Thursday 15 October 2020

Blue sky at last.

 After days when it was either looking like rain, raining or the roads were running with water which was running down the drains before it started up again, this morning's sunrise was beautiful.   It made me realise just how much the year is 'turning' as the sun rising in the East was actually shining into my sitting room window rather than into my bedroom window and I know that this evening the same will happen when the setting sun shines into the opposite corner of my sitting room window.   It always catches me unawares until I suddenly notice it one day.  Yes, only a fortnight before our clocks go back (Spring forward fall back as we used to say as a reminder) and our dark nights really arrive.

It would be easy to begin dreading the coming Winter with its possible lockdown retrictions at worst or semi lockdown at best as it looks at present.   But we really must not let ourselves get like that - I am determined to go into November with a more cheerful frame of mind.   To this aim I am trying to speak 'face to face' to at least four people each day (today it was E on the way to the hairdressers, when we walked together - she to the bus, me to the hairdresser- then H the hairdresser; we chatted behind our masks as she washed and blow dried my hair - then out on my walk M saw me coming and opened the front door so that we could chat for a while and then G my electrician who is hoping to come and fix the bell shortly).   I also aim for several phone calls - today I rang M my neighbour.   Her daughter's dog had an operation yesterday and she was worried about 'a lump' being cancerous.   It wasn't and she was joyous as he is already recovering, then my son rang.   They had been down country for his wife to have blood tests which she has  to have annually - he rang when they got back home.   My dear old school friend (we are the same age and   have been friends since the day we started infant school (and that wasn't yesterday)) rang and we had a good reminisce.  Finally the young lady who collects my medication rang and said she would collect it tomorrow for me.   So you see I have had plenty of 'chat' today.

I have endeavoured to walk 'the circuit' round the estate every day for the last ten days and have only I think missed one day, when the weather was just too wet.   Today when I walked round just before lunch I arrived back home and contemplated walking round again straight away as I felt so fit after my first circuit.   Of course my ankles still hurt - arthritis never goes away - but I can tolerate that if I feel well.   I know if we get another wet spell the tiredness will return but I am determined to keep up the Dunkirk spirit.   Wish me luck!


  1. I greatly admire your resolute practical nature. I can tell you that your phone calls and chats are just as important to the people you're calling as they are to you.

  2. Unfortunately Pat, next week looks like being quite wet so enjoy the sunshine this weekend if you get any.

  3. A little bit of sunshine at this time of year really lifts the spirits.
    Make the most of every day. xx

  4. We really do have to make the most of the bright days, don't we? Glad you were able to get out for a good walk today.

  5. You’re setting the bar high W, with your four a day chats! I managed three today in person and nice texts with a daughter and a brother.
    I do agree with your approach to life.
    I like to think of each day as an opportunity and one you get to have another “go” at each morning.
    Having scrapped the gym ( it closed but was costing a lot anyway ) I now aim for an hour a day walk and I love it. xx

  6. Keep up your great spirit and example!

  7. Well done! I too did a bit more exercise today. Not sure how I can speak to more people..

  8. Just off to bed now at half past ten. At least it is not raining - I just looked out - no sign of Orion tonight for Tom to look at (well not here but there might be in Bath) - we'll see what tomorrow brings.

  9. Talking to so many people surely rejuvenated your spirit.

  10. We are promised a rain-free 10 days. I hope they stick to their promise!

  11. You are so wise in approaching your days in such a positive manner. I need to learn some of your wonderful habits. I'm so happy you've had the sun today as that does make a difference for us!

  12. Sunshine, a walk and more chats than I get in on an average day (phone conferences for work do not count as chats) - what could be more uplifting right now!
    The weekend here is forecast with unsettled weather, we probably won't go for any long walks or hikes. For a change, spending some cosy time at home will also be nice, cooking some nice meals and maybe even doing some baking.

  13. This morning it is dry but a lot of high cloud. I slept very badly and am now running late - so just a thank you and now I shall get on with tidying round.

  14. It sounds like you have an absolutely PERFECT plan on keeping the bah-humbugs away! Good for you! I think you've inspired me too! ~Andrea xoxo

  15. I just love your determination to make your life what you want it to be! I used to be one that thought life "happened to me" and now I understand it is ME who creates my life. We do indeed find what we are looking for! You inspire me to continue to create a beautiful life.
