Saturday 15 August 2020

Another Saturday

 How quickly Saturdays seem to come round.   The gardener who is transforming my Patio was here early this morning to do another stint at getting the old crazy paving up.   It is three quarters up now and once that is done that is the real donkey work over.   He and my usual gardener are working together but my usual chap couldn#t come this morning for some reason.   It will be so good when it is all done.

A Zoom coffee morning this morning - five of us and a nice relaxed chat.   I have nothing else to do today and it is neither raining nor not raining - just damp paths and a fine mist, grey skies and no warmth (thermal vest back on this morning) - sorry if that is too much information.

I have just typed a long business letter on my new computer and printed it out - hard work, but done now.   Now what I need to do as a matter of urgency is enlarge the cursor which is minute - larger and a brighter colour will be a great help but I shallnt do it today - sufficient unto the day and all that.   My new laptop is very sensitive and things disappear at the drop of a hat which is a bit frustrating but hopefully I shall get used to it.  Enjoy your Saturday evening.


  1. Dear Pat,

    Its so strange to think that just as your day is ending my day is beginning... Another hot one forecasted today... But then a cooldown for the next week.. I'll take it.. Its been hard to get out there for a walk the way i should.. I'm ready for the cool beautiful days of Fall.. A cool misty day like your having sounds wonderful about right now.. We are taking a day off from working on the house... I'm going to sit here and have a second cup of coffee!!! and who knows what else i'll do.. I hear the fire department is having a rummage sale and taking orders for barbecue ribs....yummmm... I may put my mask on and go do that.. I figure if i get there and its real busy or people are not wearing their masks i can always leave right? Take care Pat... Hugs! deb

  2. Still muggy here (I should have perspired pounds off but no . . .) Just had half an hour of heavy rain which should cool things down and clear the air a bit. I can't cope with humidity though. Definitely not time for a thermal vest HERE yet!

    You will be glad to have the patio area relaid and looking good. Have you gotten on top of the Marestail this year?

    Well done with your longer walk yesterday. I have been gardening today so am well down on my steps but I've been averaging 13,000 each day all week, so one day of rest is not the end of the world.

  3. Been quite a bit of rain on Sheppey today at times and grey and murky, which takes some getting used to after a couple of months of continuous hot sunshine. Weather for the next month is looking potentially autumnal but I think we're way off thermal vests just yet.

  4. OMG please don't mention marestail Bovey Belle.

  5. Hi!

    I wondered if those old crazy pavers should be placed atop the Marestail to stiffle it?! Would that work?


  6. Oh well, too late. Marestail it is.

  7. Well I dont know what it looks like so I will say we havent got it. Everything else but not that. Heavy cloud all day so humidity high. I therefore struggled. You Pat sound productive.

  8. Rachel you have to wear down mares tail, although I think of it as horse tail, keep cutting it down and mulch on top Pat. The weather here is the same, fine mist wish it would rain properly.

  9. Yes Thelma I know. Pat thrashes it to death here. It was a joke.

  10. I got the mares tail joke. It helps to be daily reader of Weaver Pat's blog.
