Monday 14 September 2020


 Monday has come round again and with it an absolutely beautiful sunny warm day.   All our really lovely days this Summer have been Mondays - good for anyone still pegging their washing out!

Frankly not a day for me to do very much.   I made a list last evening of all the jobs I wanted to do today and they are now all ticked off apart from ironing two jerseys and a pair of trousers and I intend to leave those until it cools down somewhat.   When I finish this post I intend to take my chair out on the patio and sit in the sun for a couple of hours and soak up a bit of vitamin D.It struck me earlier that in all my childhood I don;t think I ever remember seeing my parents sitting out in the sun.  We did have a lawn at the bottom of the garden and I remember that at one end of it there was a little bench - one of those benches with room for three small children - desks with holes for inkwells and a lift up lid to keep your books in.  I have no idea where it came from.

At the other end of the lawn there was an Ellison's Orange Pippin eating apple tree - in my memory it was always laden and they were delicious - but I don't suppose it was always like that - memory is very selective.

Friends S and T called - the only people who actually come into my bungalow and then we observe the social distancing rules.   We looked round the garden, noticed that one of my helebore seedlings had been attacked by a slug.   S lifted up a leaf to reveal a huge fat slug.  T removed and and threw it over the hedge into the field.   If it does return at least it will take it several days to get back.

Well friends it is now 3.50 and my lunch pots have still not been put into the dishwasher so I had better go and get everywhere shipshape.   Have a good evening.


  1. It is good to read there's a sun enough for you to sit outdoors and enjoy the day.

  2. The forests that surround us are still on fire. It is ten am but the heavy smoke makes it look like dusk. We have certainly made progress on our indoor job list. They say the air here will remain hazardous for another week. My wife says not to worry there is plenty to do, yikes!

  3. I am not an ironer so know little if anythng about ironing, but am puzzled as to how you iron jerseys and why would a jersey need ironing?

  4. Rachel - both of the jerseys I intend to iron have 'iron on the wrong side with a cool iron' written on the label.

  5. Sounds like a good day to me - friends visiting, sunshine, and the satisfaction of having done the jobs you meant to do.

  6. You certainly are an organized woman that likes to keep things "shipshape"! You do put me to shame! :)

  7. I remember how sweet and tasty the apples my Granddad grew. I'm sure they were better than those we can buy today. Everything homegrown seems to have more flavour. Glad you have had sunshine - it's been a lovely day here too.

  8. What a nice day it is when you can spend time in the sun with good friends!

  9. Sounds like a lovely day! Horrid slugs - I’m sure they have their uses in the world but they give me nightmares!!

  10. Thank you for a lovely afternoon description.

  11. Uses for slugs - food for blackbirds??

    Thanks everyone.
