Saturday 6 February 2021


The overriding colour of everything today - I do hope that this coming week might be Winter's last gasp (but don't bank on it, I am not a trained forecaster).  As promised it is raining, there is a miserable fog over everything and a strong Easterly wind is slowly getting up.   Icy roads forecast for morning.   I suppose the one thing to be said for it is that at least we are nicely into February - this weather in November would be much more depressing.

All day today I have thought it was Sunday - until I turned the television on, chuntered to myself about how they changed the programmes these days without warning then gave myself a slap on the hand when I realised it was me.   I had spent a couple of hours searching for my copy of Virginia Woolf's 'To the Lighthouse' which I had been reading yesterday and which had gone missing this morning.   Eventually I found it - in the waste paper recycling bag - it was inside yesterday's Times when my Carer put it in there this morning.   All's well that ends well.

The only other happening today was our usual 40 minute Coffee Morning between friends - always enjoyable.   It is not the same as face to face contact but it is better than nothing.   What would we have done without our magic means of communication?

Keep warm, weather the storm which seems to be on its way and stay cheerful.   One day all this will be just a memory.   I will have popped my clogs by then but the young will be able to say to their grandchildren 'I lived through that.'

See you tomorrow. 


  1. I do admire you for staying positive, I find it so hard, living alone like you, I don’t speak to people for days, not that there is much to say. Maybe snow here in Dorset tomorrow, we have plenty of hills for sledging but I stay indoors, afraid of slipping and breaking something. Alice Cove

  2. "One day all this will be just a memory." This is so true. As I understand we tend to forget the negative stuff (for the most part) and remember the positive. So with that in mind we should all try to be cheerful, optimistic and looking for the good things so as to provide ourselves with good memories to enjoy later.

  3. In the past you have recommended books here that I have read, and now I have 2 for you: "Anxious People" by Fredrik Backman, and "Giver of Stars" by JoJo Moyes. This one is based on a true story about librarians who went out on horseback and delivered books to people.

  4. It is a pandemic of a respiratory virus, not a war, and I hope life will return to normal and it becomes a memory before "you pop your clogs".

  5. So pleased you rescued your book from the recycling bag. I am enjoying jigsaw puzzles at the moment but I am not sure they are a good thing. Although I can be totally absorbed in them, it takes me a few attempts to get to my feet after a session!
    The forecast is a bit grim so I hope you are not badly affected by whatever comes in the next few days. As you say, we are into February already and the days seem to pass quickly in spite of everything. Stay positive and think - Spring!!!

  6. Bright sun, blue skies and puffy white clouds with gusts of wind now and again. Hovering around freezing, no snow is melting and tall boots (to the knee) are required. February will pass soon enough and March is another step closer to Spring.

  7. It is so very cold here in the Midwestern USA. Single digits for the next nine days predicted. Looking forward to spring and the flower blossoms. Lucky you to find your book!

  8. The days are longer and the mornings come earlier each day so all's good in my neck of the woods! Stay positive!!

  9. And we had a lovely blue day over here. Sometimes it's yours, sometimes it's mine.

  10. Here it was yellow-ish. A load of Sahara desert sand was dumped on us yesterday. I'm hoping it will be washed away by some rain today, otherwise I'll have to get out there and wash the car!

  11. You made me chuckle this morning ! I never know what day it is anymore either ! :) hugs Debbie x

  12. Bantam laid her first egg yesterday, spring must be somewhere in the future!

  13. Like Cro in France, we have had the yellow Sahara sand in the air yesterday, and if you look at the cars parked along my street, they are covered in it - same as my specs when we returned from our afternoon walk.
    We‘re in for a very cold week and snow, temperatures as low as -11C on Thursday. But as you say, it is February, so nothing unusual about it. Hopefully, your carer can come in spite of the icy roads.

  14. Now that hubby is retired, I never EVER know for certain what day of the week it is. And when I think I know, I usually don't it turns out. My mother always used to say that once we reach March 1st we've "broken the back of winter". I think she was right! ~Andrea xoxo

  15. Nice to hear from you all - next best thing to actually chatting to face. Too tired to put a post on at present but hopefully will be back later.

  16. Here on Sheppey, we've had blizzards all afternoon today and are well and truly snowed in for the next few days.
