Tuesday 23 March 2021

Another day

 Yes - Tuesday again and the day after tomorrow I have my booster dose of Pfizer.   This morning fell into its usual pattern - porridge and toast with coffee, shower and dress, five minute chat with my carer before she tootled off - then the Mind Games in The Times while my mind is empty of detritus which builds up during the day and hinders my thinking.

Half past ten and time for my morning walk.   It is on with the woolly hat and gloves and top coat - all still necessary as there is a chill wind.  I never feel like it but I know it is necessary and by the time I get to the bottom of the drive I am glad to be out.   Every step serves to reinforce the fact that my daily walks are making my walking improve.  I kept a mental tally of encounters this morning.  Six doors up the road I met J - although she lives so near it is the first time I have met her.   J greeted me cheerfully and informed me that she too was a carer and knew my carer well.   We had a brief chat and she rushed off to have a shower between clients.   I turned along the footpath and met two lots of dogwalkers -I meet them both most mornings.   The dogs and I greet one another and I resolve yet again to remember to get some treats on my Tesco order so that I can have a few in my pocket.  The walkers and I have a brief chat - usually about the weather (sunny, breezy and a bit chilly today) then Priscilla and I continue.   Rounding the last corner for home I meet M - we haven't seen one another for a couple of weeks so we stand masked and distanced and have a chat to bring us up to date on the pretty non existent news.   Then it is up the drive and home again - and coming into the garage I know how much the walk has done me good.   I feel justified in sitting down with a cup of coffee from the flask my carer has left me and having a read of The Times.   Then I come on here and write this.   I'll be back later - you never know what excitement there might be later in the day - but if there is none then at least I have met and chatted to various people and that has got to be a plus.  See you later.

Well nothing has happened since I wrote last.   My son has broken up from school so I had a long chat with him this afternoon on the phone and that's about it.   The sun has long since disappeared and it is cloudy which means there is a real chill in the air.   I had a delicious lunch - salad with cole slaw and beetroot, a chicken breast and a jacket potato and now, although it is half past five in the afternoon, I am not at all hungry.   I shall probably boil myself an egg later (my friends, who supply me with eggs) are happy because so far it does look as though they might be able to let their hens out again at the end of the month (they have been shut up everywhere because of an outbreak of bird flu).

The most exciting thing tomorrow will probably be the delivery of my Tesco order in the morning.   What an exciting life I lead!



  1. It doesn't need to be exciting - it is a life your readers enjoy hearing about, I read it every day and I find the way you write and the manner in which you deal with life's issues very inspiring

    1. Northriding i very much agree with you!! Weaver very much inspires me everyday.i enjoy her blog very much!!

  2. Thank you for your encouraging comment on my blog as we go through this house selling and buying and a Tesco order is exciting!.. we certainly look forward to ours altho we've stopped buying ice cream and fudge because my weight is stagnant and I could eat those ad infinitum!

  3. Christine - I know the feeling only too well.
    Thank you Northriding.

  4. I am hoping to get my booster next month. That is about the only excitement any of us has at present! Apart from the exercise we get from our walks, the thing I notice most is the fresh air. I think I have only been able to open my windows three times this year so far, and am looking forward to warmer weather when they can be open all day.

  5. I look forward to reading about your days. You always have something positive to write about.
    Your lunch sounds good, apart from the coleslaw which I am not too keen on!

  6. Try carrying some tiny pieces of cheese in lieu of dog treats (healthier than many of the bought variety) - and you could always eat them yourself, if you get peckish on the way round!

  7. Your posts telling of your daily 'doings' are always a pleasure to read.Finding interest in the small pleasures is never boring.Sheila x

  8. How nice to visit with others while you are out for your walk! Any chance to socialize is really appreciated now, isn't it?!? Your day sounds very enjoyable and I am glad for you! Thanks for socializing with me today too!

  9. Cheese instead of dog treats sounds a good idea Charlotte - thank you for that.

  10. Hooray for the trip around the block every day.

  11. Sometimes the quiet days are wonderful in their own way!

  12. You remind me of my house in Brighton. I would leave the house on some errand, then spend a few minutes chatting with various people before getting to the end of the road. Almost half an hour could pass before I got to the peace of the churchyard, and on into town.

    Lovely sunny days here; I'm almost thinking of wearing shorts!

  13. It's good that you get out for a walk and several brief chats with neighbours every day, weather permitting.
    Today is supposed to be the start of a sunny, much milder period here, and by the looks of it, the forecast was right - it is bright and sunny already! I am in conference calls pretty much all day, but there should still be enough daylight left to make for a nice after-work walk.

  14. I've had a rather poor spell with the mind games recently - managed the Criptc Quintagram last night which I was pleased with, but very much 'in the corner' with poor scores on the daily quiz and struggling with even the easy crossword. Must dash - Oscar is scratching me to go for our walk.

  15. Bike shed - I too have good days and bad days - sometimes sailing through them all and other times it is a real struggle - I love Sudoku and Codeword and sometimes they fall into place= other times - oh dear.

  16. Some days, your life is more exciting than mine! The biggest thrill in my life is taking out the garbage. Thrill because the bags are hanging off my oxygen cart as I go backwards - bad knee - down the ramp from my house to the yard.

  17. Feeling better after a walk is great. Seeing your friends and neighbors during the walk makes it even better. You are building strength and stamina and making good gains. Keep up the good work.
