Friday 31 July 2020


It is a bright and breezy day here today - warm, almost hot, sun but quite a strong breeze so a good wash day.   I washed my bath and hand towel and face cloth, which are all 'raspberry' to quote Marks and Spencer, so need a separate wash.   But as my dressing gown is also broadly speaking raspberry in colour it was an opportunity to wash that too.   They are all now flapping gaily on the clothes line.   I rarely use the outside line as my balance is so bad - everything is dried in the tumble drier - but I couldn't resist a balancing act with these today and a walking stick handle makes a jolly good hook to capture the line.   A walk round the block with Percy made up the rest of my morning, leaving the Mind Games in the Times for early afternoon.   Now, at three o'clock I shall go and make a cup of tea before continuing with this post.

Friday is always a day I look forward to - because of course it is Gardeners' World tonight and it is a programme full of useful tips for the gardener (even if my gardening is now mostly second hand) and lovely gardens to visit.   And speaking of gardening, my gardener has been this week and given everywhere a good weed and going over to dead head.   It looks so much better apart from the one section of course which is still not cultivated - and that is the section heavily infested with Mare's Tail weed.   We have decided after I have done much reading and much discussing with various experts , that it will now have one more dousing with the specialist weed killer I bought and this will be applied after the plants have been given a really good thrashing with a stick to break the stems.   Then in September I shall plant it up.   I am having a major job done on the upper patio in September so it will be a good time to get the lot over with and then I can relax.   The prospect is quite exciting.

I'll be back again tomorrow - until then enjoy your evening.


  1. Someone told me once that pouring boiling water over weeds will kill them. Have you ever tried that? I did it just on tiny weeds which appear in the cracks in our driveway. I think I had to do it twice.

  2. 33 degrees out there this afternoon according to my thermometer - too hot for me to do much at all. Enjoy your evening with Monty!

  3. I love the smell of line dried towels.
    Enjoy your evening.

  4. Garden and house both spic and span.

  5. Enjoyed my visit with you today Pat.. I had a few posts to catch up on.. You are always so busy.. Hubby and i have fallen into the habit of staying up later and getting up later in the morning.. We tried to rectify that this morning.. So i spent the morning helping hubby pick up and straighten his shop.. the dishes are done up and i'am headed out the door for a two mile walk/jog... Its a beautiful cool breezy day here with occassional drizzles of rain.. Unusual for Arkansas in July so i aim to enjoy it. Hubby has a pot of pinto beans on the stove and they will be for supper. A salad for my lunch when i return from my walk... Take care dear Pat.. Hugs! deb

  6. Thanks for your letter which arrived today Debs - lovely to hear from you.
    Jan F - interesting idea. Mare's tail is notoriously difficult to get rid of. I bought at great expense a can of specialised weed killer but after three applications it has not gone - it is certainly weaker but not gone. The advice of the professionals is to plant up the area and just keep hoeing it off just as you would ground elder or couch grass. This is our next move and see what happens. But boiling water would do no harm. The roots go down for miles seemingly.
    Yes Rachel - thank you, you are right but for how long of course.

  7. I went out at 9.30 this morning for my walk and it was already hot. By lunch time I was wrung out with the heat. Now, at 7.30pm it is beginnning to cool and I am reviving. I envy those who thrive in hot weather but it renders me useless.
    I love the scent of outdoor dried laundry but it's quite a trek for me to get to the communal washing lines, so I dry everything in my 'play' room.

  8. To quote Heather, "wrung out with the heat" here too! I was mowing the lawn earlier on, with my geriatric limping 30+ years old Fly-mo that was mum's. As it is still working, my husband is very reluctant to replace it yet! Anyway, got all the bits done wot needed doing.

    My mind is boggling at the thought of your gardener beating up the Mare's Tail before it is treated again. "Take THAT, and THAT! you wretched weed!!)

    Enjoy Gardeners' World tonight. I used to watch it regularly when the children were small - it was my Friday night treat, but my husband is not a fan of gardening programmes and we seem to have fallen out of the habit.

  9. Put some vinegar in the hot water. Purports to kill weeds. I like exciting plans.

  10. Everything sounds lovely and I am so happy to hear that! I love the way the laundry smells when it's been drying in the sun. Enjoy your programs tonight!

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. I'm so glad you mentioned the walking stick uses. I use my cane to fish around the back of the cupboards. Far safer than climbing on the stool, and I almost always catch the fish I pull out.

  13. Lovely to have garden plans,
    Today - Saturday is much cooler, thank goodness
    Have a good day

  14. It was so hot yesterday, but a bit cooler this morning, love the fresh early morning stillness of the garden when it is cool. My buddleias are all flowering but not many butterflies. I tend to live with my weeds, pulling them out when they are flowering but I am sure some strong shrub like plants would eventually fill the space where mare's tail grows.

  15. I like to sit back and enjoy Gardeners' World on a Friday evening as well. X

  16. Thelma, that is what we intend to do - and put in a lot of ground cover stuff as well.
    Mares tail is quite a pretty plant and the most beautiful green but rather like ground elder it takes over.
    Jill, thanks - anything is worth a try.
    BB Apparently mares tail stems are covered in a silicon like material and beating them breaks the surface and allows the weed killer to enter - that's the theory anyway.


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