Friday 22 January 2021

Friday again.

 How quickly the weeks fly by even though there is little or nothing to do during lockdown.   My carer, J. comes at half past seven in a morning, does the essential jobs, helps me wash or shower and dress and is gone in an hour - an hour when we constantly chat - my only 'real' company of the day.   But then that is the same for us all during lockdown.  I usually have three or four phone calls from friends and relatives and three times a week I have a Zoom meeting - faces help to make people seem a bit nearer.  I wonder how we will cope when we are all 'let out' again.

I for one have lost much of my mobility.   I was able to walk with my stick before lockdown - but not now.   Since breaking my hip - although it seems to have healed completely and gives me no trouble, I can only walk at present indoors with a Zimmer frame.   Hopefully once Priscilla and I get going outside things will improve but at present Wintry conditions are holding things up.   Having said that today has been a lovely sunny day - no central heating came on as the sun shone in all day.  But outside there was a bitterly cold wind - too cold for me to venture out.

So, what have I done all day?   Hard to put my finger on it really.   Done all the Mind Games in The Times, eaten my lunch (which my Carer kindly brought for me although it is not part of her remit), watched The News (once only each day otherwise it is so repetitive) and Escape to the Country (sheer escapism) and the farming/agricultural programme after it, done a bit of office work (lots more to do but didn't feel in the mood) and that's about all.   And yet the day has passed quickly and I haven't got down hearted or felt lonely.   I shall give my son a quick ring now to let him know things are fine here - and then I shall go to bed - something I always enjoy in winter.  Sleep well.  See you tomorrow.


  1. I think that you are doing very well. The covid thing is tough on all of us. Your situation is compounded by your hip. I think you have done amazingly well to keep yourself occupied and in good spirits. I admire your spunk.

  2. I second that. Inspiration Weave surely is.

  3. Much of your day sounds familiar as there are always things I need to do but I'm not always in the mood to do them. These days can be challenging for all of us but your positive attitude always helps my attitude and I thank you for that. Sleep well my friend!

  4. I guess most of our days are similar. It was too cold today for me to have much of a walk so I have been reading and working on a puzzle. I could do housework but what's the point since no one will be in my house any time soon!

  5. ןn winter, going to bed (early, if possible) is something I enjoy too.

  6. I'm always impressed by how well you do on your own, You can handle living alone. How can I tell. You say time passes by quickly.

  7. Me too, Weaver. That down comforter is so stupefying.

  8. I am glad you are comfortable, in your own home, with a lovely carer, and best of all you calling all the shots. Being outside in the Spring will be wonderful.

  9. Winter is such an awful time for recovery from those things. I had a total knee replacement one January. I really wasn't mobile at all until spring well and truly arrived and walking was again safe. My brother had a knee replacement in September. I suggested he skip the prescribed physio therapy after about week three and get out and walk. He was sure thankful for that suggestion. I still have my wheelie cart handy if things flare up again.

  10. So different to here. In for a couple of very hot days so up early to walk and go to the farmers market. Now in doing a small sketch and knitting a rabbits head. With air conditioning it is fine but looking back to having babies, a wood stove and trying to keep them cool on over 100 degree days. I don't think our children would know how to cope.

  11. Goodness you have done more than I did today !
    cheers xx

  12. You say 'But then that is the same for us all during lockdown'; well I'm afraid it isn't. Last weekend we saw Brighton seafront (and elsewhere) awash with un-masked walkers, just a couple of days ago 400 people attended a wedding party in Stamford Hill London, and last night there more student raves closed-down in London. And this is only the tip of the iceberg. Some people take absolutely no notice of the risks, and ensure that the virus continues to spread.

  13. I agree with Cro. Every day there are morons determined not to be restricted in their movements and normal enjoyment and despite how much the majority of us stick to the rules, those people will continue to keep the virus spreading.

  14. I am glad that your hip is giving you no trouble, and I hope you will regain mobility once the weather improves.
    How is the situation where yor son lives? Flooding?

  15. It's good that you are getting no problems from your hip. Hopefully once the weather improves you'll get out to walk a bit more, in the meantime keep moving and keep busy and the days until spring will fly by.

  16. I think that all each of us can do is to take care of ourselves and try to keep mobile and as healthy as possible. I try to have a little walk each day, pavements permitting! I try desperately (and not always successfully) not to allow my weight to creep up. I have various way of occupying myself throughout the day. Of course there is always housework and cooking but there are also things like crosswords, other puzzles, jigsaws, books, music, dvds and so on, thank goodness. I also realise how fortunate I am in having support from my children such as shopping done for me, phone calls, emails, and sometimes a meal delivered.

  17. Mobility in the winter will always be a struggle as it's not ideal to go outside but I am hoping that come the better weather, you will be able to improve your mobility again.

    You are keeping your brain active anyway. We managed one newspaper this week, when we went in to the PO and for food for the birds. Mind you, too busy for puzzles yet, but we look forward to extra mental stimulation when the unpacking has been done.

    No tv here - we just watch an hour or two of Netflix before bedtime. No Sky until Lockdown has ended as they can't come into your property to fit it. (They didn't tell us THAT until they had taken our order!) So we have had to get Mr Amazon to send us an alternative terrestial set-up which should arrive today. It's VERY quiet here with no tv and I have only just found one of the two radios we own - the elderly one - yesterday. Couldn't find Radio 4 on it so it was Radio Wales instead.

  18. Glad your hip gives no pain, but the spring will soon arrive and you can once more walk around outside. Have you noticed how it gets lighter and lighter nearly every day, giving the birds ideas about nesting.

  19. Thanks everyone. Off to a Zoom coffee morning now. See you later.

  20. Good morning
    I am only 80
    I had a knee replacement less than 2 years ago, I had to get about on two sticks for some time. Now I am back climbing ladders.(they said I wouldn't) but still cant kneel on it.
    Keep trying.
    Kathy x

  21. Glad that your hip is pain free but ,as others have said, when Spring arrives and you can get out safely again I'm sure you'll notice a difference as I did after my hip replacement and being house bound by heavy snow !
