Monday 5 October 2020

Another Monday

Mondays come round increasingly fast these days and another one has arrived.   Today was our Book Group when we discussed 'Dress your family in Corduroy and Denim'.   I personally enjoyed the humour but the general opinion was not good and I was distinctly in the minority.  But we had an interesting discussion and that is what matters - keeps the old grey matter stirred up.  I had to call in at the Solicitors afterwards so I drove into town.   If there had been anywhere to park I would have gone into Thomas the Baker and bought myself a prawn and salad roll for my lunch, but the car park was full.   There was a queue to get into the Solicitors office too but luckily I could put my envelope through the letter box so I was soon away.   The town was every bit as busy as on any normal Monday - surprising as schools are back but there we are.

For the second day we are having no rain.   The sun is out, there are a lot of clouds about but no rain is falling and most of the time I am being warmed by the sun.  This time of year every day when there is a warm sun is a bonus.   One can almost feel the plants soaking up the sun to store for winter.   This year I remembered to cut back each antirrhinum stem as it began to go to seed and as a result I have two lovely patches of new blossoms - one yellow and one red.   The red ones are self-sown from last year.

As there was no prawn sandwich (and I had got my mouth ready for one) I micro waved a large jacket potato and stuffed it with crispy fried streaky bacon, cheese and Mediterranean stir fry veggies.  I must say it was tasty and I had a bowl of home-made tomato soup first so didn't go hungry.   And then I insisted that Percy and I walked round the block soaking up that sun - didn't feel like it as I seemed to have been on the go all morning but I felt better for it when I got back home.

Now to order our next book for Book Group - it is 'Visitation' by Jenny Erpenbeck - has anybody read it?



  1. Lucky you having warm sunshine today. It has been very wet here all day and so dark that I have needed the light on to be able to read.

  2. Haven't got disabled parking badges Weave? Sorry, have not read that book.

  3. Your lunches always sound so wonderful. Enjoy the sun !

  4. Gosh doesn't the sun feel good this time of year?? I have not read that book nor the one before. But glad you read a book you enjoyed...I'am reading 'Woman in the Mist' about Dian Fossey... It started out really good but has dissolved into just a bunch of squabbling between her and National Geographic and really everyone that just really couldn't seem to give her the help she needed to save the Mountain Gorillas.. sad really.. But i've enjoyed learning about her and her struggles.. I'am nearing the end.. and i know she gets killed... she was at odds with so many people.. Hugs! deb

  5. Rather miserable weather down here once again, but better tomorrow with any luck. Your lunch sounded better than mine too!

  6. You have some interesting reading by the sound of things. I am now on the third of the trilogy by Elizabeth Chadwick about Eleanor of Aquitane. Excellent reading.

    What a shame you didn't get your prawn salad sandwich but your lunch sounded every bit as tasty.

    Any sun is welcome from now on. We had a glimpse of it and some wonderful cloud banks when we went down to Llansteffan for some sea air and to try and unwind after a VERY stressful few days.

    I will have to look up both those books now . . .

  7. When I read the title of your post it made me think how Mondays seem to be arriving faster and faster as this year goes on, then I read the first line :)
    It's been a lovely sunny and warm day here today. Early this morning I was worried the central heating had packed up, but it had been warm enough that it didn't switch on. X

  8. I really like Sedaris's writing. I'm glad that you enjoyed the book!

  9. The days do move quickly it seems and any day with the sun shining is a good day. I'm glad you have Percy to accompany you on your walks as I'm sure he makes a difference for you! We have a cool and breezy day here but the sun is shining and the birds are singing.

  10. Your Book Group choice has an intriguing title. A mixed day here but it started very well. Noticeably colder though. There are a few very long corridors linking the flats here, so if the weather turns really bad I can still have a walk under cover, exploring the further reaches!

  11. Thanks for the comments everyone. It is now almost eleven in the evening so am off to bed before my blanket switches itself off. Sleep well everyone.

  12. I've never heard of a queue outside of a Solicitor's office, normally they are places we avoid.

  13. CRO - Our solicitor's office is also a branch of a Building Society bank.

  14. "Visitation" sounds interesting...shall look into it for our Penketh Library reading group...thankyou Pat

  15. I don't know the book but I like the description of your active day, especially the sound of your delicious lunch AND that you went on a walk!

  16. How often does your book club meet? Do you discuss a new book every meeting?
