Thursday 16 July 2020


I have now been in Lockdown for four months.   I can't say I have hated it.   I have had plenty of contacts - through the window, on the telephone, Zooms, postcards, letters - but of course I have rarely left the premises physically apart from walks with Percy round the block.   Once a week I have driven into town and back just to give my car engine a little treat (I am still half full with petrol).   Now, of course I can add to this going into the Hairdresser every Thursday morning at 9.30 - in fact I go in at 9 and sit in the car and do the Mind Games in The Times.   Going in at that time ensures a parking place near to the shop.   I can only walk a short distance - and that very slowly - without Percy.   So here I am this morning - an improvement on the last photograph  I think.

It shows up my wrinkles more because I obviously held the camera nearer to my face - and it does show my scar under my nose, where I fell down the asphalt path outside our back door when I was about ten.   I should have  had a stitch in it I suppose but our family doctor came in his Austin 7 and just cleaned it up for me and left it at that.   And I am sorry I am not smiling more but concentrating on holding the camera straight when you have a shake is not condusive to  smiling'

Coming out I noticed a lovely pot of Canna Lilies in the window and upon enquiry found out that they had been bought at a local garden centre.   So, still wearing a mask of course, I set off through the town, found the plant and also another one I have been looking for for the garden (Heuchera Black Knight), negotiated the one way system, paid and drove home.   I must say I was pretty exhausted by the time I got home - I am so unused to doing anything.   Here they are in my Sitting Room.   Aren't they lovely?

By this time I was ready for a sit down before getting my lunch.  But I just couldnt resist taking one more photograph when this enormous lorry drew up outside my bungalow.   I wondered what on earth could be in such a vehicle.   It wasn't long before I discovered what was inside.   Somebody was getting a new car!
I am Zooming at 4pm with friend W and our friends from Windermere.   It is now after three and I am desperate for a cup of tea.   But before I go did anyone else see that Heart-rending TV programme about Bears in Laos last evening?   It had me in tears one minute and then smiling at the kindness of some people a minute later. 

Until tomorrow


  1. Either picture will do ... you are lovely in both of them! Personally ... I love your snow white hair! I am 76 [soon to be 77] and my hair is still the same auburn color with only a strand of white here and there -- they are difficult to find! However ... I use to have a lion's mane of hair -- so thick and full ... and now ... I can see my scalp in spots! Ugh! I hate that!
    Hope you have a wonderful day!! Enjoy the sunshine and fresh air!!
    Hugs from Colorado!!!

  2. Lovely picture! That is a nice treat, to be able to have a weekly hair dressing appointment. -Jenn

  3. Lovely picture! Most of our hair salons (in CA) have had to close shop again, along with many other businesses. I'll be glad when this year is over. You have a nice cut and style!

  4. That lily is a lovely colour, so bright and cheerful.
    I wish my hair would go the same colour as yours eventually. Mine is still dark but the grey that is coming through looks too steely for my liking.

  5. I must admit at this point that the snow white is the dye which has not yet grown out. Mine is steely grey which I hate and I shall have a re do of the snow white when the time comes.

  6. Another lovely photo of you, we are being spoilt :-)

    Oooh, only posh new cars usually get delivered like that, how lovely for someone.

  7. Oh yes, much more "Carol Klein", but can you do that extraordinary voice? The lilies look lovely too.

  8. Another beautiful photo - nice haircut and your specs are a lovely colour.
    Those lilies are gorgeous.
    I did my own shopping this week for the first time since March. My son has been so good, I thought I should relieve him of his duties. It's only a 5 minute walk from my flat but by the time I had been all round the supermarket and walked back with a loaded shopping trolley I'd had a good bit of exercise. Must get back into shape.

  9. Another lovely picture of you! We are lucky this week. Those lilies are gorgeous! I don't blame you wanting to get them.

  10. Short hair suits you Pat. I've always admired Carol Klein's short hair. I have a lily in the garden that has not flowered yet this year, I don't think it's had enough sunlight.

  11. Pat, you look wonderful :) I have followed your blog for awhile. I look forward to it every day. Have a good day, Bobbie DeWitt

  12. Your other hairstyle was a softer look. This one you look like a teacher, the other one you look like a farmer's wife.

  13. Good comment Rachel - and true.

    Bed time calls. Thanks everyone for calling by. See you tomorrow.

  14. Nice pictures and I like your perky haircut.

    Bonnie in Minneapolis

  15. That was more than enough excitement for one day, Pat. If I were you I'd have a quiet day tomorrow! The lilies are gorgeous.

  16. You certainly don't look your age. However I do think the spectacle frames are much too heavy for you. Have you thought of trying a rimless, or even half rim, style? My mum similar age to you has just changed her glasses after having quite a heavy frame and the difference is amazing, much softer, lighter and more youthful instead of the heavy dominating frame. She choose a gold rim on the top of the lens and no rim on the bottom. She also got a completely rimless pair to have as a spare pair or just for a change. Her eyes are now the focal point of her face and not the heavy frame. Also the thin gold half rim gives her face an added brightness.

  17. I do love seeing photos of you. We bloggers take lots of pictures of other things and people, but seldom of ourselves. So this has been a treat.

    I am closing in on 70 and have lots of grey mixed with my auburn/brown hair. It's getting thinner too, which I do not like, but I suppose that's part of getting older.

  18. Would a great van would come to me door with a new car. The road is big enough!
    Today's self portrait is even better than yesterday's. What a grand new haircut and fluff out.

  19. Your hair looks wonderful and I too love the colour of your glasses.
    I managed to get my hair cut as well and while it's a lot better than it was our high humidity - will feel like 38C here tomorrow - means that it's fine until I leave my apt. - then it very quickly turns into a ball of frizz! Enjoy your lovely lilly.

  20. The best angle for a selfie is from slightly above and with the light in front of you. I learned this by experimenting and trying to find the most flattering way to do this for myself. I am in my late sixties LOL

  21. Interesting to see photos of bloggers. I see a mischievous person rather than an old lady. Have fun.

  22. You're smiling with your eyes and the red frames are most becoming. What a busy day. I'll bet you will have a deep sleep. Pleasant dreams festooned with Calla lilies.

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. Very smart. You will be getting used to the new routine at the hairdressers now too.

    Lovely Canna Lilies - I don't blame you going in search of them.

    I hope you have a more restful day today.

  25. The snow white suits you, but it is probably only you who hates the steel gray. (Here's me talking - I should finally have the courage and stop colouring!)
    The flowers are beautiful. I have never seen anyone having a car delivered like that - everyone I know goes to the car dealer and drives it home themselves.

  26. You look half your actual age.
    The lilies are stunning, great color.

  27. Thanks and as several people have pointed out - they are Calla Lilies not CannaLilies.
    As to my specs frames - I have the shakes (Benign Essential Tremor) and rimless specs are the last thing I need - I need something sturdy to hold on to. These are just my reading glasses.

  28. I adore your hair and your glasses! And I simply must add this: I love it that you are able to blog, add photos, Zoom and the like! Most folks, ahem, "your age," have not embraced technology as fully as you have! My Mother-in-law's (she's 90) words to me when I suggested an IPad were "I am on my way out, I don't want to learn ANYTHING new!" Sad, because had she learned, she wouldn't feel so darned alone now, with Covid and all. We could have been Zooming, or Skyping, she could have had the world at her fingertips! I mean, here I am, interacting with you, a WORLD away! LOVE the yellow Calla lilies! I've heard about "contactless car buying" but have never seen it! What a wonderful world we live in, and thank you for sharing yours with us! Karla from Illinois

  29. Your new fluffed up hairstyle looks lovely. Suits you.

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