Monday 21 September 2020

Monday morning.

Monday morning, bright and early, delightful morning and threats on the television of dire weather to come.  So alarm bells ring - make the most of the next couple of days.   I tidy round quickly, don a waistcoat and set off round the block - the furthest I have been for quite a while.  One of the nicest things about walking slowly with Percy is that people in their front gardens want to chat as you go by - takes up time, but I have plenty of that.   A quarter of an hour's chat with H next door helped me on my way.   It was still quite early and there was hardly anyone around.  When I arrived home the milk bill was through the letter box, so I went straight back out again on another walk to put the cheque through the milkman's letter box - so I am pleased with my exercise today!

There is something different about the sunny weather this time of the year.   I suppose it is because we know winter is on its way and we all begin to feel nostalgic for the 'lost' summer, although this year has almost been a non-year in every way hasn't it?   And as things stand it  may well be another six months of similar restrictions before we ge back to anything like normality.  The photograph on the front of the paper this morning shows young people in Newcastle 'living it up' with no social distancing.   I hesitate to criticise because I don't how I would have behaved if I were that age at this time.   I am just really rather pleased I am not.

That's all today!   It is a glorious day and I am going into the garden to enjoy it (and admire the new patio) so 'see' you tomorrow.


  1. How wonderful to hear that you have a beautiful day there and you have already had your daily walk. Winter will be here sooner or later but that is all the more reason we should enjoy the pleasant weather now! I am happy to hear you are doing just that!

  2. Up and doing good to hear it. Not bad here either. Trying to be positive.

  3. I sat in the sun for an hour after lunch today. Perfect for me as I can't sit in summer sun and find the current temperatures far more comfortable. It seems as if we could be in for another lockdown. Oh well, I don't suppose it will affect me much, but I do feel for those who don't have nearby family or friends, and for businesses who are just beginning to start up again.

  4. And I hope you had a wonderful conclusion to the day. Good weather is wonderful.

  5. Sounds like a good day all around! I do hope Tuesday is just as nice. -Jenn

  6. Yesterday was the end of Summer for us. A day of intermittent rain and heat. Neither one thing nor the other.

  7. It is glorious the weather, enjoy while you can.

  8. Thumbs up for your two walks in one day! And so nice to have a chat or three along the way.
    The sunshine this time of year is special in many ways, it fills me with nostalgia for another summer gone and looking forward to the cosiness autumn and winter can bring.
    Like you, I have been thinking about how I would have coped with all this as a teenager or very young adult. I was not much of a rebel in my teens but liked doing my own thing, not necessarily going along with peer pressure ( for instance, I never smoked in spite of others ridiculing me for what they saw as lack of courage).
