Wednesday 12 May 2021

Yet again

 Well,  it happened yet again.   The Falls Team were coming to assess my walking with Priscilla but rang to say they wouldn't come as they didn't think I should walk out in the rain (don't know whether they were thinking of themselves, me or Priscilla).   Now they are comingnext Monday.   Don't know what will happen if it is raining then.   Anyway, I put on my anorak and did the longest walk I have done since I came out of hospital.   It didn't rain and the sun beat down on my head and was really Spring-warm.   Bliss.   Strangely I missed my little Tess - after all this time.   It was a walk we often did together.

After lunch (delicious as usual) I had three letters to write  or rather type.   I suppose it is to do with my age but I do find I have to keep writing letters in order to be able to do it logically and without getting in a muddle.   Anyway I managed it, printed them off, wrote the addresses on the envelopes, stamped them and walked with Priscilla over the road to put them in the post box.   And that was the only time it rained.   Luckily we didn't get very wet as it is but a short distance.

Now it is almost time for Rick Stein in Vienna (I am expecting cream cakes - glad I am looking at the rather than eating them).  Anyone who remembers Gwil having a blog will think about him as he lives in Vienna.

As I type this the evening sun is blazing down on to the screen of my computer.   Are we getting Summer at last?   I do hope so.



  1. Another very warm and mostly sunny day here on Sheppey.

  2. That's Social Services for you.

  3. Here in Missouri the cold weather just won't let go of us. It gets down in the low
    40F degrees, and doesn't warm up too much during the day. This is unusual for as late in May as it is. We have had a few warm Spring days and that is all. A lot of rain , too.

    It sounds like you are doing really well with your walker and getting around a lot in your neighborhood. My husband and I got our second covid vaccinations and this coming weekend we will be able to hug and hold our new little grand daughter who is four months old now and our Grandson who is 11, and our daughter. I just can't wait.

  4. Hope you put your thumb to your nose, wiggled your fingers and went thpppppp.

  5. So pleased you managed a longer walk today. It was beautiful here this morning and there was a real scent of May in the air. It rained late morning and for most of the day, but not on me.
    I have to avoid cookery programmes as they always make me want to eat something, but I love seeing the places they visit which I am never likely to see for myself.

  6. It's s bit of a beggar if you can get out for a walk and they couldn't! Well done you.

  7. Tasker - my mother taught mme that was rude! But I felt like doing so.
    Heather - Vienna looked pure bliss.

  8. It sounds like the Falls Team may not like rain! You seem to have enjoyed a wonderful walk without getting wet. Take care!

  9. The Falls Team sounds like a children's cartoon from the 1960s.

  10. If the Falls Team is not showing up, why not see an orthopedic MD specializing in hip surgery/recovery. A good specialist is usually worth their weight in gold and they do provide answers. I like second opinions when quality of life and mobility is at stake. The sunshine was brilliant here as well. My day was spent at sea.

  11. I have just come in from covering my azalea for yet again a 3rd night! A frost warning came through on hubby's cell phone... and I received an email from my oldest daughter too, about taking caution. It's 50 and nice during the day but the nights are still near freezing. I'll be glad when that's over & done. Take good care. ~Andrea xoxo

  12. Our cold weather is supposed to lift this week. My amaryllis still has two leaves.

  13. I often wonder what happened to Gwil. I always enjoyed his contributions.

  14. It's very easy for them to make that kind of excuse, but not really acceptable. It's slowly getting warmer down here but not much drier yet.

  15. Here in Suffolk the sun is warm when it appears but the days are still chilly. Well done for doing a longer walk, at this rate by the time the Walks Team get to you you'll be doing marathons!

  16. Tess is still with you...just you can't see her. x

  17. That long walk sounds so good! I understand very well that you missed Tess, I get these bouts of missing my cats sometimes, too, triggered by specific situations.
    Hopefully, the Falls Team will keep their next appointment and have some useful advice for you.

  18. Charlotte P - what a nice thouhjy - cheered me up no end. Thank you

    As usual - thanks to everyone for commenting.

  19. My nephew and his family live in Vienna. It's a beautiful city!
