Saturday 16 January 2021

All Change

Yes, all change for now at any rate.   A thaw has set in and this morning, for the first time this week, there is a line of wet droplets on my washing line rather than a line of icicles.   And the sky has patches of blue here and there and the sun is out on a field in the distance.   But 'make the most of it' says the weather man - 'it won't last' - the snow will go and the rain will come and cause some 'localised flooding' and then it will turn cold again with more snow.   It is certainly an interesting winter with plenty of surprises.   But it breaks the covid monotony up a bit.

Vaccinations were going well but I understand that various places in the country have run out of vaccine at the moment so there are hold ups.

I have just been to our Saturday morning Coffee Morning - six of us - virtual (Zoom) of course.   Everyone has found something to do - some of us have shopped in Tesco during times when few were there, others are reading or doing jig saws or watching interesting programmes on TV.  Most are having other Zoom meetings to chat  and exchange news.   I think I am the only one with a blog to do each day - I enjoy it so much and it makes me think of something to say to you all even if it is pretty facile.

There is a lovely photograph on the front of The Times this morning of a bride with her two bridesmaids.   Covid regulations messed up her plans for her wedding so for her bridesmaids she has had her two Grandmothers - one eighty and one ninety - the photograph is one of such joy and is a delight to see. Small things like this make for small pleasures which enlighten the day don't you think?


  1. Yet another day of heavy rain down here, certainly going to be one of our wetter winters.

  2. Did you ever get to watch the John Le Carré interview with Mark Lawson? Snow here in Norfolk this morning.

  3. I saw the 'granny bridesmaids' photo online, so lovely. I have a sense that weddings are much simpler affairs in lockdown, more as they used to be perhaps, with a lot of money saved! Sunny in West Wales again - sorry!!!

  4. Still no snow in Lincs but at least I shall feel safe underfoot taking Rick out this afternoon, even if it is wet, cold and windy.

  5. I am hoping for snow, but we are pretty sheltered here.

  6. Snow turned to rain here by 11 and washing the snow away slowly.
    I don't think your posts could ever be facile!!

  7. The sky is a solid grey here today, we've had snow this morning but now most of what was on the roads has gone - suits me, as O.K. is on his way here, and I prefer him driving the 150 km without snow.

    I assume the bridesmaids were vaccined :-)

    Pat, we enjoy reading your blog probably even more than you do writing it!

  8. Good morning!
    Glad you are talking with friends. Love the granny bridesmaids. xo

  9. We were happy to catch brief glimpses of blue sky here this morning. There has been so much rain this week the garden is completely waterlogged.

  10. Gray day here. We are dea!ing with the cold headed way your way right now.

  11. I've just learned this morning that the Trump promised phantom vaccine to our governors. Turns out the so-called stockpile of doses never existed.

    So, yes, simple joys like a Zoom call with friends can be a boon to the spirit.

  12. Love the idea of the granny bridesmaids and the fact the most weddings seem to be much more simple affairs at the moment. I would have liked to have snow but we've mainly had rain apart from a few lovely frosty days

  13. Some lovely blue skies here this morning - first bit of sun since Tuesday!
    We will be affected by the delays in the Pfizer vaccine so that is disappointing - but I'm not expecting mine until May or June so won't make much difference,
    I'm thinking of putting out a new puzzle today and I've got a really good mystery that I'm reading at the moment so things are looking up!
    Keep well.

  14. Rachel I forgot the le Carre/Mark Lawson interview - I have made a note to look for it when I switch off. Thanks for the reminde.r.

  15. Your blog is certainly a pleasure that enlightens MY days. Thank you so much. Rose in Texas

  16. You have no idea how much I look forward to your daily (mostly) blog posts. You are such a good example to me as I see myself growing older. I just turned 70 and even if I do say so myself, I am a young 70 but the number caused me great anxiety. Seeing how you look for and enjoy the most ordinary in life has me doing the same.

    We have blue skies and 69 degrees here in Southern California. What we need is some of your rain and even the snow.

    Blessings on your day.

  17. It's interesting to track the occurrence of snow across the country from all the comments above. Just dark skies and drizzle here once again today; so drab and cheerless that I'm willing to obey Boris to the letter!

  18. I'm so glad you enjoy your daily blogging. It's so heartening to see how resilient you are in the face of all your challenges; it certainly puts some of the minor inconveniences the rest of us are facing into a different context. Please keep writing.

  19. I woke to the sound of heavy rain and gusty winds. By time I was up and ready to go out, having decided I had better wear my full length rain coat with hood, the rain had stopped and wind had died down. I felt very snug but rather overdressed! I am so thankful to be able get out for my short treat of fresh air each morning.
    How lovely for those two grandmothers of the bride - it must have given them such a lift.
    Keep warm, dry and safe.x

  20. Another gray day here. We did not get the weather snow that was called for. It is supposed to get very cold this week.

    I cannot wait for spring.

    I googled the story of Megan and Tom, and it was very sweet. Thank you for calling it to my attention.

  21. You are right about how unexpected winter weather can spice up our view of the world where we live. Here in Missouri the sky is gray and white although a small portion of our most recent snow has melted. I love the story of the bride and her grandmother bridesmaids! What special memories she will have of her wedding!

  22. Exposing her two grandmothers to the virus? That made the hair stand straight up on the back of my neck. I don't think she understands the concept of safe-guarding the elderly from the virus. I hope these poor grandmothers are still healthy in two weeks. :-( ~Andrea xoxo

  23. Feminine energy - of course they could both have had their vaccine firstby now. gmv - make the most of every year. At 70 the farmer and I were still travelling abroad each year - I have so many happy memories to call on.

    Thanks for popping in everyone. Off to bed now. Nighty night

  24. That sounds a lovely picture, the bride and her attendents.

  25. Overall our Winter is mild, rainy and windy. Today was rain for the day. Most unusual because we should be getting snow. Vaccine shortages seem to be the latest problem in the US too. Weddings face challenges in these times. Many being postponed. The bride making it work and asking her grandmothers to be attendants found her own good solution. It sounds like a very happy occasion for all.

  26. I look forward to your daily posts so much. Yours is the first blog I log onto with my morning cup of tea. You start my day and I felt slightly off-kilter when you were in the hospital!

    You might be halfway round the world from me but I consider you as a lovely interesting neighbor.
