Wednesday 6 May 2020

Thoroughly cleansed!!

Do you accumulate rubbish?   My garage is attached to my bungalow and my kitchen door opens into it.   I am almost obsessively tidy - I admit to that - I like everywhere to be neat and tidy before I sit down to read or to watch television.   My freezer and my tumble drier are both in the garage so I have to go in there often and I am ashamed to say that it is not tidy.  Because my mobility is limited I keep my boxes for newspapers/cans/plastic/bottles and cardboard in there to save me having to go out (and it also keeps them dry when it rains).  Well today is recycling day and because the men come early, the rubbish has to be put out last evening.   Yesterday my mobility was better than it has been for weeks - so there was no excuse.   I spent a couple of hours (with many sits down) working in there.

Tins, bottles, plastics - these were all in one box  - I separated them (they were all washed out before going into the boxes) .   My son called for some newspapers because he intended to defrost their freezer - I put the papers in a box I had (that got rid of one box easily!!) and that left room in my newspaper bag for a big plastic bag of shredded paper from my shredder.   I labelled it with a sign saying 'Shredded paper - please take' because it was in a large black plastic bag.   There was also a huge cardboard box that my new television came in two years ago.  I 'unravelled' it, flattened it and put it outside at the top of the drive and put my boxes and bags on top of it.   The men come very early - but the first thing I did when I got up was to go out and see it they had taken it.   I can't tell you the feeling of satisfaction I got at bringing in the empty boxes!!   My son brought the box I had given him full of paper back - I made him take it away again!    Am I crazy or what?

No weeds in the garden, no rubbish in the bins, a tidy garage, the sun is shining, a blackbird is singing in the hawthorn, and Percy and I are going
 for our morning walk in the sun.   The wretched virus continues to wreak havoc throughout the world leaving thousands of families mourning the loss of loved ones - that just makes it all the more poignant.


  1. Sounds like a good day of necessary bits done, well done.

  2. Well you are certainly tidier than me by a long way, but all things are relative, and I understand the satisfaction at getting on top of such things.

  3. It was comforting to read that you had 'many sit downs'. I myself have to do that and although it is annoying it works, far better than not doing anything for oneself.

  4. I guess, for what I would call, us "normal" people, those of us who are tidy but not manically so, I guess your actions do seem a bit crazy but I guess they give you something to do during the day.

  5. If I had my way completely and always were master of my own time, I would be as tidy as that. By many people's standard, my flat is very tidy, but sometimes I have to decide between leaving something at not quite 100 % and going to work, and in such cases, work always comes first.

  6. We are generally fairly tidy, although husband keeps lots of things that I would get rid of. Our downfall is books. It's not an exaggeration to say we have thousands, and we have run out of shelf space. We do give many away, but there are art books, travel and history books, novels, cookery and gardening books, any of which might be consulted in the future.

  7. I sometimes get the urge to have a good tidy and clear out, but then I sit down until it goes away. When I recently dug out my sewing machine to restart my dressmaking hobby I cleared out the spare bedroom to make space for it. It is now starting to accumulate piles of fabric and sewing detritus to replace the original junk!

  8. I am OCD when it comes to neatness and cleanliness. Sorry...but I am...I have moved 30 times in my long in a senior rental apartment complex in the city of Indianapolis, near my daughter in Greenwood, which is actually across the am a minimalist...if I don't use it, I don't keep it. Through the years, I acquired so most of it lives in the homes of my two children-the other one in Florida...and the homes of two of my best friends. I don't need much...the furniture is in the home of my ex...I love your blog...sounds like you are doing well.

  9. If your gardener runs a compost heap - shredded paper is a good addition and stops the compost getting too slimy. But take the plastic “windows” out of envelopes first.

