Friday 24 July 2020


Start off with an apology.    As Rachel and Tom both spotted and pointed out.   Yesterd ay my mother would have been 130, not 103 - I do apologise that I didn't spot the mistake myself on my proof read.

It is a lovely warm and sunny day today with just a light breeze.   I had a pleasant walk with Percy and a couple of nice chats on my way round.   One, with M who was wondering how to prune her Hebe when it finished flowering.   She doesn't have a computer so I came home and looked it up.   Then I wrote it out and took the instructions round to her. 

When I got home I rang the Newsagent to ask how much my paper bill was up to tomorrow.  Once I had the amount I made out the cheque, stamped the envelope and went out again just to cross the road to the Post Box before the postman got there.  So that was three walks, none of them very long but enough to wear me out -don't know about Percy I didn't ask him.

Time for lunch - delicious fresh Sea Bass fried in a mixture of oil and butter so that the skin was crisp then turned over for a couple of minutes just to lightly cook the other side.   Served with a small jacket potato and green beans it was absolutely scrumptious.  I tidied away, stacked the dishwasher and turned it on, took my coffee through to the sitting room   and fell asleep.   I awoke after three quarters of an hour - don't know whether Percy fell asleep in the garage.

Now it is tea time and the day has almost gone.   It is lovely that at last I have been able to have a day when the patio doors could be open all day.   I have some delicious Brie in the fridge so I shall have that for my tea with a tomato salad and that should finish the day on a high note.   A couple of hours and it will be time for Monty and Gardeners' World.    All's right with the world.



  1. Sounds a good day, and by all accounts you do look after your palate. Which is great.

    As to your mother's date of birth; I did the math and found no fault. She wouldn't have been the first sixteen year old to bear the fruit of loins.

    Enjoy your Camembert. Don't forget to take it out of the fridge well in advance to bring it to room temperature.


  2. It's the small things, isn't it? Pleasure in the simple things in a complex, confusing time. A nice walk, a fine lunch. And how important delicious food is to our happiness and health.

  3. How kind of you to think about Percy!

  4. Yes Ursula - nothing worse than cheese straight from the fridge - I agree.

  5. Everyone makes mistakes Weave. It was no big deal. I had to laugh at your comments about Percy. You have a great sense of humor.

  6. If Percy wants more walks let him go on his own!

  7. Little and often is the best policy for walks at our age Pat. Your day sounds very pleasant and tasty as well. I am sure Percy is quite comfortable in the garage.

  8. Your remarks about Percy made me chuckle, too.
    We had a delicious cheese platter for tea tonight, with a light refreshing rosé wine on the balcony; it was still 25 C or so at 8:00 pm. We watched the beautiful evening sky and talked about this and that and nothing in particular - a very relaxing start to the weekend. And all went well with my trip here - the trains were rather full, but I managed to catch all three of them, and everyone wore their masks.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. I wondered at the age, too. Good to have friends with skills.

  11. I had presumed you'd done what many women do (I know Lady M does) and discreetly subtracted a couple of decades!

  12. p.s. I wonder what enjoyment 'Anonymous' receives from posting the nastiness above? I'd though he/she had disappeared; but sadly no.

  13. I love cheese, it will be my undoing, along with butter and cream. I can't do sums so it passed me by yesterday your mother's age but there are cleverer people around to sort us out ;)

  14. Pat, after Gardener's World last night, did you watch Part 1 of the Miriam Margolyes programme where she is travelling around Australia. It was terrific, thought provoking and funny - well worth watching.

  15. Thanks for the comments. As to the nasty ones - there is always a delete button and I am not afraid to use it.
    Yes Derek I did watch the programme. I find Miriam Margolyes too foul-mouthed to watch usually but I wanted to know about Australia. I found it a five star programme from start to finish and a real eye-opener. I shall certainly watch the rest of the series.

  16. I should imagine little Percy was a quivering in the garage in case you came and nabbed him for yet another walk. Little and often is a good way to get fresh air and exercise though, and a rest in between with some of your delicious sounding food sounds like an excellent way to pass another lockdown day.

    I do like to hear of the food you are making yourself, you do as well with them and the lovely fresh ingredients, as the meals you used to buy on some of your 'ladies who lunch' outings.

  17. I think I am eating a more healthy diet now than I did when I lunched out such a lot - there were never enough vegetables for me. I am not really a great meat eater.
