Tuesday 22 June 2021

Another Day Bites the Dust

 How speedily the days fly by (especially when you're having fun) - it is not as though I do anything much these days - just living is about as much as I can manage.   It was my Tesco order day- due to come between nine and ten this morning.   It came at a couple of minutes past nine, just as I was managing to push Priscilla along the front path with my newly-potted Gazania (I brought it in last night as there is a threat of a frost (yes at mid-summer) here at present.

The sun was already out and within five minutes the one flower was out (they go in and out with the sun) - it is called 'Tiger Lily' and the flower  is exquisite).  I came back in, washed out the fridge and put the food away, taking some things out into the garage.   Standing in the garage I realised just how long it must be since I had cleaned the garage and so I started.   Bear in mind I can only walk with the aid of Priscilla and have to be constantly on my guard against falling over.   I cleaned out all the cupboards in the old sideboard, throwing away bits and pieces which have been there since I moved in four years ago (it is a good day to do it as it is bin day tomorrow).  I washed down the window sill and the top of the sideboard.   How much better it looked.   You know that feeling of satisfaction you get at a job well done?   Well I got it even if it did take me three hours rather than the half hour it would have taken me in my mobile days.

Since then I have done more or less nothing - just sat in the chair with my feet up and read the paper.  At tea time I took Priscilla round again to the front door and brought in my Gazania.   Already the sun was going in and it was chilly - after a pleasant, warm, sunny day.  Picking up the plant pot it radiated damp warmth - wonderful growing conditions - long may they continue - but oh how we do need rain.

Legs very wobbly tonight after too much mobility but nothing a good night's sleep won't put right.


  1. Cleaning out the garage - goodness me. I would usually save that for a cold, autumn or winter's day up here. I feel the need to make the most of every warm-ish, sunny day we get at the moment so I sat out in the garden with a G&T this afternoon!

  2. How rewarding to have tackled quite a bit task, even if you did get wobbly legs. Such a good feeling to know we can still be quite useful!

  3. It sounds to me that you had every right to take satisfaction from your days achievements.

  4. You've done a lot more than me today Weave.

  5. My goodness! Look at you go!

  6. Yet another few hours rain this morning, that's rain part of every day since last Weds. but after waiting for the wind to dry things out, I managed to mow all my lawns. At 8.50 this evening I've finally seen the sun for the first time since last Thursday, just as it begun setting. Oh for a hot, dry day.

  7. You are amazing! You've definitely done more than I have. It's given you every right to s good night's sleep !

  8. Gosh, you've achieved a lot today. I did a stop-gap wipe down of (just) the top shelf in our fridge and then lost heart as I need to clear ALL the little jars of this and that in there, take it out and clean it (and the two below it) properly in the sink . . . Tomorrow is another day . . .

    Keep on going on, even though it takes longer than it used to. I think I may have a Gazania I got from a shop down the town, she said what it was and it went in one ear and out the other, but does LOOK like a Gazania. Gosh, frost in mid-summer though - that shouldn't be happening.

  9. That is a good, productive day! Well done!

  10. Gazania (Treasure Flower) is a lovely garden addition but really does enjoy heat and sunshine - hope yours continues to do well. If not, send it to me Pat, lol! No shortage of sun and heat, plus today it's raining cats and dogs again!
    Take care doing all that work - want you safe, and no falls!!!!
    Sweet dreams.
    Mary - in steamy North Carolina.

  11. I think you've done more than the rest of us put together! Not surprised that you've brought your tender plant in...I just put a hot water bottle in my bed. Even so, this temperature suits me much better than last year's 30 plus degrees!

  12. JayCee - G and T in the afternoon?? Not before sundown for me.

  13. Wow you've been productive! Our garage definitely needs a good seeing to... however I suspect that the only way I'm going to be able to do it is with a machete or a flame thrower ..... 🙄😁

  14. That was a good deal of work I can relate to. My cleaning is done with one hand, cane in the other.

  15. That's quite a job cleaning the garage! You certainly deserved a good rest with your feet up. I do love the feeling of satisfaction you can get seeing a job well done. Bravo!

  16. Well done on your big cleaning job, hope you have a more restful day today to make up for it.
    My garage is the one place that is still in a muddle after moving - no rush- it will never have room for the car anyway!

  17. I truly admire you for how you're keeping up with things, your motivation to have everything around you spic and span! Well done!
    It's been raining on and off here, and temperatures very pleasant between 22-24 Celsius during the day - perfect growing weather, and it shows in the gardens and on the fields around here.

  18. Yesterday it was so cold, that I put the heating on, only to find all the radiators ice cold. Some thought later and I remembered turning them all off a few weeks back. Heating in June for goodness sake.

  19. Thanks everyone. I am a bit tired today but my limbs feel freer and I have managed my usual walk round the block.
