Monday 17 May 2021

Sunshine and showers

 The weather has been so variable today.   I awoke to pouring rain but by nine o'clock there was blue sky and the morning sun was shining beautifully.   I had to stay in all morning because The Falls Team had promised to come and walk round the estate with me to check on my walking progress, so all through the sunny morning I had to stay in doing various jobs, doing the Mind Games in The Times (a must every day) and then heating up my lunch of roast chicken with roast and mashed potatoes, sprouts, carrots, green beans, cabbage and cauliflower cheese (delicious).   The time came for the Falls Team and they rang to say they couldn't come as the hand brake had gone on their car.

The sun was still shining although not quite as confidently but I put on my waterproof anorak and set off with Priscilla.   My ankle is very painful today - a sure sign that there is rain around (I have this on the good authority of my Physiotherapist, who assures me that arthritis is greatly affected by the air pressure) - so my progress was much slower than yesterday.   We took the long route and today, now that Lockdown has eased somewhat, I called on friend J.   Because I can't walk without my dear Priscilla I couldn't go in but she was delighted to see us and we stood for half an hour chatting in her porch.

When I looked up at the sky I saw huge black clouds approaching so I set off for home (uphill all the way) - I was stopped once by a masked driver who I didn't recognise but who introduced himself as Mr W - my butcher of many years ago!   We chatted for a while and then I pointed out the clouds, now almost upon, and set off for home once more.   As I pressed the button to activate the garage doors the heavens opened - just home in time and it has rained all afternoon.

Now, as I write this, the sun is coming through again after several loud claps of thunder.   I am feeling rather pleased with myself as I chose the wrong time for the delivery of my Tesco order and could not see how to change it.   I sent them an e mail, had one by return and changed the time.   My brain is not dead yet.   I know if I don't use it I shall lose it but often the easy option would be to ask my son to do it for me.

The only other job I have done today is to ring my gardener, D and ask him to pop round and tie up my irises.   They are almost out and this year (their second) there are six stems.   Strong winds are forecast for later in the week and last year the same happened and one stem was snapped off.   He promised to come and do it - I can no longer get up the steps to do the job myself.


  1. The Falls Team should be called the Fails Team.


  2. Is that the second or third time the Falls Team have failed to turn up?
    Good job it's not a life or death thing!!

  3. I agree that your Falls team seem a little unreliable?
    You seem to have managed quite a lot of standing and chatting though. I hope you are not too tired after all that.

  4. I will repeat the comment I made last time, that's Social Services for you.

  5. Falling is no light matter; it can have grave consequences, especially with the elderly. The concept of 'Falls team', however, sounds rather peculiar.

  6. DUTA, our Local Authorities are full of such acronyms and strange team names. I used to work for the MASH Team. This was a team involved at the sharp end of social services for the protection of children and stood for Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub.

  7. My mum is very immobile and has a small team (army!) of helpers - but she too is sharp as a pin and enjoying life as it is - her garden is her absolute joy. She can't walk far even with a walker and I wonder if she will use her electric scooter again after COVID - it was a godsend for two years though, giving her more freedom than her car as she couldn't get from it to the shops even if she did drive it into town. On the scooter she had a little routine and route of shops and coffee bars to visit - they all knew her of course and she very much enjoyed the company and fresh air.

  8. You are all quite correct about the Falls Team - they are unreliable.

  9. That’s incredible! That Falls Team is a joke!

    Is their assessment of any value to you? Would you get extra hours of home assistance if they deemed you needed it ? Or conversely loose help if you’re doing too well? Or are they simply ‘ticking the box’ to sign you off? I think what I’m getting at is - what benefit is it to you , for you to put yourself out for them? If the answer’s “none”, I think you’ve been plenty cooperative, and they’ve had their three chances!

  10. How frustrating for you that the Falls Team canceled again. I am glad that you were still able to get your walk in and also some nice visits with friends. What good luck for you to arrive home just in time before the rain!

  11. Is your Falls Team collecting some sort of payment for services even when they are not showing up? I think I would check with my doctor or whoever ordered them to visit you and find out.
    You are doing a better job of keeping yourself healthy and on your feet than they are!

  12. It seems to me that you are managing admirably without the Falls Team. Lately it has been a bit of a gamble judging the timing of a proposed walk! I have been mostly successful but did get a soaking one day last week.

  13. If you can stand and talk for half an hour, you're doing really well. My Mom uses a Priscilla, and can only manage to stand for 5 minutes, max. Keep up your good work'll keep improving!

  14. I think that you'll find that you will gain strength as summer comes on. Winter is a hard time to keep an outdoor exercise routine.

  15. A good walk was had and meeting people along the way makes the venture even better. Best of all you missed the downpour, getting home just in time. Unless there is some benefit directly to you, I would not be available for the Falls Team. Are these people specialists and what value do they have?

  16. Your physio is correct. It's been two or three years since I broke my leg, and some days it's fine and some days I sure know it's there.

  17. You are lucky that you can afford the kind of Carer that you have, otherwise you would probably also find the carers provided by Social Services are of a similar poor standard. My experience of carers in both Kent and Surrey recently has been that they have very limited time and little compassion.

  18. Perfect timing for your walk, good job you were home just when the rain started again, and nice to know you had the chance to stop for chats as well.
    I agree with the first comment - the Falls Team should be renamed Fails Team...

  19. Thank you for your upbeat comments - it is things like this that make me try harder.
