Sunday 13 June 2021


Never my favourite day of the week as families usually stay together and living alone I have a feeling of being left out.   I know other friends feel the same.   But today has gone quickly and has been enjoyed.   H, my friend and neighbour, came round for a cup of tea and a chat about this and that (usually about gardening as we are keen gardeners - or perhaps it is fairer to say we were in our younger days but find it physically too demanding these days.)

We enjoy our chats and have a look at the garden, although as my garden is on different levels we stay on the patio and view it from afar.   In addition to this taking up part of the day, my landline has gone awry and is not working.   My son kindly repor ted it for me and after a lot of three way chat between me, my son and BT they are coming to inspect things on Wednesday morning.

My carer came as usual - I enjoy her company as well as the care she gives me and I really miss her on the one Sunday each month when she doesn't come.

In spite of a weather forecast for it being very hot and humid it has not been like that here.   There has been a fairly strong Westerly blowing all day and it has certainly not been humid at all.   The Country File forecast this evening tells us that temperatures are set to fall considerably this week and thunderstorms are also forecast from mid week onwards.   Any moisture of any kind will be welcomed by everyone - gardeners as all the gardens are so very dry and watering is a chore and farmers because certainly round here first-cut silage has just about finished now and the fields need a good rain to persuade the grass to start growing again.  In a good year farmers often get three cuts of silage off the fields which means their cattle manage well throughout the winter for feed.   When you think that in the 'old days' farmers made hay, got just one cut off each field and made it into a haystack.   That had to last the cattle throughout the winter and anything else that the farmer hadn't grown had to be bought in - hence root crops were often added to the diet.   Nothing was wasted.

My late father in law, who had farmed all his life, would stand and watch my husband silage a field and watch his son (my farmer) collect in the silage.   Then he would go round each field with a wooden hay rake and rake all the bits and bobs of grass out of the hedge bottoms and pile it up so that my farmer could come and make another bale of silage with it.   Nothing was wasted.

Another Monday tomorrow and - for me - quite a busy week.   Tomorrow The Falls Team are coming for another follow up visit (so they say - I acually have it in writing this time), Wednesday BT are coming to inspect my landline and, as usual, Hairdresser on Thursday morning - quite busy for me at any rate.



  1. Another busy week ahead for you, Pat - I'm sure it keeps you on your toes, figuratively speaking anyway. My week is only half as exciting as yours as we still can't get our hair cut!

  2. My mum is more and more immobile but she loves her garden too - it gives her great joy and often says she'd give up her carers before she ever let John the gardener go!

  3. It seem you always find plenty to do.
    Any garden is wonderful even my desert one.

  4. How nice to share a cup of tea, chat and enjoy viewing the garden. Friends and neighbors are appreciated.

  5. Very hot here (33 C), but rain announced from Thursday onwards; hopefully only for a couple of days.

  6. Very hot here in Kent, with another 2-3 hot ones forecast to come - much appreciated after the cold April and wet May.
    Thunderstorms and torrential rain due later in the week, hopefully hot and sunny after that again.

  7. It's nice that you had a good visit with your friend today. This coming week sounds busy for you. I hope it is filled with many happy encounters!

  8. I dislike Sundays too, but mainly because my favourite walking routes become crowded with families. I usually end up walking as early as possible, which fits in well with the weather at the moment. I remember a German man, a former POW, who lived near us; he used to dig and harvest the corners of his fields by hand and thought his neighbours extremely wasteful.

  9. Your father in law reminds me of my Nan, Having lived through the deprivations of two world wars, and the shortages in the 1930s, one of her favourite comments was 'waste not, want not'. There was never any food thrown away in our house, and worn out clothes were re-fashioned for me, before being used as dusters or floor cloths. The fabric in clothes today is, sadly, not good enough to las a season, let alone refashion!

  10. Repeated texts this morning from BT to confirm they are coming when they saaid they would come, then to ask if anyone had covid symptoms, thento ask me to confirm that Istill needed them - each one requested an answer. So hopefully they will arrive on the day and at the time they have arranged.

    Thanks everyone for your contribution.

  11. Good to hear that in spite of having BT problems you still have your internet connection. I have always found BT reliable and good when sorting landline problems, many of which can be solved remotely these days, which I guess they will have already tried. Good luck.

  12. Busy days ahead for you, and I hope all works out well (Falls team and BT especially).
    It was hot and humid on Saturday but warm and pleasant all Sunday. We were outdoors all day, which I greatly enjoyed.
    Now I am in the middle of my last working day before the eye operation tomorrow morning.

  13. Glad you had a pleasant Sunday. I'm having my hair done on Wednesday. Hope you get the phone line back in action and that the Falls Team give a favourable report.
    Very hot down here which slows me right down to snail pace!

  14. Now that I am retired Sundays are like any other day for me. The days and weeks fly by, altho, I often do not feel too busy. I guess I must be busy enough, tho, and I am better off than many so I won't complain.

  15. Baking hot here on Sheppey and just been out for a long cycle ride along the sea front and then inland. Lots of people in swimming or sunbathing and mostly middle-aged or old people now that the kids are thankfully back at school. Guess there will be people who'd rather it was raining or freezing cold but I ain't one of them.

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