Monday 1 February 2021

Busy Day

It is good to be able to write those words  - so rarely these Covid days.   This morning J, my Carer, came as usual at half past seven and brought me a Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding Sunday lunch to heat in the Microwave (I must say it was delicious).  When she went at a quarter to nine I then settled down to do the Mind Games in The Times to give the old brain a bit of a work out.   At 11.15 it was Book Group on Zoom (The Last Runaway by Tracy Chevalier) - five of us had almost two hours discussing this excellent book and we had all got plenty to say as we had all enjoyed it.

Then after my Roast Beef lunch, followed by a couple of slices of fresh pineapple (delicious and so cheap to buy) I had a walk down my road in really lovely weat her.   The sun was out and for the first time there was a faint hint of Spring in the air (heavy snow is forecast for tomorrow).   I have rarely been out since I broke my hip at the end of October because the weather has been too slippery so I must take every opportunity to exercise my legs.

Then my afternoon's rest during Escape to the Country and at four a Zoom with P and D in Windermere which took me to a quarter to five.   Now reading posts and replying, then it will be getting my remaining soup from my soup maker for my tea and then a relax.   It is good to be busy..

Quarter past five and only just getting dark - at last the nights are drawing out - it is February, the sun has shone all day and it was light at five o'clock.   All's getting right with the world.   Stay safe and enjoy your evening.   See you tomorrow.


  1. Pat I Iike this larger print - it helps my failing eyesight!

  2. Wow, that was a busy day. Did you sleep well? Having things to do is a blessing these days.

  3. That sounded like a wonderful day compared to others which most of us seem to be dealing with - no matter where we hang our hat!
    Just be really careful when out - especially if alone - hope you carry your phone with you just in case!
    Horrid wet weather here and chilly - no walks for a a couple of days and I miss them.
    Off to make cream of cauli soup and roasted butternut squash and potatoes - the house will smell of home with all that going on this afternoon, lol!

  4. So happy to hear you "escaped" for a lovely short walk and enjoyed your Zoom visitors.

  5. Sounds like you are making a remarkable recovery from your broken hip Weave. Lovely to hear. x

  6. Oh, fresh pineapple. Be still my beating heart!
    Good to hear that you are doing so well x

  7. I've recently finished reading Tracey Chevalier's "Remarkable Creatures", based on the true story of the fossil-hunter and pioneering geologist, Mary Anning, which was also a good read. Glad to hear you got outside today, it's been grey and damp here all day.

  8. It sounds as if you've had an excellent day. Lovely weather too. We have to make the most of the fine days as there are not too many at this time of year. It must have been such a treat for you to be able to get out for a proper walk. Hope the snowfall is not too disruptive. I think we will just get heavy rain - not that we need any more.

  9. The joy of the outdoors. Even on the days you cannot walk out it’s good to step beyond the door however briefly. Such a good start to your week and to February, keep on getting better.

  10. What a wonderful day! I'm happy for you that you could walk outside for a bit. I bet that fresh air really perked you up. Enjoy the remainder of your evening and sleep well tonight!

  11. So glad to read your happy day.

  12. Such a pleasure to walk out in the sunshine today. Not sure if we will get any snow in Lincs tomorrow, I think it will be rain and sleet here.

  13. A good walk outdoors on a beautiful day is always good for the heart, mind and soul...Also, exceptionally good for building muscle and strength after your surgery. February should provide more good weather for being outdoors. We are in the home stretch toward Spring. Hooray.

  14. I am glad to hear of your walk. It goes a long way to making life feel 'normal'.

  15. That sounds like a perfect day. Especially the walk outside.

  16. So pleased that you have had a good day and that you have been for a walk - normality is getting ever closer.

  17. I hope you have many more good days like this one. Spring? Not so fast. It's only FEb so there has to be more winter.

  18. Glad you had a busy, good day, and especially a walk.

  19. What a nice, cheery post!!!! The signs of spring do perk one up don't they!!!

  20. I am happy for you - you finally had another walk, I know how much you long to be out and get your mobility back! Hopefully, what snow and ice you'll get next won't last too long, so that you can soon go for another walk.

    Like John above, I have read and very much enjoyed "Remarkable Creatures" by Tracy Chevalier; years ago, but I remember it was a very good read.

    Last weekend, I spotted the first snowdrops in a front garden while out walking with O.K. That made me so happy I had to skip along the pavement for a bit, in my wellies and heavy padded winter coat.

  21. Thanks for your encouraging replies everyone.
