Wednesday 23 December 2020

Two nights before

 How children used to love 'Twas the Night before Christmas' when I first went into teaching.   I would guess it has all got too sophisticated these days and certainly the days of stockings in front of the fire is long over - so few houses have fireplaces any more.   But perhaps I romanticise it all too much.   In my childhood we had far fewer presents - wartime, less money, no tradition of huge piles of presents, and our  meals were the good old fashioned fare (we usually had goose but this was because my mother dressed poultry for the village butcher and part of her 'wages' was a choice of bird.)   She loved goose and she loved the fat (goose grease) the cooking of it produced.   Not a lot of meat on a goose but we were a small family and a good joint of beef was also part of her wages so no shortage there then.

I shall spend the day alone this year as will many of my friends.   The rapid spread of this new variant means it makes sense to do so.   I have books on my present list, presents to open, a list of programmes I want to see, a pre-cooked lunch coming tomorrow with all trimmings included, a couple of days of complete relaxation will do me no harm at all.   (Bruises and aches are going by the way)

Carols from Kings will start the proceedings tomorrow at 3pm although that will be different with social distancing this year.   I don't think I shall post for a couple of days - unless I get lonely and feel the need for a chat - so



  1. My daughter still reads Twas the Night Before Christmas to my two granddaughter's as I did to her on Christmas Eve - there's always room for magic in this world. Have a lovely time! Sheila X🎄

  2. Happy Christmas Weave, better times one day xx

  3. Have a Merry quiest Christmas, and take care of yourself.

  4. Merry Christmas and love to you too Pat. Enjoy a pleasant weekend relaxing with your books and gifts.

  5. I love that poem. And I only stopped doing stockings for my children when I became a grandma! Happy Christmas, Pat. So glad you are feeling better after your tumble. Thank you for all your enjoyable posts this year, and may 2021 provide lots more interesting things to enjoy and write about! Rosie x

  6. Merry Christmas from Canada. I was sorry to read that you had another fall but I am glad you were not seriously injured.
    Christmas will be different all over the world but I guess we have to make the best of it and hope that we can get vaccinated soon.
    I just finished making scones for a dear friend who loves them but always says she can't make them successfully. She is coming to pick them up soon. I have not baked nearly as much this year but when you are not entertaining it hardly seems necessary.
    I wish you all the best in 2021. Your blog always brightens my day and I have the utmost respect for your positive attitude and let's get on with it mentality. My mom and Dad were very much like that.

  7. Merry Christmas to you! So happy you are on the mend. I love glimpsing at your corner of the world and love your memories from your childhood. Precious memories indeed!

  8. Enjoy Weave as we enjoy you and your posts. xxx

  9. Merry Christmas dear Pat, from our snowy little town in upstate New York. I wish you a Christmas Day of contentment and all the very best for the New Year. xx Sue

  10. Merry Christmas to you. A quiet day spent reading new book presents, eating a prepared dinner and watching nice programs on TV sounds really nice.

    Looking forward to a better new year and reading your daily posts. I really enjoy hearing from you.

  11. Happy Christmas to you. Enjoy your day x

  12. A happy Christmas to you too! You cannot know how much I look forward to your posts. You always manage to see the 'up' side of things in life, and that is an important lesson to all of us, in this strange year we have all had together.

  13. That sounds like a lovely day planned. Merry Christmas to you, too, Pat.

  14. Happy Christmas to you Pat. Socially distanced and quiet - but you could Zoom your son, couldn't you?

    "'Twas the night before Christmas" was one of my favourite Christmas stories as a child, and I have bought the book, and a teddybear holding a book who, in a very pleasant, somewhat American, voice, reads the who story for the children. My two grandchildren love it. But I doubt they could recite it the way I could. I suppose that's a result of having so many more books/videos/DVDs to choose from, so they don't hear the same stories as often. I can also recite the beginnings of Kipling's The Elephant Child, and quite a number of other classics. I'm sure many of your readers will be able to do the same.

    Keep safe, and happy, ((hugs))

  15. Happy Christmas. It is surprising how many people can’t rattle off the names of the reindeer.

  16. Merry Christmas Weave and may you have a very happy New Year!

  17. Coming from a large family our Christmas in childhood was much like yours. We certainly learned to appreciate everything more because of our circumstances. Guess that is where you got your positive attitude that I so enjoy. Have a Merry Christmas.- Mary

  18. Well have yourself a merry little Christmas. Have you heard that song recently. I did and it could have been written yesterday in it's hopes for the coming year.

