Thursday 8 April 2021


How very quickly Thursday, Friday or any other day of the week comes round doesn't it?   I pay my Carer on a Friday morning and it always seems to be Friday.   All I can say is whatever day I pay her on she is worth her weight in gold and I have no intention of ever doing without her - I know I could no longer manage.   It takes me all the morning on her one day a month off to do what she easily does in an hour.  Luckily she only lives down the road and is happy to come every day apart from that one day a month and then she always rings around lunch time to see if I am alright.

I have settled into a routine and am happy living life in the way I do.   I would rather like it to suddenly be a bit warmer so that I could go out on to the patio or walk a bit further with Priscilla but surely one day the weather will be like that.   My poor lawn is suffering - mown, scarified, fertilised and now no rain - it shouts 'suffering' but hopefully once we have a good warm rain it will recover.

I did manage a walk with Priscilla this morning, once round the block, but the wind was strong and it was very cold and I was out for as short a time as possible - really only to post a letter. How lucky I am to have a post box immediately opposite my bungalow.

There is little or nothing to write about today it has been a non sort of day.   In fact I watched one episode (the final one) on iplayer of Robbie Cumming on the canal on his narrow boat  in the Midlands.   He made the film himself and I found it fascinating.   In our younger days my first husband and I had friends and neighbours who were really 'into' canal boating and it brought back many happy memories.  I know how much they would have been enjoying the programme,   Sadly they are both long gone.


  1. I was having a bad day yesterday ( young onset parkinsons) so I watched the whole series of the canal diaries. Absolutely loved it!

  2. I too keep hoping for warmer days for walks, but then yesterday and the day before were quite warm (80!) and humid with it, and of course I didn't like that either. Today was an out of routine day because we went to have our eyes checked - into a multi-story medical building, with lots of precautions, cleaners following behind everyone with sanitizing wipes, slight whiffs of bleach everywhere and relatively few people. All in all a bit stressful but interesting - I'm looking forward to my nap already!

    Lucky you to have a near by post box; most of our neighborhood boxes were taken out "to cut costs" some years ago and now the mail carriers have to pick up outgoing mail. Funny how no one thinks of saving them work!


  3. Hello, you are my 1st port of call each evening. You are a great inspiration to me as i have also been living on my own for the past 11 months. I try and do as much as I can each day but it's been to cold to go out to the garden since Easter Saturday.
    Take care Pat and enjoy goung out with Priscella.

  4. Thursday again. As old Bert, who worked with me on the farm once observed, "If time keeps going at this rate, it'll soon be later than we think it is!".

  5. The days do seem to whiz by as do the weeks. Each Sunday when I fill up my 7 day pill dispenser I say to my husband another week gone. Evidently I've saying that for years, and now I say it giggling like mad since he told me I say it!
    We're still waiting for a moving date like Sue.

  6. I think we are all looking forward to warmer weather. Still cold down here though a little better. At this time of year I usually say that I am looking forward to complaining about the heat! Glad you manage a short walk today. As I tell myself so often - every little helps.

  7. We've really enjoyed the Robbie Cummings programme. Even better tonight as he was in Stratford on Avon where we lived before moving here. Glad watching it brought back happy memories for you.

  8. I would love to see the narrow boat documentary but, sadly, don't think it will ever be shown here. We seem to have vaulted right from winter into summer as it is 20C today and will continue over the weekend.

  9. Not every day can be special - so often I look back and think, 'what did I do today' Sometimes it's the slower movements and longer periods we look back on - lockdown was like that; one day merging into the next. It is good to be content.

  10. I always seem to find something to be glad about even in these loooooooong days. I am so grateful for those bright spots.

  11. I have a friend who is employed to look after an older woman three days a week. At first the older woman was very hesitant (and depressed) and more often than not would tell my friend not to come. Her client's sons were not able to convince the woman she needed help. And I did think to tell my friend to tell her client that she's there because she cares for her and to tell her client she is her carer. Ever since all has been well.

  12. Your lovely carer sounds wonderful. You have an ideal situation in the comfort of your own home. The canal boats are great fun. I, too, have traveled on the Thames and have fond memories of going ashore to explore and have a nice meal. Great memories.

  13. I once spent a week on a narrow boat, along the Llangollen canal. It was wonderfully carefree.

  14. I agree with you about how fast the days speed by. When I was working I always thought the days would not go by so fast once I retired, but I was sure wrong! I think they go by faster now!

  15. It looks like he has to give up his canal travelling for his partner which seems to be pulling him apart. Timothy West and Prunella Scales are another joy to watch on canal travelling, slow but dreamy.

  16. You are right, your carer is worth her weight in gold! If I had only one day off every month, I would collapse with exhaustion, and certainly would NOT call in at work on that one day to hear how they are doing. But your carer is a carer in the true sense of the word!

    We are told to expect that warm rain on Sunday. It will cut short any walk we may undertake, but it is so very necessary; walking on the fields here, it is obvious that the soil is already way too dry again.

  17. Reading this reminded me of the series Great Canal Journeys with Tim and Prunella as they coped with Prunella's "slight condition" (dementia). Very moving and heart warming to watch.

  18. You have certainly found a perfect carer to help you - those meals sound amazing and I am sure she is very good at getting everything shipshape in your home. One day off a month? That is dedication to duty.

    Our postbox at our old home was 1/4 mile away, down by the bridge Here it's a goodly walk of twice that - uphill on the way back, but no complaints.


  19. Midmarsh - Yes I watched them and also Prunella Scales and Timothy West and more recently Sheila Hancock and Giles Brandreth. There is such a lot to be interested in along the canals.

    Thanks everyone for your memories and comments.

  20. Now of course we are getting news of Prince Philip’s death at 99.
