Saturday 19 December 2020

Varied weather

I don't think I ever remember a week with such varied weather - one day pouring with rain and the next brilliantly sunny - today is a sunny one with lovely blue sky.   I hope it is the same for John's (Going Gently) planned walk on the beach with friends.  They seem to be getting worse weather over there in Wales this week.

Christmas Day draws ever nearer.   I don't find the prospect of spending it alone at all daunting.   I have the lunch planned, I have unread books, my carers are coming as usual - what's not to like? And all my usual preparations are going ahead a bit at a time.   I have gone through and filed a lot of papers.   All my cards and presents are posted (thanks to various friends and neighbours,) my next job is to polish the Welsh Dresser in the hall with 'real' polish.   I always do this at Christmas before putting some of my cards there.   It means that when you open the front door there is a lovely smell of polish.  Alright - not many folk will be opening the front door this year because of Covid rules - but Santa will because I don't have a chimney.

Finally, if you don't already know - don't forget to look in the night sky on Monday (weather permitting)  as soon as the sun sets.   In the South West you will see Jupiter and Saturn coming together as 'the great conjunction' for the first time since 1623 (and thought probably to be the 'Star of Bethlehem' in earlier times).  Surely a good sign for a better year in 2021. Best viewing time in Britain will be between 4.30pm and 6.00.


  1. Do NOT let Santa in. Not only will he have visited everyone else's house -a covid risk- but also there are a lot of scammers going round this year dressed as Santa. Remember, Santa Claus will NEVER ask what you want to buy your grandchildren for Christmas and will certainly NEVER ask you for your bank details.

  2. I can almost smell the polish ! Glad that you're getting some sun - so are we at the moment though we got wet through going to the bakery this a.m. Hoping for fine weather to be able to see that star.

  3. Carruthers made me laugh out loud! That is hilarious!

    We will have a quiet Christmas too. It seems strange to me, but I will be honest, I'm still looking forward to what the day will bring.

    My daughter bought a very nice telescope for her husband's birthday, and they will spend the evening watching the skies for that very thing. It's been disappointing that there has been so much cloud cover since he opened the gift.

  4. Carruthers - I am well able to cope with scams and I shall insist Santa wears full protective gear, (deorated for the festive season of course)

  5. Thank you for the reminder about the planets, but as the heavy rain and dark clouds seem like permanent fixtures here, I have my doubts about seeing them, unfortunately. Water is cascading off the Moor (I live in Cornwall on the edge of Bodmin Moor) and turning the lanes into rivers - all routes in and out of our village are impassable until the Council and the Fire Brigade can clear the blockages of soil, debris and trees. I feel so sorry for the sheep, whose fleeces are soaked and heavy; the poor animals are exhausted as there's very little shelter. The cattle and ponies stand around, heads low, looking miserable as they wait for their farmers to bring food.

  6. Thanks for the reminder to look in the night sky on Monday Pat.
    I'm sure that you will be able to enjoy themselves of polish.
    I always do. It makes me feel very virtuous!
    Here our Chief Minister ( Prime Minister) has had to issue a statement saying that Father Christmas has been given an exemption certificate to travel here because lots of children were anxious that he might not be allowed to come over.

  7. I love the smell of beeswax furniture polish. I am not sure why but it makes me feel warm and fuzzy!
    Carruthers made me laugh.

  8. Monday is Sons Birthday and we hope to see the Star.

  9. Oh how I love the smell of freshly polished furniture! I know your dresser will look wonderful with all your cards decorating the top. Thank you for the reminder of the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. I must check and see when it can be seen where I live.

  10. Yes, the smells of cleaning, waxing, polishing all go together for me at Christmas. And oranges and pine, love them all. I will be out to watch the sky Monday night--it is supposed to be somewhat clear here. Fingers crossed. it's quite dark where I live, no close neighbors, town or city lights, so the view should be beautiful.

  11. I always like to have a good clean and polish session before putting up decorations or cards. Then after Twelfth Night I have another one! Glad you are all ready for Christmas. I am too - only the last minute fresh fruit, vegs and milk to get next Wednesday. I have plenty of books to read, favourite dvds to watch and other hobbies to catch up with. It might be an unusual Christmas but it wont be at all unpleasant.
    I hope to see the planets on Monday but usually when there is anything interesting in the night sky we have cloud cover, but you never know.

  12. Newly polished wood furniture looks and smells so good. Christmas will be different for us all. I am glad you are ready for the holiday. Like others, I plan to bring friends and family together for a celebration when it is safe for all. Thank you for the reminder about Jupiter and Saturn.

  13. You are too kind to guests, but thank you. Polished furniture smells so nice.

  14. Yes, the Christmas Star! I'm glad you mentioned it. There's a lot to be said for being home alone & safe this Christmas. Next year will be different, for sure. ~Andrea xoxo

  15. I saw them this evening and they were very close. I was surprised they didn't appear to be brighter. Hope for the 21st to be clear.

  16. Funnily enough waxing the furniture with beeswax reminds me of doing the same to saddles and bridles. The leather becoming soft under one's fingers, as the smell of polish and the oil of course feeds the wood..

  17. That reminds me - I meant to polish my side boards in the living room, too, the smell is so nice and it does the wood good.
    Thank you for telling us about the Great Conjunction, I didn‘t know about it and hope it will be visible over here, too.
    Your Christmas sounds peaceful quiet and cosy.

  18. In one sense we are all old friends here in blogland so never alone.



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    I'm not here to mess with you or play games with you because as it stands now there are lot's of people out there who Impersonate us, claiming to be members of the ILLUMINATI. So the Brotherhood then comes to conclusion of Globalizing this organization in order to help those who are actually ready to become part of this Great Family and those that were misleaded by Impostors. Now i believe this is your opportunity to join our prestigious Organization and make yourself and your family proud.

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    This is an open invitation to everyone that is interested in becoming part of the world's biggest conglomerate and reach the peak of your career. As we begin this year's recruitment program and our annual feast of harvest is almost at hand, so we decide to introduce you to the "New World Order".

    At this point, we're assuring anyone who is ready and faithful to become a member of this great organization, that once he/she becomes a full member of the Illuminati brotherhood then will automatically become rich, powerful and be famous in life and achieve all their heart desires and also receive a monthly salary of $500,000 USD. We are ready to change your life, we can make your dreams come true.

    The great Illuminati district offers you a life time opportunity of making your heart desires come true. I believe everyone on this planet "Earth" knows about the ILLUMINATI, but for those that don't know much about this Organization, I'll brief you about it. The Illuminati is a secret society that bless man kind and fulfill his/her dreams of becoming a millionaire, billionaire and also promote their various business. At this moment, I believe you've know more about this organization and there's no reason to be afraid of anything.

    I'm not here to mess with you or play games with you because as it stands now there are lot's of people out there who Impersonate us, claiming to be members of the ILLUMINATI. So the Brotherhood then comes to conclusion of Globalizing this organization in order to help those who are actually ready to become part of this Great Family and those that were misleaded by Impostors. Now i believe this is your opportunity to join our prestigious Organization and make yourself and your family proud.

    If you're interested in joining this Great Organization, then contact our Grand Lodge at Pennslyvania, USA via WhatsApp: +1 (325) 261-7127 or our official Email: []

