Thursday 6 May 2021

The Disappearing Post

 I typed this post earlier in the day and saved it for later but when I returned to retrieve it it had disappeared for ever.   There was nothing particularly earth-shattering on it, apart from just mentioning that I heard on the News - and I am sure most of you did - that a woman - I rather think they said it was in India - had given birth by Caesarean Section to nine babies none of them weighing in at more than a kilogram, and that all were doing well.  Not sure what to make of it when the world is so over populated and Covid is taking out so many people, but there we are, like it or not.   I am sure you all have views one way or another.

The May weather continues to feel like March weather - wet (showers - snow on Penn Hill, which I can see from my sitting room window), windy and very cold.   Central heating still going full blast.   I have not been on my usual walk today, it is too unpleasant, although at last the sun has come out and the rain has stopped.  I had my usual taxi down to the hairdressers and he collected me half an hour later.   After eating my lunch (brought for me by my carer) I gathered together polish and dusters, took everything off the Welsh Dresser in the hall and polished the dresser well.  Then I cleaned everything and put it all back.   Now the hall smells lovely of polish and the dresser shines - a good job done, but it tired me out and I fell asleep in the chair.

At tea time I realised I had in the fridge the perfect ingredients for my favourite snack tea and had a jacket potato stuffed with soft cheese, coleslaw and sea salt.   It was delicious.

I shall now go and read my obligatory daily chapters of 'The Count of Monte Cristo' by Alexander Dumas - our Book Group choice for the first Monday in June.   854 pages of small print.   I absolutely must read several chapters a day in order to reach the end by then.   Actually it is not a bad read and I am sure once I get past half way and am on the downhill slope I shall enjoy it more.

See you all, metaphorically speaking, tomorrow.


  1. Snow in the lake district too I heard - skiing there evidently.

  2. Isn't it satisfying to have completed a domestic task and enjoy the results? You earned your nap. I have been cold all day here in spite of warm clothes and heating. It seems awful to have it going full blast in May. I can't think how I managed to live in the north for 9 years without central heating. Obviously I was younger and much tougher than I am now!

  3. Drizzly and gray here on the California north coast. Mild temps, but we're expecting crazy gusts of winds tomorrow. This is quite a spring both there and here.
    I'm glad you got some tasks and chores done. It does feel good.

  4. Heather - I often think that about heating - how did we cope.

  5. I have just finished the Marcel Pagnol book you recommended and enjoyed it thoroughly. What a delightful view of a wonderful part of France and a different time!

  6. Snow here in Scotland on the hills in the distance and it snowed in Dumfries this morning. It has been bitterly cold and windy all day - far too bad to garden and I don't give in easily. Like you not sure what to make of nine babies - would not cope with that many all at once myself!!

  7. It is cool and windy here today. I am reading 'It Is Always Like This'.

  8. It's like March in May here too.

  9. Very cool here too. After several days of rain the grass is above my ankles and tomorrow I will mow. The yellow blooming magnolia tree (Elizabeth) is in full bloom. A beautiful light floral scent is wafting and even reaching the patios and decks. 9 babies is unheard of. Really quite a feat for this mother.

  10. The news of 9 babies being born, in India of all places, currently in the thick of the Covid epidemic quite honestly shocks me. Every day we see on TV the pleas for money to provide clean water, food for starving children, accompanied by harrowing film of dying babies, their tummies swollen and their huge staring eyes, their shrunken bodies . . .
    How can money stop them dying? Surely the problem needs to be treated at the source - by limiting the number of babies being born. There aren't enough resources to sustain the ever-growing population - though the pandemic seems to be Nature's way of remedying the situation.

  11. Our weather is not improving, either. Getting old!

  12. Isn't it frustrating when you type something up and it disappears on you! I imagine that has happened to most of us in one way or another. We are having much cooler weather here this week too. We keep going back and forth this spring. I haven't seen any news today and did not know about the nine babies. That sure is a lot of babies to have, especially in a country with the pandemic going so bad now.

  13. Last night I lit our fire for the first time in weeks. Brrrrr.

  14. The babies were born in Morocco to a woman from Mali who was taken to Morocco for the birth.

  15. Heavens! You have excellent sight if you can still read small type - I certainly can't. I've started reading on my iPad, as I can increase the size of the font. I also find I need better light than I did previously. You are amazing!

  16. It's really frunstrating when you spend ages typing something and it disappears. It happened to me, too, yesterday - I think I accidentally hit 'shift' or 'ctrl' with my left hand, so beware of them!
    All that work on the dresser would definitely make up for not walking.
    If it's as lovely a day with you as we have here, it's a great one for walking today

  17. Yesterday saw nothing but rain here, really good for the woods and fields - and also for us, a day of complete rest that allowed me more reading in one day than what Imusually get in during a whole month! My eyes weren‘t happy, but I was. Today is going to be more active again.

  18. We drove up to Ramsey on Wednesday to meet friends for coffee. Looking across the Irish sea from the promenade we could quite clearly see all the snow on the Cumbrian peaks. Brrr.....

  19. Isn't it annoying when a post just vanishes when you go back expecting it to be there, it always feels such a chore to try and redo what came more naturally the first time.

    I've just been chatting to my son, who was sitting out in Windermere drinking coffee and had just driven past all the snow covered hills on his way to see me. It's such chilly weather for May isn't it, we had hailstones come down halfway through a doggy walk the other day that scared poor Mavis to death.

    Hope you have a good weekend. xx

  20. Chris - I am so pleased you enjoyed the Pagnol book.
    Rachel - thank you for re locating the mother with the nine babies - certainly an improvement to where I thought they were born.

    We all seem to be experiencing the same weather if that is any comfort.

    Also quite comforting that everyone loses a post now and again. Quite often pressing control and right clicking brings up undo and prees that and bring it back. But not this time.

    Thanks for visiting everyone.
