Monday 19 October 2020

Oh Dear!

 After a week of singing my praises about how my walking was improving every day and how I was managing to walk that bit further each day suddenly today I came up against a brick wall.   I found my walk jolly hard going; so much so that I had to cut it short and go back on a shorter circuit than usual.   Even that was a struggle.   There could be two reasons for this - one it is a colder day and two there is quite a strong wind blowing.   Whatever the reason I shall not be going for a little top up after tea as I have been doing.   I have just turned the heating up a notch and when I have finished this I shall draw the blinds along the back of the bungalow (which faces North) and shut out the end of the day, which is cloudy anyway.

I came in, made myself a cup of tea and thought about lunch.   Obviously I needed a sustaining lunch (I had porridge sweetened with honey for breakfast)but couldn't be bothered to do much.   Then I remembered cold new sliced potatoes in a basin in the fridge - so I had it!   Fried new potatoes (lots!) with a small tin of Heinz beans in tomato sauce, four slices of fried streaky bacon and a fried egg.   It was delicious!!

Friend W called with a magazine I hadn't read so easy reading after tea.   We had a pleasant socially distanced chat (she didn't come inside) about what we had been reading, then I came onto my blog, wrote it, pressed the wrong button and the whole thing disappeared as if by magic - hence the gap but at least the title is apt.

Walking round earlier in the day I got to thinking about our circle of bloggers.   Of course there are many more but I can't begin to tell you all how grateful I am for our little circle.   I feel we have been friends for so long and i look forward to our chat most days.    Do please continue- it is one of the few bright sparks during this awful Covid and I thank you all most sincerely.


  1. Sorry to hear your walk with Percy had to be curtailed.

    Must admit that Oct-March restrictions seem worse than Mar-October. Shorter days, colder weather and the flu season.

  2. The weather most definitely affects walking. Wind in particular. I invested in some waterproof trousers. Big enough to pull on over your own clothes. From a golf shop. Keeps you dry and warmer. Today it rained and was miserable. You are doing great.

  3. At least you did manage a walk even if you had to cut it short.
    It has been raining steadily here all day so I have been stuck indoors, just reading and browsing online. The heating is on and I am just about to cook supper. Pan fried salmon with chilli potatoes and broccoli.
    Keep warm and take care.

  4. Keep up the good work, Weave. Even a little exercise is better than no exercise so you're doing great---knowing your limits. I think you're amazing.

  5. I get days when my legs say NO! to a walk and I've got a few years on you Pat. I think our body just has days when it wants to rest up. You're doing well and eating really well too, to keep your strength up, and you keep your brain working as well.

    We are now in Lockdown as from Friday night. I booked another Trip to the Tip the moment I knew. Middle daughter can carry on working as she commutes from Cardiff into England, not sure about our son. Will find out tonight.

    I was Very Good and Ruthless and 15 boxes of books went to Charity today . . . they will make other people happy and do good too.

  6. Weather that comes with autumn and winter will affect how often and for how long you and Percy can venture forth. You're wise to listen to your common sense!

    Pat, you're an inspiration to me and I thank you. At age 69 1/2m, I've got a book to read titled "Rowing North" by Mary Pipher about making the most of aging. You certainly are a fine example of one who is aging well, staying involved with friends and family, tackling the challenges of blogging and Zoom, and tending your garden as you can. Applause, applause and more thanks.


  7. Pat there is such a thing as too much of a good thing... Even i with my exercise and weightloss regimen takes a day off... Rest is just as important.. You have to find the happy medium.. Hugs! deb

  8. I find I'm in much more pain once the temperature drops, and we have had some cold nights. How's the sock making going?

  9. When I first started to blog I looked for blogs from places I had visited or wanted to see. I am so happy I found your blog. I look forward to each morning and read it with my coffee.

  10. It is hard to catch your breath when walking in a cold sharp wind. You are a bright spot in the day for many others, I am sure. I have put together a cottage pie for supper inspired by Cro. As you often say, there was a lot of to and fro-ing in the kichen. Have a nice day!

  11. Cold weather and wind together make it more difficult to do anything. I'm glad you were wise and went back.
    I agree so much about blogging - it keeps me busy and interested in life and what other people are doing all around the world that I would never know about otherwise.

  12. Yes, blogging is great.I don't write very often but I do read every day.I think it gives a snapshot of different lives,countries,experiences etc.In the past I had pen friends all over the world promoting international goodwill.
    Have you started your socks?I have lost count of how many pairs I have made,most brightly coloured!!!

