Sunday 21 February 2021

Welcome Spring

 Welcome Spring - well the first Spring-like day.   Spring is such a flirt -a couple of warm days and then, no doubt, she will disappear again and we will be back into winter woollies.

My carer is having one Sunday morning a month when she doesn;t come and today's the day.   She is so good, she left everything ready even down to a lunch for today in the fridge and a place set at the table.   It took me twice as long to do the jobs she does in an hour but I got there and it did me no harm - I probably used muscles I haven't used for months. Then I had lunch heated in the microwave (shepherd's pie with lots of veggies) and I have just been for a walk with Priscilla.   I must say my walking ability has gone backwards but I am sure it will improve once I can get out every day for practice.

I had a chat with my next but one neighbour who was out doing a bit of weeding in his front garden.  He told me that my friend and neighbour between us had fallen and had to go to hospital.   Luckily she had not broken anything but is just shaken up.  Oh the perils of getting old.   It was also good to see various familiar faces and familiar dogs on my short walk -   I used to walk with so many dog-walkers and it is good to just say hello again.   I think we are all just missing that, longing to get back into circulation again.

All the gardens are beginning to show signs of life, I have a large clump of snowdrops out and various patches of yellow crocus.   When I was in hospital my gardener planted a lot of bulbs for me (I had some sent from Australia as a present (thank you again J and J if you are reading this).   I don't know where he has planted them so it will be a surprise when they appear.  Almost every garden has at least one clump of purple primroses - when I was a child they used to be so popular but not so much now.  I think it might be Primula Wanda  no doubt some body will correct me if I am wrong.

Can't think of anything else to tell you today - my morning was too taken up with household chores - but I was determined to do them all although my carer said 'leave it all for me on Monday'.   That would have meant me living with it all on Sunday - untidy bed, dishwasher not emptied, clothes not put away, no tidying round done.   Should sleep better tonight.


  1. A Spring like day to break up the cold is both welcomed and encouraging. Like you, it would bother me to leave things untidy. You won the lottery with your carer, she seems perfect. Her meals sound outstanding too. Your Spring bulbs in flower will be a beautiful sight. Sunshine and a blue sky make a beautiful but still cold day with 8-10 inches of snow cover. The sunlight on the snow is quite beautiful.

  2. We have some dwarf iris just coming into flower, so heartening to see some colour in the garden.

  3. I still find it hard to understand how you've arrived at such an amazing carer, it's almost like having a daily butler coming in.

  4. Your carer is worth her weight in gold. Getting out for a walk, being able to chat must have been wonderfully soul restoring.

  5. It's so good you have a wonderful carer looking after you. She certainly knows your needs and more than fills them.

    I am finding out very slowly what has been planted here and think there should be some daffs out before St David's Day. It has been more springlike (and much drier) today so I got some gardening done.

  6. You certainly have a wonderful carer, though I think you're wise to do as much as you can even if it takes a long time. I'm sure we all feel better for the little bit of Spring we've had lately.

  7. Well I'm glad to read that you are getting some decent weather and that you were able to get out on your own for a walk - how lovely! I also think it's really encouraging that you are able to do so much for yourself again - even if it does take more time than usual. Just be careful not to overdo things.

    Not looking much like Spring here I'm afraid - lots of snow piled up everywhere and more due tonight - but - it is the second day in a row with lots of bright sunshine so that makes everyone feel so much better.

    I hope all your flowers start to come up soon.

  8. How wonderful to have a Spring like day and even a walk outside with Priscilla! That must have done you a world of good to get some fresh air and speak to a few friends. We still have quite a bit of snow here but I am looking forward to warmer weather which I hope comes soon. Enjoy your evening!

  9. How nice you have gotten a Spring-like day to get out for a walk and see some neighbors! Sounds wonderful! It is slowly getting a bit warmer here and we have giant piles of snow that are just beginning to drip, drip, drip as they melt all over. I have huge, long icicles hanging from the roof over the front porch. The weather report predicts warmer temps all week so the snow may finally be gone soon!
    Stay safe!

  10. Rain fore cast overnight but then probaby sun later inthe day so might get out again.

  11. There is nothing like a Spring day to give one the impetus to get a few things done. So pleased you were able to enjoy a walk and say hello to a few neighbours.
    You are right about the primula wanda - I remember them in my grandmother's garden. Perhaps they are no longer fashionable.
    I have not seen any crocus yet but early daffodils are just opening up and lots of snowdrops. Whatever the weather has in store for us we do know that Spring is ever nearer.

  12. We still have a foot of snow but it was a bright sunny day and it sure felt like early spring.

  13. You give us hope that spring is indeed coming. We are still snow-covered after a week of snow, ice, snow, ice, snow...and on and on. Not a day in the last 7 has not had a snowfall, even if just a little one.

    I love primulas, but have no luck at all with them in my gardens here in West Virginia. I try every other year or two, just the same. A sacrifice to the garden gods, I call it.

    It is good to read that you are walking outside again. What pleasure that must be.

  14. How I agree; I could not face an unmade bed at bedtime!

  15. Pat you are such an inspiration.
    The lady who comes to assist you sounds awesome - she must be one of the best 'Visiting Angels' as we call them here!

  16. Very Spring-like here, but with very strong winds that have been blowing for 3 days. No damage, thank goodness.

  17. It was a pleasant day yesterday, sunny and warm. Today it is mizzling but quiet except for the birds who I am sure think spring is on the way.

  18. Same here Thelma!

    Yes you all sound hopefu that Spring is on its way - thank you for the encouragement.

  19. Oh yes, Spring will be very welcome.

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