Sunday 25 July 2021

This and that

 Priscilla and I walked very early this morning, as soon as my carer had gone.   There is an article in my this month's magazine devoted to legs and blood clots.   It didn't tell me anything I didn't know but it did reinforce the need for me a) to walk and get as much exercise as I can and b) to always wear my compression stockings.  I am due to visit the Specialist at our local hospital on the 3rd of August - at the vascular Clinic.   It is important that I go and see him because there is no doubt I do need to wear stockings.  Getting there is a problem at present as the Hospital Transport System phone is out of order and it is text only - something I am useless at - but I shall try again in the morning.

As always it i==s getting started on the walk that is the nuisance - once I get going I am fine - and, of course, Priscilla does as she is told (fingers crossed).   I got back in time to switch on and watch The Ladies Cycle Road Race at The Olympic Games - it was incredible.   I don't know how long it was (it took about four hours) but the same rider (Austrian) led from the beginning - tactics were thrown out of the window.  I hope Rachel was watching - if so she is much more knowledgeable than I on such things.  She was not expected to be in the medals at all  but she never once faltered.  W hat a surprise for those in the know.

A cup of coffee followed and a couple of chapters of my Book Group Book.   It is the meeting on the first Monday in August.   I have read the book before ('Never Let Me Go' by Ishiguro) but it is worth reading again - he writes well.

It is noticeably cooler today - just pleasant for the time of year.   As usual all the lavender plants I pass - and there are many on my walk - are covered with pollinators.   I stopped at one bush and roughly counted them - there were at least thirty bumble bees all different colours and sizes - all sated and covered with pollen; Summer is indeed in full flow.   Few honey bees around but as friends S and T say - there are maybe few hives around here.   I seem to remember from the days when my first husband and I kept bees that honeybees only go about a couple of miles from the hive.

When I was dead heading yesterday I saw the most beautiful snail on the fence.   I am going out in a short while into the back garden to sit in the sun.   I will take my camera with me and if it is still there I will photograph it and attempt once again to put the picture on here.   So I may or may not see you later.

The pesky snail had moved about an inch from yesterday - but that inch was slipping through the gap between my house and next door so I can no longer see it all.   I thought I would prise if off the wood and put it somewhere to photograph - I had no intention of harming it, it is far too beautiful - but by golly it had a hard grip or whatever snails have because I couldn't budge it.   I shall now go on line and see it I can see what it is - if I find it I will report back.


  1. I love the idea of you sitting out in the garden with a camera! The weather has returned to normal here too, a beautiful, normal summer's day!

  2. Perhaps now that your son is on school holidays he could take you to the hospital for your appointment. That would be lovely for you both. A day out with him and perhaps he could take you on a drive for a change of scenery.

  3. I wasn't watching the cycling as I have other things I do on a Sunday morning but I will watch the highlights tonight. I gather from my brother just now that the Taekwondo girl didn't get the gold and it went rather wrong.

  4. Unless it is something important like a cricket Test Match, I refuse to watch day time TV. I can understand why you do. I don't mind watching the athletics part of the Olympics, but the rest of it has little interest for me, especially now that they have introduced many other sports that to my mind, are a bit too far.
    You create your own little Olympics when you go out each day with Priscilla.

  5. You must have sewn the right plants for bees. I have a couple of flowering mint sprigs on the kitchen window sills, and the bumbles love it - or at least one does. I don't know if it's the same bee coming back for more.

  6. Snails can be beautiful. Somehow I find it easier to forgive them eating my plants than slugs.
    One summer, we grew beans, and there were vast numbers of slugs and snails intent on eating them. So we went out each evening at dusk, and collected up any we could see; over 700 in the course of the summer. Dave took them off on his bike the next day, and re-homed them in a verge 5 miles away, but I swear there were just as many in the garden at the end of the summer as when we started!

  7. A good ride by the winner.. apparently the time gaps were on the motorbike boards ( unlike the TdF,no riders/team radios) but the big hitters obviously didn't rate her plus they were waiting for the Dutch team to take up the chase.
    She was last in a top sponsored team in 2017 and is the Austrian time trial champ..looks like a few other riders didn't do their homework!!
    Well done on the walking. Hope you can get the transport arrangements done ok

  8. Here in the garden of our temporary home there are lots of snails, all quite large and beautifully coloured. Yesterday evening I was looking out of the window and saw a crowd of varied birds - crows, a magpie, blackbirds - all squabbling over something. When I looked through the binoculars I saw they were fighting over some very large snails. There will be a few empty shells out there today.

