Friday 9 July 2021


 How quickly Fridays come round - it always seems to be Friday, have you noticed?   I got off to a quick start today as I knew my gardener and his assistant had promised to come.   I have friends coming over from The Lakes tomorrow for lunch and they are keen gardeners.    It is three weeks since my lawn was cut - it was in flower with Birds' Foot Trefoil and it really did look very beautiful - but not in keeping with the rest of the road - where everyone looks after their front gardens and takes a pride in them.

The two of them came around eleven o'clock.   D mowed the two lawns and J weeded the back garden.  I sat out on the patio with J and had a list of jobs which she did one by one - dead heading the roses, cutting off the lupin seed heads, that kind of thing.   While she was doing it we had a lovely chat - her best friend is J, my carer, so we had plenty to talk about.   When D had finished the lawns he too came into the back garden and planted the seven new plants sitting waiting to go into the unplanted part which is over run with mare's tail.   We have decided to plant it up.   It has had over two hundred bulbs in it and they have looked beautiful.   Now it is covered in tall, self-seeded poppies ina mixture of pink and purple and they too look beautiful.

They went after a couple of hours and the whole garden looks lovely I am pleased to say.   I am always sad that I can't be doing it myself but I suppose I must be grateful that I can afford to pay somebody to do it for me otherwise it would look such a mess.

 i caught up on today's stage of Le Tour.   There was a horrendous crash which has put two or three people out of the race for good.   Mark Cavendish again won the sprint section - such a joy for him.

I did intend to write something newsy but I find I am just too tired.   My job this morning with the gardeners was to get Priscilla to go back and forth to the water butt with the can and take the filled can over for the gardener to water in the new plants.Now we could do with a good rain to really welcome them in.   Showers are forecast so I am hoping a few of them fall on us.

Until tomorrow dear friends.......


  1. I would love to see a photo of your garden. It sounds delightful.

  2. And I was quite confused today. I really thought it was Saturday. How nice you got your garden in shape for your guests tomorrow. Now a good night's sleep and all will be ready.

  3. Your garden must be beautiful.

    Yes, I notice the day that comes around fast is Friday. Early Friday morning I have a moment of oh it is Friday again. I think it might be left over from when I worked 5 days, Monday to Friday.

  4. Your garden sounds so beautiful. Enjoy your guests tomorrow!

  5. I think the most commonly asked question in this house must be 'What day is it?'.

  6. Unfortunately we have rain forecast for this morning, could do without more of it but never mind. At the moment, next weekend is forecast to be hot and sunny, that'll be nice.
    I watch most sports but cycling isn't one of them.
    I shall enjoy the women's tennis final this afternoon. Two women of contrasting styles of play should make for an absorbing game.

  7. I am nog surprised you were tired when you wrote this at way past bedtime.

  8. How lovely your garden sounds - all those bulbs. Hoping that the Mare's Tail gets covered beneath your new plantings, even though it has several million years' start on them!

    Enjoy your guests today.

  9. You have quite a bit in common with Mark Cavendish. Did you hear him interviewed at the end of the stage? The interviewer asked him what he would like people to take from his historic 34th stage win, 13 years after he won his first. After thinking for a minute, he said 'Never let people tell you you can't do anything, however old you are'...Clearing your garage, watering the garden, entertaining the book club, walking your circuit...

  10. It seems you are coming to terms with mare's tail and allowing nature to take over.

  11. I would so love to see those Poppies.

  12. We've let our lawn grow for four weeks. Covered in white clover. And honey bees. Dangerous in sandals. Might give it another week.

  13. We have half of our front lawn as a meadow..with a mown strip round the edge and across the middle to show that it is intentional. It is wonderful to see all the wildflowers including orchids. The rest we trim to show willing!!

    That crash was awful.. narrow roads and no Armco.

  14. Great to see other people letting their lawns grow. According to my paper today, pristine, bowling green lawns are now out of fashion.

  15. CharlotteP has put it better than I could Pat.

  16. Your garden sounds lovely and it is nice that you have people to help you care for it. Maybe you could post some photos for us?

  17. This post was plenty newsy, dear heart. I love hearing about how others take care of their lawns and gardens. I'm glad you got that chore done and I picture you looking out your window this morning at the fruits of your & their labors. Have a beautiful day & I pray rain for your area. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  18. Like others here have said, photos of your garden would be lovely!
    I hope you had a good night‘s sleep after that busy Friday and have been enjoying a nice Saturday, too.

  19. You must get so much pleasure from your garden, even if you can no longer do all the work yourself. At least you have chosen the plants and design for the various areas, so can take pride in it.
    Hope you get some rain soon. It is still damp and muggy down here. We will swap you for some clear skies!

  20. It must have been nice just to get outside with the gardner and talk and enjoy the day.

  21. At present there is not a lot of colour in the garden - the poppies are just finishing and other herbaceous plants are not yet out. Also I have not yet worked out how to transfer photographs using my camers and new laptop. I will keep trying.


  22. Good luck with the photos Weave. I look forward to seeing them.

  23. Count me in on those who wish to see your garden. Perhaps one day when your son visits he could help you.
    Carol in 🇨🇦 Canada

  24. Your garden sounds wonderful. I, too, look forward to a few photos. Keeping the weeds out is ongoing for us all. Lately, the rain and humidity seems to accelerate weed growth. I pull a few weeds daily in an attempt to keep ahead of them. Rest easy tonight and hopefully you will feel refreshed tomorrow.


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