    Take care!

    Victoria in Indiana

  19. The best new year wishes to you, dear Weave.

  20. Happy Christmas, Pat. May 2021 bring normalcy back to us all. Cheers to you and yours!

  21. Merry Christmas Weaver !
    I am having a very quiet Christmas also.
    cheers, Gayle and The Square Ones, woof !

  22. Merry Xmas and a much happier and healthier New Year. My daughter still loves Twas the night before Xmas and she is 43!

  23. Merry Christmas from beautiful Colorado and a wish for a world free of the virus and filled with the Joy, Peace, Kindness, and Love that has been so sorely missing!

  24. Merry Christmas sweet Weaver!

  25. Merry Christmas my dear friend and may we all have a better year in 2021!

  26. Merry Christmas to you. I think you have your head around Being alone for Christmas this year. It's important to see reality.

  27. Merry Christmas from me in the east coast state of Virginia, sweet Pat!
    May the coming year be better for each of us all over the world than 2020 has been.


  28. That was one of my Christmas books that I sent to my 2 year old grandaughter. It finally arrived today, just in time to be read to her on Christmas eve! Merry Christmas to you. Keep your feet firmly planted. Enjoy your day!

  29. Merry Christmas
    Will isolate also
    There will be many cases when families felt together

  30. My son, Kimbo, in England always has a Goose; I go for Turkey, and bought mine yesterday. My very best wishes to you Weave. Cro xx

  31. Merry Christmas - enjoy your books and the lovely music. I'm glad to hear that you are on the mend again from your most recent fall. Please take care.

  32. "Night Before Christmas" may seem old, but for a little kid, it is brand new. So much of the fun of kids is re-discovering these things.

  33. Merry Christmas from California - part of the crazy USA. I hope you just keep on writing, regardless of your isolation. I enjoy hearing about your daily activities and hope to hear more about the village life when you're finally able to get out and about. Be very, very good to yourself.

  34. Merry Christmas to you dear Pat!! I hope you feel the need for a chat as i will be here with my coffee every morning.. My parents always went above and beyond for Christmas and i tried to do the same for mine.. Christmas was always a time to go above and beyond even if you did not do it any other time of year.. Since we were never well off i always 'shopped ' for Christmas all year and always had an ear out for what someone might like.. No matter what was going on the decorations went up the cookies got baked and Santa came on Christmas eve.. My daughter has two little girls of her own now and i hope she makes it special for them.. Too bad they live so far away or i would help her.. I try not to be cynical Pat.. I have to believe there are still people out there who hold Christmas dear and do it well... Hugs! deb

  35. Fish is traditional here for Christmas Eve, we will have pork fillet tomorrow. It’s immaterial what we eat, as long as we are safe and well in a beautiful place there is nothing to complain about. I hope we leave 2020 wiser and better people, that we appreciate our lives more and expect things less. Have a peaceful and happy Christmas, here‘s to better days.

  36. I will be reading 'Twas the Night Before Christmas this evening, when I put Lily to bed. I've just seen that a reading of the poem, led by Prince Charles and Camilla, is being broadcast later this morning in aid of charity.
    Merry Christmas, Pat. Xx

  37. Have yourself a merry little Christmas, dear Pat!
    So good to read that the bruises and aches are going. I picture you in your beautiful cosy home, sitting with your books and cards, watching some Christmas-themed telly and enjoying your nice meal. Peaceful and quiet.

  38. I love that poem and post it on my Facebook page every Christmas eve evening :) We also have stocking on the fireplace (not hung, though - they are placed on the hearth) - our children are aged 11 - 23 :)

  39. i'm fairly new to your blog and don't comment very often but i really enjoy reading your posts, i hope your xmas is as happy as it can be and i'm glad your aches and pains are getting better xx

  40. And a very Merry Christmas to you Pat. Here's looking at a brighter 2021. Viv xx

  41. A very Happy Christmas to you Pat and do take very good care. As you say lets hope for a better new year for everyone xx

  42. Much love to you's always so good to read your positive outlook on life...I wish you a peaceful and quiet day with good food and books to keep you company...Gerry xx

  43. A safe and happy Christmas to you

  44. I used to love reading The night before Christmas to my children when they were younger. Looking forward to continuing the tradition with my granddaughter. Happy Christmas Pat. Sue

  45. Happy Christmas Weave. We normally have goose (or parts thereof) but this year there was none.

  46. Our local radio station recorded local schoolchildren (socially distanced of course)saying what Christmas means to them and then reading a verse from 'The Night Before Christmas' and broadcasting one a day. I think they are putting all the verses together for listeners today.

