Thursday 22 July 2021

Early in the morning.

 Surely the very best time of day when the weather is like this - everything smells and feels fresh and clean, there is a stillness in the air and a quietness - that feeling that 'all's right with the world'  - a feeling which gradually disappears as the sun gets hotter and the news filters through and you begin to realise that in fact very little is right with the world.  So I shall cling on to it until The Times pops through the letter box and I switch on Breakfast television.  Hairdressers today so my weekly trip into town and my taxi arriving at twenty past nine to take me there.  Masks not obligatory but I shall continue to wear one - Covid lurks.   A dear very old friend has died in the village - of pneumonia which started as Covid I understand.   So in the last ten days that is two old folk who have passed on - very hot weather does not suit the elderly does it - one was 102 and one 95.  Both 'ready to go' to use their own words. 

It has been exceedingly hot here today - far too hot to even think let alone do.   But needs must and my pots all needed a good watering and dead-heading.   So Priscilla and I set to work as soon as we returned from the hairdressers.  Hard work for me - I have an outside tap front and back and both have hoses permanently fixed, so it was out with the scissors to dead-head and then a gentle watering - I did it morning and again after lunch.   I could almost hear the plants saying  'thank-you'.

I forgot to watch Hemingway this week so I shall now go, pour myself a coffee and watch it on iplayer.   My large thermos flask is filled with freshly-made Lazy Sunday coffee each morning by my carer - and it is such a good idea.   Keep cool.


  1. Hot here again on Sheppey and I have to say that this week has seen me the most relaxed and feeling good that I have all year so far, I just love this weather.
    The Hemingway series has been really good, apart from the awful bullfighting piece.
    I first went to Cuba for a holiday in 1996 and again a few years later, thoroughly enjoyed it.

  2. You must be going strong if you are still dead-heading and watering.

  3. Trouble is Rachel I can only do these things where my garden has no steps.

  4. We may get some rain later so I have held off watering today. It is very muggy out. I have a good book to read so I don't mind staying inside!

  5. It's going to be cooler tomorrow...thank God! And RAIN on Saturday!

  6. Very hot here too today. I was only out for an hour this morning and have spent the rest of the day indoors.

  7. Slight improvement here today - it was only 27 degrees indoors and 43 outside our back door! One more day to go?

  8. Ellen - I too have a good book to read so it does make it easier to sit and do nothing without feeling guilty doesn;t it?

  9. Our heatwave and humidity broke today. The heat is oppressive at 90-100 degrees. Watering the plants is important during the hot weather and I've watered daily too.

  10. Yes, you keep wearing the mask, please.
    We actually have had a very temperate summer. Only one week of choking hot temps.

  11. Hot here too; 34C yesterday. Old stone houses act rather like those old fashioned Storage Heaters, they absorb the heat and the house is still unpleasantly hot this morning. Rain forecast for the weekend.

  12. I get up early too; open all the windows and doors and get the house as cool as possible, then "shut up shop" as soon as it starts to warm up. I've even been living the Mediterranean lifestyle and taking a siesta during the heat of the day, though that's mainly because I nod off while reading. Stay cool!

  13. Gosh, these chats sound familiar - mid-day siestas (makes up for sleeping badly at night 'cos it's too darn hot), and watering round a couple of times a day (our house faces South) and of course, still wearing masks, social distancing and washing hands.

    Whilst we'd LOVE to go to the beach - 2 hours' driving in this heat is not much fun and half of Birmingham will be there ahead of us too, so we will leave it till mid-week when it has cooled a bit but still sunny - I don't ask for much do I?!

    Glad you are still able to water round the flat bits - the £30 we spent on a new hose with multi-choice spray was money well spent.

    I need to dead-head my Cosmos. The new roses have been flowering their socks off and I've just given them a mid-season feed as a reward.

  14. Still not hot here, just really pleasantly warm. Thunderstorms and rain are forecast for the weekend, so here's hoping that those areas already hit by the recent flooding won't be affected too badly.
    I love a fresh summer morning, but I also love the beautiful golden evening light and warm air for a sunset walk.

  15. Disappointingly it's a lot cooler and cloudier here today, presumably the much enjoyed, (by me at least), heatwave is now over but hopefully it will return before the autumn.

  16. I think long stretches of hot, humid weather wear on a person. We had some days like that last week. Two nights ago, the temperature dropped down to 12 degrees celcius and it was such lovely sleeping weather! You sound like you're being very sensible. We expect nothing less from you!

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. A lovely breeze down here today, but still very warm. So lovely to feel a breeze on one's face. You are obviously making excellent progress by managing to dead head and water your plants. I feel I am neither 'use nor ornament' in this weather and wake up to find I have had a siesta without planning it!
    I plan to wear a mask for the foreseeable future - I am not worried for myself but how do I know that I am not a carrier? So sad about your friend and the other person who died recently, but they each had a long life and hopefully a happy one.

  19. Hot here too.
    We are starting to rise earlier..pirate has a siesta most days.
    But why do TV companies put really interesting programmes on too late?!

  20. I remember my mother... years and years ago... packing a Thermos flask of coffee for my Daddy to take to work everyday. There was no such thing as a coffee pot out in the foundry and no such thing as a coffee machine out there either. Have a wonderful weekend. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  21. Thanks folks - almost too hot to blog but I would so miss you all.


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