Monday 25 January 2021

All's Well!

Yes indeed - all has got to be well.   As a nation if we all begin to get that 'giving in' feeling it just makes things seem worse.  In lockdown, where we have been more or less a year now I think it is so important to keep one's spirits up.   In my case - and I guess many people of my age feel the same- it is easy to get into the frame of mind which asks whether or not I shall actually survive long enough to see things return to something like normal.

In some senses it will never be the same.   I switched on Breakfast TV as I sat waiting for my Carer to come this morning.   For a moment the lady speaking didn't seem to be speaking about Covid - now that's a first because rarely does Breakfast talk about anything else -  but of course a couple of minutes later the words 'South Africa' popped into the conversation and I realised I was wrong.

But then they went on to discuss the destruction of the High Street as we know it (the lady was a Government Minister) and the possibility that Boohoo may be on the point of buying Debenhams - but not the High Street Stores as they are a completely 'on line' business.   This would mean another twelve thousand without a job  almost every town would have a large empty Debenhams on its High Street.  Oh dear!

Then thank goodness a moment of really Light Relief.   I do hope you  all saw it - if not there might be a way of finding it if you are a TV whizz.   A delightful man (probably in his seventies I would guess) with a lovely white beard (so he really looked the part) has a hobby of singing Sea Shanties (and making up the words sometimes too).  His Grand daughter asked him to make up a Shanty about Covid.   He did - it  was wonderful.   He sang it through.   It had thousands of hits on Facebook within an hour of being put on and the number has gone up and up since then.   Now that's a good luck story in these dismal, lock in days, if ever there is one.   Wouldn't you agree?


  1. I don't use Facebook but any sort of music to lighten one's mood would be welcomed in these times. I think we older ones have an easier time of it, staying home and not being able to go anywhere, than the younger ones who are going-going-going all the time. But, as you said, we older ones don't know if we're going to live long enough to see things return to normal again. With the new variants of the virus popping up, it's hard to believe things will ever be normal again. But worrying about it isn't going to help any so we just have to keep going, putting one foot in front of the other, don't we. Have a good start to your week~ Andrea xoxo

  2. At 52, I guess I am firmly middle-aged - still working full time, but not counting with the young ones anymore. So far, I have been coping well with the changes last year has brought; not lost my job, still able to see my parents and my partner, going for walks whenever and whereever I fancy. There are few things I miss.
    But I wonder how I would have coped with it all as my younger self, being so restricted in what activities are possible, the number of people we can meet and so on. I am fully aware that I am very fortunate.
    Pat, you are truly amazing and a good example for all of us! How many ladies your age would know about Tik Tok?

  3. I think it's boohoo who have bought Debenhams - and its not very good because 1. They dont want the shops and staff and 2. they've had lots of flak for low pay for people making their clothes.
    Beautiful sunshine in Suffolk today but jolly chilly outside

  4. Debenhams in the high street is dead. The high street as we knew it is dead.

  5. I know we need to be kept informed and am grateful for that, but I do think that the media has gone into overdrive with Covid. I only listen to the headlines to keep up to date, then I switch off so I probably missed the Sea Shanty.
    I agree we must keep up our spirits as best we can, and find Facebook quite good for this. Quite a few people are making little videos of themselves or each other doing ridiculous and hilarious things. Anything for a laugh, and of course there are many photos of dogs, birds and other creatures, not to mention our beautiful countryside.

  6. Interesting times for those who'll survive the virus and Climate's disasters.
    Things won't be the same,I guess, They'll , perhaps, be closer to what God had in mind before He created the universe with Man ,disappointingly, violating Creation's rules and order.

  7. What a lovely soul he is! I pictured him working with his grandaughter, and it made me smile. Thank you for calling it to our attention!

  8. OMGoodness ... that is so cute ... I'm going to share on my Facebook page!

  9. The sooner everyone's vaccinated the better - and the sooner the manufacturers and the whole public health system is geared up to regular update vaccinations as they become necessary the better.

    If there's any good to come of this public health disaster it's that we might move forward scientifically in our ability to cure viral diseases.

  10. Quite right Sue - it is Boohoo - sorry. Thanks for putting me right.

  11. I enjoyed that video of the Grandpa singing. What an upbeat guy with a great message and he had so much fun with it. Nice that his granddaughter worked with him.
    Thanks for sharing that!

  12. The video is wonderful! It could be used as a positive video to encourage people to get the vaccine. Thanks for telling us about it Pat!

  13. Husbands Dad was with Debenhams for many years. He was manager of Harrogate's which used to be Busby's and I was asking J what he would have said about it all - he reckoned he would have come up with all sorts of jokey comments about Boohoo.

  14. Thanks everyone. Snow forecast for here tomorrow. Brrr.

  15. 240 years of Debenhams now gone. Nothing will ever be the same in our grandchildren's lifetimes, let alone ours. It is a myth that older people do not like change, so long as it is change for the good.

  16. I have only recently found sea shanties, and love them. Someone told me about the Fisherman's Friends group a little while back, and I've been listening to them ever since. Must find that singing grandpa.

  17. I feel very fortunate having been born 'happy'. I wake happy, and it continues through the day; unless some twit comes along and tells me that Covid-19 doesn't exist, or some other nonsense.

  18. I loathe internet shopping, especially for clothes and shoes. Such a high proportion of the stuff that arrives is nothing like expected and would never had been bought if seen in the flesh, so to speak. Not to mention the fun of the act of shopping, dipping in and out of the shops, with the strong possibility of meeting a friend for a coffee and a bun in the café. How can sitting in front of a screen compare to all of that? Not to mention the inevitable disappointment when the stuff finally arrives and most of it has to be sent back. I shall miss Debenhams!
