Tuesday 29 June 2021


 Hot weather and arthritis are not good bedmates.   It is very hot here again today in spite of the weather lady telling me this morning that this part of the country would not be more than 17.   With hindsight I should not have gone for my walk -  as soon as I had done The Times Mind Games - but it was too hot and I had a difficult job in getting back home and had to rest for the remained of the morning.   After lunch I took the plunge and washed a long cardigan for the first time - then stretched it out on a towel on the pebbles in the back garden.   It has washed perfectly so that is a plus.

Since then I had mostly sat with my feet up and now, at five in the afternoon, it is cooling down and hopefully I shall find enough energy to water my tubs again after my sardines on toast.

There is a programme on Ernest Hemmingway starting this evening and I want to watch that - plus the resume of Le Tour.   So hopefully In can have a restful evening.   My brain is barely in gear today so can't think of anything controversial to put on.

I watched Andy Murray yesterday and really enjoyed.   I was so glad he won - I thought his age was beginning to show but he perked up a bit towards the end.   And as for Le Tour - finishing with a dislocated shoulder.   My goodness they are tough.

See you tomorrow.


  1. You should come down here. It's cold.

  2. Yes, it seems those in professional sports are tough indeed. Sometimes the best I can do is watch on tv & that's as far as I can go. *haha* ~Andrea xoxoxo

  3. Rachel has said what I was going to say - it's chilly and drizzly in Suffolk, I'd like more sun and warmth preferably.
    Caught the end of the Tour today which finished just in time for watching England v Germany football - not sure how That will finish....

  4. It is 31C a the moment but feeling more like 37C - I would love some cooler weather. But - I'm told not to complain as the west coast has registered temps as high as 47.9C yesterday! IN CANADA!

    You sound very tired so have a bit of a rest and enjoy the tennis. I am currently watching the England vs Germany match!

  5. Cool this morning here and then quite warm after lunch. I was going to potter in the garden, then heard then cutting hay so had to shoot back indoors again. I am still trying to be careful with the pollen, and not push my luck. Sorry your walk exhausted you - hard to tell sometimes, until we get going, quite how hot it is!

    I haven't watched Tennis for years. Keith always has the racing on and I was sorting out books for the Bookseller to check out tonight.

  6. I long believed warmth was good for aches and pains. So sorry that isn't the case.


  7. We had torrential rain here for an hour over lunchtime, which flooded some roads and it has been cold and grey all day. Had to dry some washing in the tumble dryer for the first time since the winter.
    Another grey and showery day tomorrow to look forward and I don't think we'll be mentioning the word hot here for some time yet.

  8. It's always been hard work watching Andy Murray, no wonder you're weary today.

  9. So that is where the warmth is! It's been very overcast down here for days, quite chilly yet 'heavy' at the same time. Very exhausting. We could all do with some 'proper' weather!

  10. Be careful walking in the heat. Maybe you could take a shorter walk on hot days. Our Public TV network ran a very good series on Ernest Hemmingway recently. He was an interesting fellow.

  11. It is hot and humid here so I just road my Exercycle with the fan blowing on me instead of walking outside in the heat. Stay safe, Weaver!

  12. Finishing with a dislocated shoulder, and only a minute down! Do you remember the Tour when he crashed on a mountain stage and bounced off a telegraph pole? What a man!
    It was very warm today, after a cold start. I went out to walk Turb with a fleece and coat on, but was soon carrying them!

  13. I would be wary of walking in such heat. Do you take water? When I am that hot I do become light headed, and know it.

  14. Our thermometer on the shady side of the house says 42C this afternoon. It's like walking into a blast furnace. Thank goodness for air conditioning. My sister lives in BC and the temp in her town is 47.5 and she has no A/C. This is supposed to go on for a few more days yet! Yuck!

  15. Me and the Pug don't enjoy the heat at all and usually stay in the cool of indoors. Alan loves it though, although why anyone can find being a hot sweaty mess appealing I have no idea!!

  16. As Rachel and Sue in Suffolk have said.....it was chilly and rained most of the afternoon here in Herts!

  17. Joanne makes a good point. For me, heat coupled with high humidity is just sapping. Trying to push through with the added issue of chronic pain would be even tougher. Mind your distance in this heat and I'm sure you know to make sure you're drinking lots of fluid.

    Good heavens. Your comments sound like you have a dozen nannies dogging your every step! :D

  18. It's predicted to be between 90-100 degrees F with high humidity in Massachusetts, US. Sweltering hot. At 8 AM it was already 80 and rising quickly. I did everything I need to do outside in the morning. Hopefully everybody has some air conditioning to stay comfortable.

  19. Smaller Life - I ewmwmbwe my pug always kept out of the way when it was hot and walks were mentioned.

    Thanks everypme - am taking your advice and keeping indoors when it is really hot.

  20. Thanks everyone sorry about the spelling of remember above - didn't notice it until just now.
