Wednesday 9 December 2020


 Well, just one day of 'normality' and today my legs are back to being troublesome.   I have just spoken to the doctor and more antibiotics are on their way - a friend is collecting them from the Pharmacy as I write this.   Then I shall have a bite to eat, an antibiotic and go to bed for a couple of hours.   I did far too much yesterday I think.

Sad to hear that John's Winnie the bulldog has died, but she died peacefully at home without John having to take the final decision on life or death.   In fact it sounds as though she enjoyed life up to the very last minute. but we will all miss her - she has been part of our blog family for such a long time.   John will miss her and the other dogs (and Albert) will also miss her - she was a big presence and she will have left a big hole in their lives.

It is a grey, cold day today with no vestige of sunshine - just the sort of day to have an afternoon in bed - and that is exactly what I am going to do.   See you all tomorrow.


  1. That's part of the trouble with keeping animals - coping with the loss of them. When you keep several it makes it easier to cope, I think. We're down to only one cat now and I don't like the thought of being catless when it takes its leave. It would be the first time for over thirty years.

  2. It's amazing how animals fill our lives and then without notice often...they go and leave an empty space where happiness sorry you're not up to it up and tomorrow will bring more energy...much love G xx

  3. She was such a character Winnie, will be sorely missed in blog land. Enjoy yourself in bed, do you have a television in the bedroom?

  4. Sorry you are having a down day when you were doing so well, sad news from John doesn’t help. What a bloomin rubbish year it’s been, I hope you are tucked up in bed resting, sleep well.

  5. Sorry to hear your legs are giving you more trouble. Take it easy. I read about Winnie yesterday. You are right. Sounds like she had fun right up to the end. Hopefully she was asleep when she passed. Have a good day. Hope you feel better soon :) Bobbie DeWitt

  6. We will all miss Winnie. That said, she will live on in our hearts and minds forever. Her big personality was a highlight in John's blog. Sorry to hear the infection flared up. Hopefully the doc will make a treatment change to stop the infection.

  7. A day in bed sounds like a good way to spend a raw, dark day. Do hope the legs feel better soon. x

  8. A jolly good idea an afternoon nap... and sorry about Winnie.

  9. Sorry to hear you're not so good today. No use pushing things when you don't feel up to it. Take care.

  10. Good luck with those legs. I am sure you are following instructions to the t. What an aggravating time for you. Thoughts.

  11. Sounds like you overdid things yesterday, an afternoon in bed sounds just the ticket.

  12. Keep taking those antibiotics and rest when you want a rest.

  13. That's the thing with reconvalecence, it's not always an uninterrupted series of "up" days. I hope resting today will do you good, and the next course of antibiotics will do what they are supposed to do.
    Losing a pet is so painful. I have not had a cat since my last one died more than 7 years ago, but I still think of my cats frequently.

  14. Rest and good sleep are two very important issues in our lives. Make sure you get plenty of both dear Pat. I admit to sleeping a little later some mornings now it's colder. . . . . .and, let's face it, there's really nowhere to go early morning these days once our age!
    Yes Winnie went in the best way possible - I hope I'm that lucky when the time comes!
    Hugs - feel better soon.
    Mary -

  15. You will feel better for a rest, it's so tempting to do too much when you feel a little bit better.
    John's loss of Winnie is very sad; but you're right, for her, it was the best possible way to go.

  16. Sometimes an extension of antibs is required. That and resting when body tells you. xx

  17. You are right to listen to your body and rest when you need to. No rush to getting better - just steady progress is best. Sorry to hear about Winnie, I will pop over to John's blog...

  18. So sorry to hear you are having to take antibiotics again. Hope they do the trick this time. Very disappointing when things were going so well.
    It is so hard to say goodbye to a much loved pet. I have had to do it quite a few times in my life and can sympathise with your blog friend John.
    Enjoy your rest and here's hoping the sun will shine again soon and you can try another little walk.

  19. I'm sorry to hear you are having more trouble with your legs. Keep following the doctor's instructions and little by little you will get to where you want to be. Sometimes, especially at first, it is two steps forward and one back but eventually the steps forward will overtake the others. Patience is hard but it along with your wonderful attitude will get you there in time. Hugs. xxx

  20. One day up, one day down I would think. Don't rush, enjoy a nap in the afternoon.

  21. So sorry to hear that your legs have flared up again (that sounds so weird, but you know what I mean). My Mum usually has to have two courses of anti-biotics to clear up her legs on a regular basis, I wonder if antibiotics aren't working as well these days?

    I think we will all miss Winnie, she was a huge character in blogland. I loved it when she and Suky the Pug met, Suky was amazed at this huge dog that looked a little like her and she just sat watching Winnie's every move.

  22. Please try the things I suggested a few blog entries ago, in the comments, for your cellulitis. I believe they might help you. ~Andrea xoxo

  23. Hope the antibiotics work soon, just keep resting. xxx

  24. You have been doing so well Pat.
    I hope that you. Are not feeling discouraged because you're back on antibiotics.
    Rest and enjoy the chance to read while you regain strength again.
    Sue x

  25. I hope the antibiotics work quickly for you. Yes, Winnie was a gorgeous dog with a big presence, and we will miss reading about her on John's blog.

  26. Hope all is well, you haven't posted for a day or so.

  27. Every morning I check to see if you have told us how you are. I so hope you are all right! Thinking of you.

  28. Hi Pat. Gosh it's been almost week and no word. Hoping everything is okay - miss your daily words. Take care of you. Viv xx

  29. Just stopping by to let you know that you're in my thoughts.

  30. Ditto to jinxxxygirl. Hope you’re OK xx Rosie

  31. Dear Pat, hoping that you are OK. XX
