Tuesday 1 June 2021

A Lovely Day

 What a lovely day I have had today.   My son's wife was having a stairlift fitted and to get out of the way while they were working (the staircase comes down into the sitting room) they were coming to lunch.   It is the first time they have been inside my house, or anyone else's in fact, since the beginning of Lockdown.   In the event the stairlift men had made a mistake and it is next Tuesday they are coming so I get two visits for the price of one.

What a lovely day I have had and how lucky I am.   My lovely carer turned up with a quiche (my son is vegetarian and that way we could all eat the same thing), a  bowl of home made potato salad and a plate of cakes.   So there was not much for me to do - a salad to make, jacket potatoes to put in the oven.   I had made  tomato soup in my soup-maker yesterday and we were having ice cream (it is a gloriously hot day) for pud.

We sat in the garden the whole afternoon chatting and listening to the rooks in the trees.   The farmer has cut the field over the wall today for silage (brings back memories) and the smell of grass was beautiful and added to the feeling of Summer.

We had tea at six and then watched an episode of Star Trek - they are avid nightly watchers.   After they had gone I tidied round and emptied the dish washer.   My son protested loud and long that he should do it but I knew if I let him put everything away I would then spend an hour putting it all in the right place after they had gone.

It is now one minute past ten and I am falling asleep at the wheel as it were.   See you tomorrow.


  1. Isn't it lovely to start having visitors again! My sister came and sat in the sunshine with us for a few hours yesterday, and it almost felt like the last year had passed in the blink of an eye. Probably because no one has done that much since we saw them last!

  2. What a lovely day.
    My Daughter came over this afternoon to help me and as she left we waved goodbye and didn't hug because it has been so long and we are use to not hugging. We both laughed.

  3. This sounds like a very happy and special day! It's wonderful the weather was nice for sitting out and your meal sounds delicious. I love the joy I hear in your voice as I read this.

  4. Two visits for the price of one, I love that and I know you do too. Vegetarian quiche sounds ideal for your lunch.

  5. So glad you could spend the day with family ... you really needed that!

  6. That was a wonderful day. I'd take it in a minute.

  7. So very happy you got a nice, long, delicious visit with your son and daughter-in-law. Sounds like a lovely day all around!

  8. The smell of fresh cut grass & precious visitors. I don't think life gets any better. I'm so glad you had such a good day. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  9. That sounds like a lovely day all around. I love the smell of the first cut of hay. -Jenn

  10. Here the continuous going too and fro with the great trailers of silage carries on into late evening, the cows will be well fed this coming winter. Lovely isn't it to be able chat face to face with family?

  11. That sounds indeed very lovely, and your lunch was sumptuous!
    The smell of cut grass is something that instantly gets me into summer mode, I love it!
    Hopefully, next week the stairlift people will do their job without more mistakes.

  12. That sounds like an idyllic day, and if the weather carries on you might get another one next week. This weather is perfect and much needed after so many wet and dismal days. I am so warm now that I keep thinking I must turn the fire down, and then realise that of course, it isn't on!

  13. I’m so happy for you - that lovely visit from family sounds like a well deserved tonic. I’m sure you were smiling all evening. x

  14. What a perfect day! I'm so pleased for you. They must have been very impressed to have a 3 course lunch!

  15. By the way, your opening line for Rachel’s story would have definitely drawn me in.

  16. At first I thought the stairlift was for you, but then I remembered you don't have any stairs. That would have been a waste.

  17. That does sound like a perfect day !

  18. Tom - thank you - you always make me laugh!

  19. That sounds like a lovely day ... and the best bit is you can repeat it all again next week. I have my fingers crossed for some more nice weather for you.

  20. That was an ideal day! We treasure it more now after the long wait.
    You can look forward to another visit next week! How nice... the workman's error turns into a bonus for you!
