Monday 3 May 2021

At Last!

At long last it has arrived.   Alright, so it is on May Bank Holiday,  but if you are a gardener (or like me are 'past it' but pay somebody else to do it for you) you will be happy to see it raining steadily.   Over here in the East of the country it is not actually pouring but there is a nice, steady rain falling and already the plants are perking up, although they need a lot more rain yet to catch up.

And it must be even more stimulating for those of you who are growing veggies.   I wish I could tinker about with veggies.   I read Cro's posts about what he is harvesting (and mouth-wateringly cooking) and am green with envy (at least I am appropriately coloured). 

Priscilla and I have stayed in today.   I intend to do my exercises later but see no point in walking out when it is wet and windy.   This morning was a double Zoom session Book Group when we all spoke about what we had been reading over the Summer (as well as Shuggie Bain I have also read some Ishiguro and have just this minute sent for 'Never Let me Go'  another of his. )  There is a lovely Alan Yentob interview with him on iplayer - I watched it yesterday and enjoyed it hugely.

The other thing I did yesterday was to watch the final of 'Young Musician of the Year' - and what an inspiration that was  - to see three young people so dedicated to music.   The winner was a young Xylophonist - inspirational indeed.

In an hour and a quarter I have another Zoom chat with friends.   That just gives me time to pour a coffee from the flask my carer leaves for me, put my feet up and watch Escape to the Country.   I love to see the different parts of the ountry - some of which I know well - but am not usually enamoured of the houses they visit - still each to his own.  See you tomorrow...


  1. I would be happy to see it raining - only isn't and probably won't be. Just had a look at the rainfall radar and the majority of the heavy rain forecast for us now appears to be staying north of the M4.

  2. If you were a farmer in the arable farmlands of England you wouldn't mind if it was Holy Mary Mother of God and every Saints day and every bank Holiday rolled into one and it was raining. The only thing is, it isn't raining. Enjoy your day,

  3. It is raining here. A good day to get inside things done and to make a stuffed chicken breast for supper.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. It is almost four and time for my next Zoom. It is absolutely pouring with rain here and already the plants are looking happier.

  6. I loved Never Let Me, and yet found it wholly disturbing at the same time - marvelous writer

  7. It has been pouring down here in West Wales since about 8/9am this morning, and yes, I am relieved. No more watering with a hose for a while, hopefully. It's also been very windy here, so not much fun for any tourists that are about on the Bank Holiday.

  8. Absolutely pouring with rain here, too. Tomorrow's forecast is not much better.
    It was lovely to enjoy a cup of tea with a friend this afternoon; she has a covered patio, screened with thin fabric (which actually makes a very good wind break), and a halogen heater, which only costs 18p an hour to run. We were snug and comfortable under our fleece blankets. With some home-made cake, it was a real treat. Who would have predicted things like this 18 months ago?

  9. I have washed the kitchen floor (sugary little ones visiting yesterday!)
    I will take a walk right after lunch as rain is coming this afternoon.
    Weeding if it stays dry long enough and rest of the day reading, I hope. Sounds busier than it really is but it's enough for the day.
    Hope your day has been terrific!

  10. We are having some much needed rain as well, here in Indiana. The gentle rains are the best, I agree. Enjoy your week. ~Andrea xoxo

  11. Hi, if you wanted to grow a few veggies you could always get your gardeners to set up some large pots on the patio. Even having a few fresh items is lovely. And you could set up herbs, tomato and a pepper plant if you have room in your kitchen. x

  12. Country Coyyage - wuld be a good idea but I can no longer walk unaided which makes it difficulg to keepn them watered.
    Bike - a friend reminded me I had read iI shall read it againalthough I agree it ia disturbing.

  13. My London niece and her partner came to Spurn for the weekend with us.
    They wanted nothing more than to walk on the wide empty beach here.
    The weather was kind and only broke when they left for home.

  14. I read your blog everyday and enjoy it tremendously. I’m in USA Ohio but my deceased hubby and I toured England, Scotland and Wales in 2013 and loved it. We have had an early Spring here with the trees budding in the middle of April. Yesterday was a sunny ward 80 degrees F. But today is only 63 with rain. I stream British shows which I love (some of my favorites but certainly not all, are “New Tricks”, Midsummer Murders” and “Inspector George Gently”. Now I’m reading the Gently books by Alan Hunter although I can’t find all of them.

  15. It has rained non-stop since about 10.30 this morning down here. Horrid blustery rain, though much needed, and with white bits in it every so often! No wonder I have felt cold. Luckily I managed my walk early.
    I love seeing different parts of the British Isles too, in Escape to the Country and always enjoy the smaller properties. Some of the scenery is wonderful.

  16. Anne - I tried to contact you by e mail but can't see how. Are you in Lincolnshire - my home county? It is many years since I lived there but I still consider myself a Lincolnshire Lass.

    Rain started here early afternoon but once it started my goodness did it rain. Then suddenly just after tea the sun came out. The garden looks happy.

  17. I have just discovered your blog and love it. My family are originally from the UK although I have lived in Australia for 50 years. My aunt lives in Far North Queensland and loves Escape to the Country. It brings back so many fond memories.

  18. It's raining here, too. I have seeds planted, so good.

  19. I was at school with Alan, his interviews are often very inspiring.

  20. It was blowing a hoolie in the peak district yesterday. Proper bank holiday misery for many including the hundreds of tiny lambs huddled against dry stone walls in an attempt to get out of the driving rain.

  21. Sunny and dry here yesterday, but for today and the rest of the week, rain and storm in the forecast. No Black Forest hikes when it is like that, but we can relax at the cottage, which is also very nice for a change.

  22. Thanks to everyone for joining in - and welcome to sparkling merlot.

  23. We get OLD episodes of Escape to the Country here in Canada on CBC. I love it when they are in part of the country where my ancestors lived. Especially Norfolk.
