Saturday 30 May 2020


Another hot day here.   I had to wait the arrival of my new freezer - which finally came just after two this afternoon.   The company did take away my old freezer but were not allowed to unpack and fix up the new freezer because of Covid regulations.   I had to leave it two hours to 'settle down' and then my son kindly came round and unpacked it and switched it on.   Now the food which had been sitting in coolboxes is all back in and I am back to normal.   It is a smaller freezer than my previous one but really there is only me and I only need to keep a small amount of things such as bread, two or three spare meals, frozen veg and such like - oh and ice cream in the Summer in it.   Often in the past I have been buying things just to fill up the space in my old freezer - now that is not going to be necessary.

There is such a lot of good fresh food to buy here - our market includes superb fresh vegetables and all kinds of fish every  Friday and our shops are well stocked.  Let's now hope that the worst of Covid19 is behind us.

We do really seem to be sinking into a drought here - the ground is rock hard, the edges of the lawns have died back and the flowers in the gardens are desperately thirsty.   My front lawn is being rapidly overtaken by a beautiful invasion of bright yellow vetch.   We used to call the plant Ladies' Fingers when I was a child.  I don't remember seeing it in the lawn before so I wonder if it has arrived as a result of the drought.   It is almost dark now but tomorrow I will go out and take a photograph before my Gardener arrives and mows it all away. 


  1. In today's world of uneven availability of food, a freezer is a truly good thing to have. I used to have a great big one, and would fill it full of homemade soups and meat bargains, among other things. I'm now limping along on the one that's part of my refrigerator.

  2. We're heading into a similar drought here in N. Kent Pat. Water companies are now asking us to conserve water. Hose pipe bans can't be far away. Watering the garden seems a waste of time now, it dries out too quickly. My lawn is now 50% yellow grass.

  3. Happy the new freezer is working.
    Hope you get some rain and us too !

  4. Marty I too used to cook large quantities and freeze meals in separate containers in the days when I had an Aga. Now that I live alone I prefer to no longer do this and in normal circumstances I eat out a lot with friends - but these are not normal circumstances are they - we cannot eat out at the moment. Hopefully that time is not too far off.

  5. We seem to have the rain the last two weeks. And cold, too. Bah, humbug.

  6. For me, Saturday means a lot of plans to do, and at the ends of the day planning out for the next weekend.

  7. We have two (and a half) freezers here, and another two up at my son's converted barn. Of course we grow a lot, and are way out in the country, so our needs are very different. I dread power cuts!!

  8. I have ended up with two fridge/freezers which I don't really need. Problems with putting stuff in the freezers, are not labelling them though.

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  10. We are being careful with water here already - no washing up water is wasted, but goes to water the garden! We rely on our spring water supply, and it is very early in the year to be worrying about a draught but it has been hot and dry since mid-March now! Our top field has been rested and cattle put back on it again - calvers with a Hereford bull - and I should think silage and hay crops are going to be fed VERY early this year.

    Glad you have your new freezer all set up.

  11. Glad the freezer is up and running - what would we do without our wonderful sons! I wonder if the little yellow flower in your lawn is what we called Lady's Slippers - I grew up in the south east and I know there are various regional names for our wild flowers. I used to love it and still do.
    A few weeks back our poor farmers were deluged with rain, now they must be longing for some.

  12. Thanks everyone. I feel I amjust too near good quality shops and a super market to need much in the way of freezing capacity these days.
