Friday 4 December 2020

Friday again.

 The sky is dark and the rain is beating on the windows, coming in from the North - never a good sign.    What is falling as rain here is falling as snow higher up the Dale and everywhere it is cold.

Well, this morning was a surprise.   My morning carer comes at half past seven and I get up about half an hour before she comes, turn the central heating up from eighteen to twenty one and make myself a cup of tea.   This morning, an extra-dark one, someone suddenly took hold of my foot in bed - I was fast asleep and it was half past seven.   What a surprise!   Luckily my carer had the number to enter using my key safe.

Now, mid afternoon, it is clearing up and there is blue sky.   It has been a good day as far as I am concerned.   I still have my exercises to do but I am walking well, I have read The Times and done the Mind Games and my head is clear.   I really feel on the mend today.   And I had another lovely surprise.

I get superb ready meals every other Friday from a really excellent food firm called Fairhursts.   When my order came this morning there were some extras (including a sticky toffee pudding!!) and they had been ordered for delivery by Virginia in New Zealand.   Thank you so much Virginia - I was so touched by your kindness and I shall think of you with every mouthful of that pudding.

Yes dear friends - what would I do without you all?   You have all made my life so much richer.     Until tomorrow........


  1. You are such an example to us all. I admire the way you've kept a strong, positive attitude online during your recovery. Well done! I do so love to read your postings. Thank you for this positive spot during the day.

  2. It sounds like you are getting lots of lovely healing sleep ... but having someone grab my foot in bed would make me jump out of my skin. How lovely of Virginia to send you puddings, you can't beat a good sticky toffee pudding :-)

  3. What a lovely happy post, and how kind of Virginia to send you some edible goodies. Weather here is also cold and wet, yet in the Dales there is snow.

  4. Wet and dark here, too. But then it's hardly surprising. It's not long to the solstice now, though, and then it starts getting light again, surprisingly quickly.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Snow here this morning and then turned to rain. Enjoy your lovely sticky pudding. I am so pleased you are feeling that you are on the mend Weave x

  7. Glad to see you seem to be gradually on the mend.

  8. If someone grabbed my foot in bed while I was sleeping I'd probably have a heart attack!

    Glad you're doing so well and recovering. You are an inspiration!

  9. Your posts sound so upbeat and that is reassuring to hear. Glad you are feeling better each day.


  10. Karren has summed up everything I wanted to say. Keep well and warm.

    Frances SW

  11. Good to hear you are on the mend. What a kind and thoughtful gesture from Virginia - a treat you well deserve.

  12. Surprises are the best way to manage a gray day!

  13. A lovely post. Brightened my day x

  14. So glad to hear that you are on the mend and enjoy the sticky toffee pudding.

  15. It sounds like you are doing so well and that just makes my day! I am happy to hear about your improvements each day. However, as a few others have said if someone grabbed my foot when I was asleep I would have been scared to death! I'm sure it helped that you are accustomed to her arriving each morning though.

    You may have had a rainy day but this post is full of brightness to me!

  16. Like everyone else I would have jumped a mile with someone getting hold of my foot!

    You sound very cheerful - enjoy that pud.

  17. Still raining - I am all ready for bed and about to make myself a cup of cocoa. Sheer indulgence.

  18. So pleased you have had such a good day even though it must have been a bit of a surprise to wake up to someone holding your foot! I overslept this morning and have felt dopey all day as a result. Must wake up earlier tomorrow.
    Another cold day down here but luckily no icy pavements.

  19. How lovely that pudding must have been. Kind gestures like that are wonderful.

  20. I believe I would have slept on, too, under the pleasant beat of rain.

  21. So glad you are back on the air again, and that your health is improving too. I really enjoy your blog. Enjoy your pudding!

  22. It is easy to sleep in on a cold, dark, rainy, gloomy morning. We've all done it. Wonderful that you are walking well. This is great news. That pudding sounds outstanding. Virginia is a very thoughtful and generous person.

  23. Your early morning carer sounds like an old fashioned 'knocker-up'. What luxury; to have someone to wake you in the mornings!

  24. It's reassuring to know you are so well cared for. X

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. Being grabbed by the foot in bed at 7.30 in the morning is something I might not recover from.

  27. Hello, what a lovely post you sound so happy and trust you enjoyed the pudding.
    It's been a lovely sunny day here in Stewkley it makes such i difference.
    Take care,
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

  28. Goodness, I hope I will never wake up by someone grabbing my foot!
    Anyway, I am so glad to read that you are so much better. And your friend made sure you get extras with your meals - what a lovely idea!
