Saturday 8 May 2021


 Yes -  I assure you.   Half past eight this morning huge blobs (can't call them flakes, they were too big for that) of snow falling and they have fallen on and off all morning.   The weather man assured me that with the snow/sleet (didn't see that) would come much noticably warmer weather.   Can't say I have noticed that yet - I just opened the front door to have a look and I was met by an icy blast.   There is a shepherd's pie in the microwave, left there by my carer - so sorry folks but it calls.   I shall save this first paragraph and return refreshed.

The shepherd's pie was beautiful - don't know how many shepherd's were used in its construction but by golly it was tasty.   Served with savoy cabbage, peas, carrots and mange-tout and of course a cheesy mashed potato topping - bliss.   A ham sandwich for my tea and that is me satisfied for today.  (maybe a bit of coleslaw in the sandwich too).

It appears to have stopped raining at long last but I don't know whether I dare set out on my 'round the block' walk in case it starts raining again.   There is not a vestige of blue sky anywhere - and it is May 8th - on dear.

As is quite often the case here at the week-end, nothing at all appears to be happening.   Everyone has 'gone to earth' (can anybody else out there remember that film?)   The outcome as far as I am concerned is that I can't think of anything else to tell you today.   Except I heard on the one o'clock News that the Police have arrested someone in connection with the terrible murder of the Police Support worker last week - a crime which I am sure has touched the whole nation.   That can only be good news.   At least it is some kind of break through.

Until tomorrow dear friends......


  1. Rain early this morning here on Sheppey soon changed to cloudy and windy and now, at 16.05, it is cloudy/sunny with gusty winds bringing very humid temps. with them at 18 degrees.

  2. I am always so delighted to hear of the lovely meals your carer provides for you. A treat indeed and also a nice surprise for you every day. You have the most comfortable life of anyone I know of in your age group, and you deserve it as you keep yourself so sharp and so involved.

  3. I've been musing about your comment yesterday on the council elections and on the value of putting oneself forward as a "nonsense" candidate.
    We all know of people who stand year after year in the general election on wildcat tickets - eg the Monster Raving Loony Party.
    I see no harm in it. It sometimes pricks the pomposity of the "serious" candidates and if it encourages the act of getting out and voting, well and good.
    What really saddens me are the people who don't vote at all.

  4. Ugh. Snow. Glad for your cozy day inside. It is still cold here. Frost warnings last night, chance of snow this morning in the mountains. It made me glad not to live in the mountains.

  5. Thanks for your useful comment Anne.

    Sun shining at 4.48pm - off for a walk with Priscilla.

  6. I believe you won't be complaining about the heat this summer. It is going to be a cold one.

  7. You certainly eat well! No snow for us in Ontario, but night time temps will be dipping below zero. At least I don't feel guilty about not planting my vegetable garden yet! -Jenn

  8. We had hail, snow and thunder here in Derbyshire this week. It's been perishing cold all week but just now has warmed up a bit - unless it's me getting a bit of a glow on from scrubbing the shower cubicle.
    It's definitely shepherd's pie weather! You can't beat a good tuck-in for cheering up, regardless of the weather.

  9. Sorry your weather is so cold. Hope it warms up soon! It has been chilly here too but at least we have a bit of sun today. Stay well!

  10. It's been raining on and off here all day. The forecast for tomorrow looks more promising. X

  11. Snow?? I shan't complain about our wet and windy day then.

  12. We were planning to go to the monthly Farmers Market in Gainsborough this morning but changed our minds when we saw the weather. It has rained non stop all day.

  13. Snow in May should be illegal, by golly!! I've heard we're supposed to get a spattering of it too, here in Indiana. How can that BE?!! ~Andrea xoxo

  14. I have just been round the block with Priscilla - sunny and much warmer after the snow/rain of earlier today. lOTS OF BLUE SKY - SHARP BREEZE

  15. Wales the same as Yorkshire - at least in the bad weather not in having snow. The rivers flood so quickly here as the ground is still sodden from the winter. I went out with Oscar and was soon soaked - not sure who was most displeased me or the dog! Whippets and water do not mix well.

  16. Heavy rain down here this morning but it eased off long enough for me to get my short walk to the paper shop, but I did get a bit wet coming home. I am not surprised you have had snow. I haven't felt really warm for a few days and we have had what I call 'fat rain' showers. Not exactly hail or snow but rain with bits in it!
    Roll on some more sunshine.

  17. Weaver. . . Snow ! cooler weather for Tucson also. Only 90 today a nice cool down from yesterday. I am turning my pool on today !

  18. Lots of rain here today...washed all the mud off my car! Onto the drive...
    Lovely stir-fry with prawns and pilau rice (cooked in bulk and frozen in portions). Delicious, but your cheesy shepherd's pie has the edge, I think.

  19. We all seem to be having very erratic weather this spring. It has been quite cool here in Missouri all week but at least we did not have any more snow. I'm glad you were able to get out and have your walk after all and I hope you enjoyed it. Your carer sure does prepare some wonderful meals for you. Your description of the shepherd's pie has made me hungry!

  20. I also had snow this morning. Yes it was the big heavy wet flakes.

  21. As you head into the warmer months we are heading into our winter. Except I think it's warmer here in Melbourne that where you are!!

  22. It is cold here, too, dear Weaver, and the only good news is I do recall it was the same one year ago.

  23. It is discouraging to see snow in May. No doubt about it. It was in the high 40's here and cloudy all day. I ordered a truck load of loam/compost mix and it delivered today. This will top dress all my garden areas and amend the lawn where necessary. We are all looking forward to some sunshine a warmth. Your meat pie sounds delicious, especially good on a cold day.

  24. Can you believe it; it was 28 C here yesterday. My wife kept going indoors because it was 'too hot'. I do sometimes wonder if the death penalty shouldn't return for certain murderers! That was my first thought when I heard he'd been arrested.

  25. All murders are terrible. The police are investigating murders every day. Murder victims are part of daily death figures. Why single out this one?

  26. Cro, we have those 28 degrees here today, it is really odd how from one day to the next we went from long sleeves to t-shirts and the same people who were chasing every ray of sun they could get to are now doing what they can to stay in the shade.
    Pat, I want a shepherd‘s pie now, too! Good to know you went out for a walk after all.

  27. Have you been watching the grim replacement of Line of Duty? I get a bid fed up with torture and violence all the time. Oh well, at least it's in Denmark.

  28. No Tom - I don't watch programmes like that - bear in mind I live alone and it is late Charlotte P - I would swap if we lived next door - I adore prawns.

    Thanks everyone - not sure I get any comfort at all from knowing that you all have the same awful weather.

    Maybe comfort though - so thanks for calling.

  29. So sorry to hear of your really unseasonal cold weather - and snow seems impossible in May!
    Mother's Day here and we had a glorious day with 80F, full sun and a strong breeze. Honestly just perfect. We sat outside at a coffee shop in the afternoon followed by outside on a friend's deck for a celebratory drink later - thinking of all the wonderful mothers in the world!
    Stay warm and safe dear Pat.

  30. Unseasonal weather all round. News this morning that the growing of tea will be difficult because of climate change. Can you imagine life without a cup of tea?
