Friday 23 April 2021

Friday again !

It is staggering just how fast Friday comes round isn't it?   It is the end of the week as far as my carer is concerned - she started on a Saturday morning so it has remained like that.   We sort out the finances each Friday and then everything starts again.   I am so lucky that she looks after me so well - now even bringing me a lunch each day.   And she is brilliant at trying new recipes - today's was so tasty:   Layers of sliced new potatoes, leeks, onions, spinach, spreadable cheese, chopped up lardons and a topping of parmesan - each layer cooked separately of course than all added and fried gently and browned under the grill.   It was absolutely delicious.

I had my walk early this morning in a bright sunny morning.   I met several people I know, all on their way to market (it is market day here) so managed to walk a little way with each and have one or two nice chats.   On my return my neighbour M was just coming home.   She had been for her second Pfizer vaccination but when she arrived they had run out of vaccine so she has to go again on Sunday.   It is all these little chats that make the day pass quickly.

M came round after lunch to paint this side of her fence which separates our gardens - a good day for doing it as it is dry and sunny.   We are a lot of busy bees along here you know.  Elderly we might be but we can still 'potter' and get a surprising lot done. 

 'The Repair Shop' is just about to come on to the television and I do enjoy it so I shall sign off for today unless anything spectacular happens - and that is hardly likely.   Have a good evening.


  1. It might be cold but this sunshine is very uplifting. Such a treat to dry the washing outside again too.

  2. That recipe sounds delicious...I have written it down as all the ingredients happen to bein my fridge. I'll saute some old ones and hope for the best.
    For me, Mondays are the day that comes around most quickly...supermarket day. I never used to dread it.
    Doesn't this beautiful weather make you feel good?!

  3. You make a good food writer. You meals are always described so well I want to get up and cook.

  4. Your lunch sounded delicious. I hope I’m as lucky as you if I ever need a carer.

  5. Hi Pat, your carer is worth her weight in gold- I'm sure I speak for all your followers when I say we applaud her for how brilliantly she looks after you. Enjoy the sunshine. x

  6. It is wonderful how your carer supplies such a great variety of good food for you! I saw one episode of Repair Shop here and enjoyed it very much. I need to check and see where I found it, possibly on Netflix since it is not a U.S. program. Enjoy your evening Pat!

  7. I'm sure those Fridays took much longer to come around when you were working. That sounds a very tasty meal, I might well try something similar.

  8. You seem to have struck gold with your carer. That lunch sounds delicious.

  9. The Repair Shop is my favourite TV programme. The craftsmen and women have such amazing talent and never let their 'customers' down.
    Your carer must be an excellent cook as the meals she makes for you always sound delicious.
    I wonder how much longer this beautiful weather can last, though on behalf of all gardeners I suppose we do need some rain soon.

  10. so glad your friends are getting vaccine...can't understand why one would not...but then what do I know? love your blog always...

  11. Walking in the sunshine, meeting neighbors and chatting with several friends must have been very enjoyable. Your meals always sound delicious and your carer is good as gold. I will look for "The Repair Shop." I like YouTube for "how to" instructions and generally find these videos useful. After a day at the garden center, I had plants to place in the garden. All except 4 are planted today. Productive days are always good.

  12. And I came in here tonight thinking I should write a blog titled Another Weekend!
    The amaryllis is still out. I'll write about it soon.

  13. It's frightening how fast Friday comes around...

  14. Darling Pat,

    Yes, time flies.

    It is a source of complete amazement to us that one might think that time would drag in lockdown times, but it rather seems to us that time speeds up. No sooner does a week begin than it ends and months whizz by alarmingly quickly.

    We used to count the days and then the weeks of lockdown but as the months have gone by, we have lost count. We passed our one year anniversary in a blink of an eye but we shall hope for freedom and the open road before celebrating our second.

    So good with the warm weather that you have these mini moments with your neighbours. They do ad to the spice of life. As for the layered potato receipt.... we shall copy it!!

  15. To anyone thinking of trying that recipe - Fry onions and leeks first in a little oil, precook and cube potatoes and then add them and wilt the spinach - add any other veggies you wish, season well and stir in some quark.

    Thanks for your contributions everyone.

  16. Thank you Pat...recipe instructions noted.
