Saturday 17 October 2020


 No sun today  -- but no rain either - just a nothing sort of day.  We had our usual Saturday morning Zoom this morning; six of us and just a nice forty minute chat to start off the day.   Then the Postlady came and had to ring my new bell as she had a parcel for me.   She has been away for a while in hospital and it is lovely to have her back - she is such a cheerful soul and always has a chat and a smile.   We talked about three very local people who have died recently - about their lives and how they had enjoyed them.   We agreed that 'when your time is up, your time is up' and both declared we would live each day as it comes - hope you will all do the same.

After lunch (my soup maker made me a batch of carrot and lentil soup) I also had lasagne Percy and I set off on our walk - a little bit further today.   I have to say I didn't feel like going today.   There was no sun to warm me now and again and it was an effort to get going.   But once out I enjoyed it and went a little further than I went yesterday and on the way back a friend who lives further down the road was looking out for me (she had seen me go past going down the road) and we had a ten minute socially distanced chat.   I find these little chats, and these chats in blogland, such a help in these troubled times.

Saturdays are usually my least favourite days but, like last Saturday, tonight is a really great night for my tastes on BBC Four - another Francesco da Mosta programme on Venice - they are such brilliant programmes and still one more to go after this evening - then an hour of Michael Palin travelling all over the world and then - joy of joys another new unseen Inspector Montalbano mystery.   I intend to have a really indulgent evening.

Night is already falling outside - almost time to draw all the blinds and shut it out.    But first - one thing I noticed on my walk round this afternoon:   many gardens have a Pyracantha shrub in them.   They are an easy shrub to grow and obviously very popular.   Every one I passed was laden with berries, either yellow or orange.   I have one in my garden it has orange berries here and there but certainly not in profusion.   The difference - most of the ones I saw which were laden were growing up against house walls, which means they would be gaining heat from the walls (most bungalows and houses on the estate are built of stone bricks) which certainly retain the heat from the sun.   My bush is against a stone wall at the top of the garden and the North wind whistles through the gaps in the stone.   The wrong place for a shrub I guess.   Well you live and learn.


  1. I'm glad you are finding your soupmaker useful.

  2. It sounds like you have had a pleasant day despite the lack of sunshine. Your soup sounds excellent. I love homemade soup as the days get cooler. We have had a nice day with sun but also a lot of wind. I spent most of the day working outside in my yard clearing things up and getting ready for winter. I hope you are enjoying your programs tonight. They do sound good.

  3. There is nothing as good as homemade soup after a walk in the fresh air. Cloudy but no wind and no rain down here, so not too bad at all. The gardens are still quite colourful and lovely to see. I'm sure yours is too.

  4. I made Mulligatawny soup last night (recipe from a Harry Potter cookbook my granddaughters gave me). It was delicious! I had never heard of it before. I enjoy how you make it sound as if your soup maker is treating you to soup even tho, of course, you have to get all of the ingredients into it! Also, good for you that you are walking a bit farther each day. I have been trying to do that too before winter weather hits us. Once it is icy, I don't walk outside too much. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

  5. Oooh ! My husband has been reading the Inspector M stories, so I hope NZ gets the tv series too.

    Do those shrubs cope with being moved? You might be able to get your gardener to do that once it’s dormant, perhaps?

    We’re recovering from yesterday’s General Election, and the late night party!

  6. Elllen - yes I do have to get the ingredients ready but the machine chops them = and it also cleans itself when I have emptied it.
    Virginia - The series is on iplayer here and is excellent. There are thirty episodes and I have watched them all several times - so you know how good they are. As to moving the shrub - yes I am sure it would cope but I have no house wall it can be planted against as my bungalow is surrounded by paving.

  7. Now I am intrigued by your soup maker! I just use my crock pot. The idea of a pot that chops and cleans itself is astounding.

  8. I've been reading up on them. We don't have them here, and for the life of me, I can't guess why. They look very efficient.

  9. Good to hear you went out for a walk, even though you didn't really feel like it. It's funny that you say Saturday night has a lot of enjoyable programmes to watch. I find Saturday night tv here completely lacking in anything I want to watch! Husband is currently watching You Tube on the tv - an old Sherlock Holmes episode with Jeremy Brett. -Jenn

  10. My people were once advised by local police to grow Pyracantha beneath the downstairs windows. Apparently no burglar would risk being torn to shreds by the thorns!

  11. If your Pyracantha is very big, you won't be very popular with your gardener if you ask him to move it, they have thorns that can penetrate even quite thick gloves. I have a large one along a fence that allows access into my rear garden and I defy any burglar to get through or over it.
    The last Gardener's World next Friday, no more Monty till the Spring.

  12. Derek - what shall I do over winter without my weekly dose of Monty?
    Cro - interesting idea - they are certainly impenetrable and pretty thorny.
    Jenn - Saturdays are usually not good watching here either - it has just moved up a notch or two lately.
    Debby - I have always made soup all year round because I like it and there are so many different ones to try. But I am enjoying the soupmaker - it does mean I don't have various implements and pans to wash up and the device does also make various deserts and ice creams but don't expect I shall use those.
    I have just switched on early Sunday morning - I shall be back later.

  13. Love your blog. I don't know much of your history, but each time you write about it, I enjoy it. Prayers for all...U.S. in a turmoil now...have had great personal losses as well...continue writing please.
