Friday 26 March 2021


 Friday again - how quickly it comes round.   It is almost eleven o'clock and I have read the comments on yesterday's post - and commented - and moved on.   Now my mind has to turn to what to write about today.   At my age it is very good to have to do this - keeps the old brain working.   The weather is always a good place to start and we have woken up this morning to a much colder day with the promise of heavy showers with sleet and snow mixed in.   We have just had one of those but now the sun is out and the sky is blue and the patio is drying up nicely.   The weather man also says that after today and tomorrow the weather will improve and by the middle of next week it may be up to twenty degrees.   My old bones will welcome that.

I have no side effects from my second Pfizer vaccination yesterday.   I am a bit achy and weary but can't blame that.   However, because it is so cold, I shall not venture out with Priscilla today.

Looking out of my window as I sit here I see that yesterday's sun has brought out a wave of miniature daffodils planted for me by my gardener just after I went into hospital with a broken hip.  Good for the soul.

See you later if anything occurs to liven up the day.

Well it is now 'later' and nothing has 'occurred' apart from the delivery of a new pair of ankle boots - because of the weakness in my right ankle (started because I broke it some years ago and now much worse because arthritis set in) I need extra support around the ankle and can no long wear anything resembling sandals.   I can't say  I am feeling brilliant this afternoon - it is now a lovely - but cold-day but I have no energy to walk round.   I am beginning to wonder if this is, after all, an effect of my vaccination yesterday.   But it is pleasant sitting here at my computer and looking out into the sunlit garden and it will be an opportunity after writing this, to make my notes ready for my 'presentation' for my Book Group.

But this will do for today.   I have said hello to you all so enjoy the rest of your day and I will see you tomorrow when I hope there will be at least something more exciting to report to you.


  1. It has turned into a miserable, cold wet day here. I don't think I'll be venturing out either.

  2. Windy here. A good day for laundry and paperwork. Next week is supposed to be cold again. Winter and spring are still having a bit of a squabble about who has the upper hand.

  3. Good to relax and rest to let your body recharge. Hope the weather warms up for you!

  4. Its fantastic here, sunny, 80 degrees, lots of wind. I am washing blankets and duvets. I have heard from several friends that their second shot left them feeling run down and tired the day after so that could certainly be your situation. In which case it will be gone soon!


  5. I hope that you will be feeling better tomorrow.
    It has been bright here but with a bitterly cold wind. It seems icy roads are forecast overnight so a hot water bottle may be in order..

  6. It's been raining on and off all day down here - I think this must be the wettest start to any year I can remember. I think those miniature daffs, particularly the Tete-a-tete variety, are the best ones to grow, being more reliable, longer flowering and less apt to get blown over.

  7. Writing prompts and inspiration can be hard to find somedays - keeping a routine is excellent and I should do it more. When I lack the 'muse', I tend to revert to commercial work which could fill all my days but not my soul.

  8. We only had one tiny shower early this morning, Since then it has been sunny but cold.

  9. We have had several heavy Hail showers today and it is chilly out there when the sun isn't out (it did peep out sometimes). Looking forward to next week's heatwave though!

    Glad you were feeling good this afternoon. Long may it last.

  10. I also had my second Pfizer shot last Saturday. Supposedly Pfizer has fewer after effects than Moderna, but -
    Nothing more than a very sore arm on Saturday, which went away by mid-day Sunday. But I had no pep on Sunday and had a weird tingling in the hand on the other side, like a painful version of when a body part goes to sleep. It ended Sunday night, and I've since learned that's a common side effect. I'm glad your experience was mild.

  11. Congratulations on getting your vaccine doses finished. I'm glad you haven't had much in the way of side effects. Have a nice weekend. :)

  12. We have sun and wind, with the temperature nearly 30*C but it will be cooler for the coming 10 days.

    I've heard many folks say that their aches and misery following the 2nd Pfizer vaccine is much worse, lasting a couple of days, for some. We'll get our 2nd jab on April 6.


  13. I felt quite 'fluey' for a couple of days after my AstraZeneca jab. Nothing too awful, just shivery, achey and tired. Hope you feel brighter tomorrow.

  14. If you just feel very tired after your second jab, you're doing really well, Pat!

  15. What a cheering sight your miniature daffodils must be and I do hope you don't suffer any after effects from your second jab. At least you have had it. Very mixed weather for us today but only what was forecast and I managed to avoid a heavy shower while I was in the supermarket.

  16. Oh, I wish for the most amazing things to happen for you this weekend. All of them delightful!

  17. Hi Weave,
    Oh gosh, I wish we could receive some of your rain! Here in California USA we have received about 20 inches, and with spring fast-approaching, we won't see anymore! High fire risk for this summer!

    I hope you perk up from what appears to be some minor side effects of your second vaccination. Just be extra good to yourself until you feel a bit better. What's the point of dashing about anyway? ;-)

    A dear friend brought me a branch of her Climbing Flowering Clematis. The whole house is fragrant with those lovely white blossoms. She's a member of our little group that met at my house before Covid. Three of us lost our husbands and the lone male lost his lovely daughter. We prop each other up on those "black dog days" --- which I'm sure you're familiar with too.

  18. Your mini daffodils greeting you today for the first time is a very pleasant surprise. This is just the start of many flowers to come. The cold and damp plus possible effects from your 2nd shot likely played a part in feeling tired today. Hopefully the sun and warmth will return for the weekend and you will be outside enjoying your garden and neighbors again.

  19. Congratulations on your second shot! Here in Michigan we've had the Moderna and now the J&J version us available. I had achy shoulders and upper arms for a few hours. Nothing a couple of Tylenol, hot tea and a duvet couldn't take care if. I'm jealous of your upcoming enjoyment of your flowers popping up because I sold my home this year and am now living in a flat with no garden!

  20. Our weather seems equally fickle. High, high winds overnight, and even a few snowflakes on my red car this morning.

  21. I am so happy you did not have any side effects from your second shot. I had my second Pfizer shot Wednesday and I have been dealing with some flu like side effects but all worth it for the shot!

  22. Glad you had your 2nd jab, we have our first one on Monday.

  23. Hooray for you to have had both jabs now! Your tiredness yesterday afternoon may well be a side effect, and there is nothing wrong with taking things a bit slower for a day or two, as long as you keep to your general regime of walks and other exercise.
    I love the idea of many mini daffodils in your garden!

  24. Brilliant that you've had both your jabs now, my Mum had her second one this week too and it completely wiped her out for three days. Hopefully with the sunshine and the clocks going forward this weekend everyone will start to feel better in themselves.

    Take care. xx

  25. Hubby has had his second jab and even though he is loathe to admit it i think it did lay him low for a day.. went to bed early tired and arm sore.. But seems bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning.. I've not had my shots yet as we are in the middle of moving and could not fit them in before we moved but it is on my 'to do' list as soon as i get to where i'm going..! Hugs~ Debs

  26. Thanks for your comments everyone. I am slightly better today but didn't sleep well and keep dropping off today. I made myself walk round the block but it is quite windy and I was pleased to get home again.