  47. Happy Christmas, Pat. Stay safe and warm.

  48. Merry Christmas, Pat from a dark and frosty Sweden.

    I come from a large family and we had very few gifts and no hugely elaborate meal, though my parents did their best to make it special and I was quite excited even if all I got was an orange, some sweets and a book. With ten children, a goose would not have fed many of us, but mum did turkey, ham and roast beef. Add all of the side dishes (and my favourite - the stuffing!) and it was a feast to us. We also got to drink one glass of fizzy drink (the only day we were allowed soft drinks) I always had a Fanta and I so looked forward to my annual Fanta. As a adult, I wonder what I was thinking as it is so sweet - ha, ha.

    We won't be having a family Christmas this year as the risks are just too great with COVID. I want them all to stay home and to stay safe. But I will still be making it a special time, even if it is just my husband, myself and our little dog. We will video call the children and watch the grandchildren open their gifts. We'll eat a special meal and be thankful that we have each other and are warm and safe.

  49. May your wish for a better 2021 come true! Happy Christmas, Pat...your plans for the day sound perfect.

  50. From one teacher to another, Merry Christmas, Pat. I have had my classes act out "Twas the Night before Christmas" as part of the Christmas concert for many, many years. To include all the children, some parts were "a mouse" (not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse), a "vision of sugarplums" (this child would be covered in big candy and tinsel), often more than "eight tiny reindeer", and there were any number of children "nestled all snug in their beds". Alas, no Christmas concert was permitted this year. I wish for a much improved new year for you, and I'm glad to hear the bumps and bruises are feeling better. -Jenn

  51. Merry Christmas from Kansas. I'd be happy if my gifts were all books! Enjoy your day and have a better year ahead. Always enjoy reading your blog.

  52. Merry Christmas Weave. My day will be similar to yours. Best wishes coming to you from Minnesota.

  53. Merry Christmas, Pat, from Naperville, Illinois. My father always read us "Twas the night before Christmas" and my brother still does (altho, no family gathering with him this year). I have 5 Christmas stockings hanging on my fireplace (altho, I don't fill them anymore as my children are grown)!
    Best wishes for a happy, healthy New Year!

  54. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
    May we still be reading your lovely blog.
    From Wendy & Tom x
    Wendy (Wales)

  55. Happy Christmas Pat. (We are forecast some flurries of snow in Lincolnshire tomorrow.) x

  56. Wishing you a Merry Christmas Pat, from Adelaide, South Australia. The weather is mild here today.
    We've had some very hot Christmasses in the past. Our extended family had guests from England last year and they enjoyed a hot summer Christmas at our cousins place, with the table set up beautifully by the swimming pool, under much-needed shade, with traditional roast fare and pudding. We enjoyed making it memorable for them . This year we are enjoying a smaller Xmas and the joy of my first grandchild, 2 months old. .I have enjoyed all your 2020 posts. Here's to 2021 and many more.
    From Pam.

  57. Merry Christmas and a happier and healthier New Year! I have really enjoyed reading your blog and look forward to so much more in 2021!
    God bless, dear lady!
    Marcia in S. Colorado

  58. Merry Christmas , be covid safe, be happy x

  59. Merry Christmas! Enjoy your holiday and stay safe. Looking forward to all your posts in the new year.

  60. I love the memories you have shared. Merry Christmas.

  61. Merry Christmas, Pat! I love your blog and vicariously sharing your life!!

  62. Yes, this will definitely be a different Christmas, for sure.... but that's ok. The hustle & bustle is way over-rated! *lol* I loved reading about Christmases when you were a child. They certainly were different for me too... but in many ways the same, as well. I wish you a blessed & holy Christmas and a much better world in the new year to come. ~Andrea xoxo

  63. I hope you are enjoying a nice relaxing day Pat x

  64. Margaret adn Joel and Siri - I hope you read this - I have just opened your very beautiful present - I am thrilled with it. Thank you so much - it has made my Christmas Day. xxxd

  65. Merry Christmas to you and hoping we all see some return to normality in the New Year x

  66. I hope you are continuing to have a calm and peaceful time. I love 'Twas the Night Before Christmas' and my boys both did too, and it was rather lovely to hear that my Great Grandson's favourite present was the toy box that his Mum and dad had piled all his other presents into. Seemingly he emptied them all out and climbed into it himself and said he wanted to 'live there'. He then refused to open any others as this was the BEST. Oh to be two years old again :-)



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