT's and ambulances come to your home IMMEDIATELY? *just curious

  16. Seems like heart/pulse recording machines can play up. My granddaughter is a healthy 9 months old now, but my daughter had the most horrible scare at a routine hospital check recently when they couldn't find a heartbeat for the baby when she was nearly full-term. 'Not to worry' said the assistant, 'it may be the machine, we have another one upstairs'. Same scenario, and my darling daughter was white with concern - even the operator looking concerned. ..both machines were broken and the third machine was fine and as you say, loud and clear. - Pam

  17. Like the bra information, as one who never wears one. Glad they found your pulse, that sounded a bit worrying but all worked out in the end.

  18. When I know I have to be up extra early for something specific - such as an eye operation or an early train to catch - I don't sleep very well, either.
    It is very good to know your pulse is not only there, but strong!!

  19. Thanks to your concern everyone. You will find I explain one or two points at the commencement of tomorrow's post.

  20. Glad the doctor visit turned out well.
    I find that I can put my bra on backwards - I don't put my arms in but instead just fasten it in the front and then pull it around to then slip my arms in. I was so surprised when I figured that out after all these years of struggling. I am not sure if I have explained it clearly but it is what I do when I cannot reach around back some days.

    1. I’ve done it that way since I first started wearing a bra a hundred or more years ago.

  21. I went bra-less for much of lockdown - such a freedom . . . and hated it when I needed to wear one when going out.

  22. Yes Ellen D you have indeed explained it perfectly. Thanks I shall try it.

    Thanks everyone for your responses. Enjoy the rest of your evening.

  23. Last time I was in the hospital a sweet young nurse said she had given up wearing a bra and recommended not wearing one. I now have a lightweight pull on for modesty but it does take some strength to pull it over my head-it is stretchy but doesn't stretch easily. I am thinking of moving on to something called a bra-let which is lightweight cotton. I'll keep you posted.

  24. I'm very amused by the "front loader" bra! I myself have adopted pull over bras after years of putting on a regular hooking bra backwards and spinning it around . Good news on the pulse - my husband always has that trouble with blood pressure as his is normally quite low.


  25. What a fun mix - you getting a good result for your pulse issue, and what type of bras work!!!! Some of us cannot go bra-less if we want to look good in our clothes and/or want to feel comfortable, that should be easy to understand! Well made ones are a must and they are expensive. Hook up in front and pull around is the way to go - the 'girls' will thank you!
    Stay well and safe dear Pat X

  26. Thank you Susan - please do keep me posted.

    Thanks everyone. Back to normal now.

  27. Ah good. All's well that ends well. Sometimes I wonder if my heart is still beating too, but I always go without a bra these days.

  28. Fasten it first, then put it on as you would a vest. X

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