  9. The change of weather seems to have done your spirits a world of good.

  10. Looking forward to photos from your garden. Glad you are enjoying your day!

  11. Your tours in the garden and village are always interesting. I also enjoy seeing plants, snails, bees...when walking about. There is really a lot to see, if you just look carefully. Your cooler weather sounds invigorating as well. All the docs/clinics seem to want to text. Once they sent a text to my land line and of course I never got their message. Your upcoming appointment is important and I have no doubt that you will sort it in true Weaver form. Why not add a coffee/tea on the way home?

  12. Rachel‘s suggestion sounds good - why not make a day with your son out of it, or maybe with one of your friends who still drive.
    It has been raining on and off for good part of this weekend here, thankfully not enough to cause more flooding for the already affected areas.

  13. How nice to see lots of industrious bees among the lavender, now that would yield a lovely honey. You are right about walking and its value, my 14 pound dog keeps me walking two times a day; he loves it so much and notices everything.

  14. Cloudy and slightly damp on and off, but wonderfully cool down here. I felt almost energetic and got more done this morning than I have managed during the past week. I have lived on salads for days and must listen to the forecast to find out if I need more salad stuff or vegetables for the coming week. I hope I can remember how to cook!

  15. Never let me go is a fabulous book - though somewhat harrowing, set in a sort of recognisable and yet timeless England. One of the few books that genuinely made me shudder

  16. Perhaps your carer could text for you? Just a thought. I'm glad you're able to get out & about. Movement alone, whatever kind, is good for all living beings. I feel some days I don't get enough myself and I should try harder. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  17. I saw the second half of the cycling. I don’t know anything about it, but I did think it was sad that none of the other riders seemed to congratulate the winner - in stark contrast to the men’s race the day before.
    Julie B

  18. Julie I didn't notice that.
    Feminine Energy - Yes I have already arranged that.
    Yes Bike Shed - I feel the same about it - he is such a good writer
    Charlotte - what a noble thing to do with all those crawlies - they were lucky they chose your garden methinks
    Derek = agree about Priscilla and Olympics but hope nobody introduces the high jump

  19. I enjoy a good walk, although probably not as scenic. Still walking is a worthy endeavor

  20. I love that Derek said: "You create your own little Olympics when you go out each day with Priscilla". He is right you know and you should be proud!
    I've been watching the swimming on the Olympics and enjoyed that. They have also been showing Olympic skateboarding here and I had forgotten that had become an Olympic sport. It seems strange to me some of the things they have added.

  21. Bonniw - I have just been watching the skateboarding - looks very dangerous to me - probably needs a lot of skill but not sure I would call it a sport.

    Thanks everyone for your interest. Nowhere can I find that snail.

  22. Hi Pat...
    I've enjoyed catching up with your blog today... It seems a couple days go by before i can get on here... I hope you can soon figuring out taking pictures.. i miss seeing your photos occasionally ... Snails are a favorite of mine... i have several shells i want to craft with.. just not totally sure what to make with them... They are an orangy/tan color and are beautiful with the light shining through them.. Perhaps i can drill a hole in them and make some sort of mobile out of them.. Needless to say there are no live snails in

    I saw that bike race.. Amazing!! I heard the woman that came in second place for a moment thought she had won gold as she didn't realize there was someone in front of her!!! Thats how far ahead the first place finisher was!! Hugs! deb

  23. I do hope you find the snail on line!

  24. I don’t have cable…I do have Hulu and Netflix…no tv for me that has commercials…love your blog.

  25. I saw the very end of the Austrian girl winning the cycling. The Dutch girls really made a mess of it. It reminded me of a 5,000 metre running race I saw years ago, there was a 'pacemaker' who was doing his work, but the pack didn't keep up with him, and he ran off to win the race by almost a whole lap. All the favourites were dumbfounded!

  26. I saw on the news last night (Sunday) that London and West Kent had torrential rain and flooding during the afternoon but it missed us in North Kent. We are getting some rain, only in dribs and drabs, but it's better than the torrential stuff.

  27. It's a wonder that snail is out in the hot weather, concentrating on the smaller things in life is very soothing.

  28. I am hoping my son can work out the photo thin when he comes so watch this space.

  29. Snails can certainly keep a good grip on things when they want!

    Good to read that you're seeing so many pollinators, we're not seeing so many up here this year. Very few bumble bees or hoverflies.

  30. Just as many pollinators around this morning and just as hot here - no sign of rain but water in S James's Park in London over wellie tops yesterday.Thanks everyone.

  31. CRO that was 1981 and Ovett and co couldn't keep up with the pacemaker..who just carried on!


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