  13. Sorry to hear that Percy didn't feel up to walking very far this morning, you need to have a stern word with him! A good fry-up is just the thing to cheer you up on a winter's day. Somehow I just managed to delete my comment, so had to type it all again. Oh dear.

  14. looks like I have finally found people who are regular in blogging....

  15. You are doing just fine deArheart
    Just fine x

  16. Cold and windy here in Lincs today too, I certainly didn't feel like spending much time outside.

  17. When the weather is first turning cold and windy it causes all kinds of problems for arthritis and other types of sore and achy muscles and joints. At least that is my experience. I think we slowly get at least somewhat used to it as we adjust to the cold. Still, the cold does tend to be a bit more challenging. Go easy on yourself when you take your walks in cold weather. Even a short walk can give you a lift as well as some fresh air.

    I always enjoy coming here to visit with you! You offer an enjoyable and welcome place to share our thoughts. We had a warm day Saturday but it has since turned cold and cloudy. That is okay, for it is the time of year for things to change. I hope you have a nice evening and find a good program on television or maybe a good book to read. Thank you for being a friend!

  18. Some days my feet and legs feel as if they belong to someone else - it's hard going to make them work and they don't want to walk in a straight line! I hope tomorrow will be a better day for you. Your lunch sounded delicious.
    I have become very lazy as far as blogging is concerned, but always 'drop in' to read your posts. Keep them coming, please.
    Take care and keep warm. Night-night.

  19. We've been contending with very hot weather around these parts. Walking in cold and wind or extreme heat can be a bother. Sorry to read that your walks have been curtailed.

    I have been partaking in socially-distant chats outside now and again. They do a mind good!

  20. I did the same thing Pat...set up the exhibition notes about my work...then pressed the wrong button...and of course it all disappeared...had to start!

  21. I too am grateful for all of us. And probably the cold and wind cut short your walk.

  22. Thank you for blogging !! Marlane from S california( originally from England) I have blogs too if anyone wants to read them just click on my name.

  23. I am glad you made it back to the house. The wind has been fiercer, it feels, than usual this season. Your lunch sounds wonderful

  24. First time chat. I have been reading your blog for some time now. Just keep on keeping on, Time will return to normal hopefully in the New Year.

  25. Nothing wrong with a day or two of rest, as long as you do not give up on your regular walks, however short. So far, they have mostly done you good, and I hope this will continue being the case; on the other hand, you are being sensible, staying inside when it is too windy or otherwise averse.
    Thank you for saying that about us, your circle of blogger friends! It is always good to come here and read about your life, your thoughts and ideas, and I love it particularly when you share memories of long ago.

  26. It is always lovely to come and read your blog in the morning, like a breath of fresh Yorkshire air. I think we all love you dearly and bask in the warmth of your blog.

  27. What a tonic to turn on this morning - a wet one. By the time I had read you all would you believe it the sun had come out both outside and inside. Take care everyone and thanks for your replies.

  28. Sorry Weave - late as usual. I enjoy your posts too. I am one of many!

  29. At least you got out and into the fresh air which is the main thing. I think we should always listen to our bodies and if it's not a walking day it simply isn't a walking day. You did exactly the right thing getting cosy at home instead.

    Last night my thighs were burning so much I had to take two paracetamol, serves me right for using a dining chair instead of a ladder (which I'm bloody useless on anyway, too much of a wobbler) to climb on for window washing and kitchen cupboard cleaning. I guess I had just given myself a two hour step-class on a very high step ;-)

    Yep, our circle of bloggers is brilliant, we all notice when one of us goes quiet for a few days and check in with them, and we usually have something to say to each other every now and then, or occasionally just a good moan at the world. Friendship with no pressure, just perfect.

  30. Just returned from a nice walk in the sun. Walking past our village church I noticed lots of ladybirds flying around. Getting home the south wall of my cottage is crawling with them and, worse still, there are masses in the house. Will have to wait until they settled down and the try and eject them. Not a nice job as they stink!

  31. Your blog is part of the list of blogs that I check every morning. It is part of my morning routine and I always enjoy your posts. Thanks so much for your interesting and inspirational blog! You are such a thoughtful, sensible, caring person which is so needed in our world today!!

  32. Traveller - interesting - musy be the heat of the wall attracting them.

    Thanks to the wole lot of you.