  10. Aaahh dear Pat i wish i was as tidy as you... We have been under construction for 5 years now in one form or another... I have had to let tidiness go... now i just strive for keeping my nose above water.. The dishes done.. .clothes washed... meals made.. and a little cleaning here and there as i can manage it.. The MasterBath remodel is coming along and it will be so nice when all i have to worry about is keeping the house tidy.. Stay safe hugs! deb

  11. How do you manage to have the house, the garden, and the garage all tidy at the same time!?

  12. Well done with the tidying up!
    I'm naturally messy but love order and hate clutter.
    My granddaughters had a most wonderful time making a cardboard box apartment building with all the boxes things had been delivered in during lockdown....
    I'm in the middle of writing you an email - but everything seems to take ages nowadays.
    Enjoy getting out in the fresh air.

  13. Tidying calms me down. They won't recycle shredded paper where I live. They claim it jams their machines. Oh well.

  14. You certainly had a busy, but satisfying day. I'm never as tidy as I'd like to be but it is difficult with a very messy husband!

  15. From Bend Oregon ...I so enjoyed reading your post ... must share with you that though I love things in their places my garage is currently a storage for grandson's bed and other assorted items .. until this ends and he is able to continue the move he had been planning. Good thing I adore him and look right past the "stuff." Stay well and happy.

  16. The feeling of lightness when things are removed! I had a stack of old rotten fence boards, benches etc., two hunks of cement in the backyard for three years and was unable to do a “dump run”. A local contractor advertised that he was doing hauling during the quarantine. It took him 10 minutes to load his truck, didn’t cost much and the junk is gone!

  17. It has been such a glorious day today that it is hard to believe all the sadness and worry going on everywhere. I know that I am very lucky to be in good health and comfortably housed. I have to be tidy now that I live in a small flat with no spare room or garage to house clutter. I keep a bag for paper, cardboard, tins and glass in a cupboard in the kitchen as well as a bin for general rubbish. It doesn't matter which day it all goes out as we have a rank of bins for various purposes which are emptied each week. I also have a growing pile of books, clothes and other bits and pieces in another cupboard ready to go the the charity shop when it re-opens. It is all so much easier since I down-sized.

  18. Two days ago I was giving a garden tour and decided to take the group through our garage garden entrance so that the first thing they saw was our collection of tree peonies which are in full bloom. As they moved through the garage they commented on how tidy the garage was, I said nothing but my wife had the biggest look of satisfaction on her face. She is extremely tidy and is always after me for not putting things away.

  19. These comments all made me smile. It takes all sorts you know. I had another nice long walk today - it has been a lovely sunny warm day. Hope it has with you all.

  20. Our garage needs a good tidy out but until the tip opens I am just living with it and try not to go in there. It has been a beautiful day - hope you had a lovely walk.

  21. I'm scrounging for newspaper today, to cover the mandevilla overnight. Frost warnings for three nights, and snow Saturday.

  22. At present I'm working on our dining table (it's warmer here than the studio). I was just looking at the mess I've made, in despair. In fact I've just taken a photo of it all which I may post on my page. How does this happen? Am I simply a slob?

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. You've just reminded me to pick up the rubbish sack from downstairs Weave.

  25. Hooray for the Complete Tidy Up!!!

    Hooray for a walk in the sunshine!!!

    It does no one, any good, to "get down," about the sadness of others, especially at this time of COVID-19. We each have the duty, to ourselves, to "keep our own spirits up," as the old saying goes. It helps our own immune system.

    And to run down our own immune system, does not good, for anyone else.

    My thoughts.....

    Find Beauty
    In This Time
    Of Pain...

  26. Thanks to you all. Hope I have inspired a bit of tidying up.

  27. Thank you for your lovely blog
    I read it each day. I don't usually comment. I lost my lovely husband... Two weeks on Monday. You gave me support. Yes I do know you had two husbands and no not for me. (Smile)
    Loosing one is more than enough.
    I'm 75 but can do most things myself. Like yourself many good friends.
    You are coping great with this isolation. Keep blogging Sylvia Northern Ireland

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