Friday 16 July 2021


 The door locked and unlocked a dream.   This morning the lock slid open to let my carer in, then it locked easily when I went for an early morning walk round the block and unlocked easily,   Late morning H, my neighbour, brought me a love posy of deep purple sweet peas.   Luckily the window into the sitting room was open because the door wouldn't unlock.   Try as I may it was firmly locked and determined to stay that way.   Reluctantly I phoned the locksmith - he is a nice, genuine chap and  it is a hot afternoon and he lives in Northallerton, which is twenty two miles away.   He came immediately - it unlocked first twist.    I made him a cup of tea, he fiddled about with it and decided it was the heat (it is a very hot day and the door faces due South).   He is going to ring me on Monday to see how it has behaved over the week-end.   I made him a cup of tea, which he appreciated but he totally refused to accept any money for petrol for a forty odd mile journey.   I do feel guilty but it can't do anything other than express my appreciation.

It has been a really hot and humid day here and I struggled round and watered all my plug geraniums and all my pots.   I was surprised to find that they were not as dry as I expected them to be - the humidity in the air I expect.   The dreadful floods and loss of life in Europe  can, like so much extreme weather over the last few years, be traced to climate change and hopefully may bring about a co-operation between nations to do something about it.   Although I doubt it.

Le Tour finishes this week-end and I shall miss it.   Rachel and my son together have carried me through it and I am so looking forward to the final stage on the Champs Elysees  on Sunday afternoon. My fingers and toes are crossed for Mark Cavendish.  

Tomorrow dear friends for lunch.   I have just set the table - the speed at which I do things these days means I have got a half hour head start in the morning.   And they are coming specially early to help. 

See you after they've gone.




  1. Good that the locksmith is standing behind his work and not charging you. So nice to find good workmanship.
    Enjoy your visit with friends!

  2. So were you locked in or out? You mention a window that presumably if you were in you would have undone anyway. I am confused. However sticky locks are a worry. I suspect it was the heat. I have one similar in the hot sun and have to stop and start again with the key sometimes. Good luck to Cavendish on Sunday, he must be in with a good chance on the Champs Elysees.

  3. I presume you were inside Pat and the open window meant the flowers could be passed through but maybe I am wrong!!

  4. Oh dear what can the matter be...

  5. Scary when a door goes rogue. Glad you have a wonderful locksmith in the area.

  6. We've had eight or nine straight days of rain. I haven't watered plants. Germany is so sad, and our west coast is in flames.

  7. My doors on the north side of the house are hard to open between the rain and heat swelling the wood. The lock do stick then but with a push and shove it will open.
    iwinston wants to come over and bark at the lock. A good bark always helps, the bad bad lock needs a talking to.

  8. Sorry to hear about your lock but I'm glad the locksmith is standing behind his work. Finicky locks can be very frustrating. Enjoy your guests on Saturday!

  9. Your lock reminds me of our hot water! My wife shouted to me yesterday that there was no hot water, and that the heating system must have broken. I went to the tap, turned it on, and out came hot water. What she had been doing I still have no idea.

  10. Oh no! As long as you don't get locked out. Your locksmith sounds like a decent chap. X

  11. Well, if the sticky lock is due to the heat I suppose our climate means the problem should be short lived.
    You have reminded me of an incident during one of our trips abroad when the lock on the bathroom door seized up, with me still inside. I had to shout and bang on the door for a while before P heard me and forced it open.

  12. The locksmith sounds a very decent man, you are so lucky with all your service people - most of all your carer, of course.
    I am notoriously bad at handling keys and locks if they are not mine and I am not completely used to them.

  13. Why did Jaycee lock the bathroom door when on holiday with her husband. The mind boggles Jaycee.

  14. Mmmm, Jaycee, like Rachel says, the mind boggles at what the reasons could be.

  15. I used to be very concerned not to lock myself out with a Yale latch. I always checked carefully before leaving that my keys were in my pocket, so habitually and automatically, it was foolproof. One morning I had some work keys in my pocket.

  16. My back door on the south side sticks when it's hot, and opens easily once the temperature goes down. Very embarassing for you, though!

  17. Rachel and Derek... I like a little privacy for my ablutions. Regardless of how long we have been narried, a girl has to preserve some dignity!

    1. Oops. That should have read married not narried.

  18. How fortunate you have such an obliging locksmith. I am sure he didn't mind coming to your aid, but when things like that happen one does feel awkward.
    The floods and loss of life in Europe is dreadful. I do hope leaders around the world will begin to wake up to what is happening.

  19. Our bathroom door closes when we have company.

  20. Thank you for your contributions folks - too tired to reply to you all today.
