Friday 8 May 2020

Beautiful day.

It has been a beautiful day here today and so warm and sunny.   This morning Percy and I walked down to put a cheque through the door of the lady who sometimes does some shopping for me.    As usual we came back the long way round - too far really and quite a strenuous walk but I must somehow increase my strength.

This afternoon a 2pm we had our little neighbourhood tea party - just ten of us altogether - we began to break up at around a quarter past four.   We had all taken a drink of some kind and a sandwich;
 we really had a jolly afternoon while observing  social distancing.   I tried to take a few photographs - I couldn't get any nearer and I promise you I never noticed the lamp post prominent in the picture!!!  Sorry they are poor photographs but you get the general idea. This is M my immediate neighbour doing a dance and singing as she came out to join our party - dressed very patriotically.
J from over the road with her dog Meg ad sitting outside their garage door M's immediate neighbours.   We are in M's garden which is decorated with Union Jacks.
NNeighbours from the opposite side of the road.

And there you have it - eleven of us (I am missing of course) all enjoying an afternoon in the sun, made all the more enjoyable by a long period of social isolation and the fact that the weather is so beautiful.


  1. We are thinking to do something like this when it gets a little warmer. Awaiting tonight's Polar Vortex. Snow anyone?

  2. Glad to hear you all had a good time, if rather less riotous than it might have been 75 years ago.

  3. Well done Pat and the neighbours, bet that cheered you all up. There's no real need to be in lonely isolation all day long and I bet a lot of people have been out and about enjoying themselves today/this evening, without breaking any of the lock down rules.

  4. Great pictures Weave and lots of fun. Just what the doctored ordered.

  5. How lovely to enjoy the celebrations with your neighbours on such a glorious, sunny day.
    It looks as though everyone was enjoying the party.

  6. Sounds like a lovely tea party.

  7. What a wonderful neighbourhood tea party you have enjoyed! The pictures are lovely - thank you for sharing them. Happy VE Day Pat!

  8. You live in a wonderful neighborhood. The Tea Party sounds perfect for a lovely day.

  9. See how good things can come about - it's like making do, and being happily creative about it. I hope you have more of the same as the days become nicer. That was a lift to the spirits!

  10. Lovely party. Seeing folks out without wearing winter coats, does the heart good.

  11. What a lovely, lovely happening!!!!!

    Gentle hugs...

  12. A bit like my Mum's dustbin bar in front of their house - sometimes now also serving as icecream parlourmor cafe.
    Nice to know you had a good time and the sun was shining!

  13. That was a lovely tea party! So fun to all get together after these bleak weeks of isolation. Good for all of you!👏👏👏

  14. Looks great, luckily no great line of conga-ing idiots!

  15. What a great way to socialize. I'll bet the conversation was lively.

  16. What a shame about the distancing; it was the perfect day for a pukka street party.

  17. How lovely that you made the most of the glorious weather and had a little 'knees-up'. Where there's a will there's a way!

  18. Thanks everyone. All flags have disappeared overnight and the estate seems back to normal. I am just going for my morning walk round. See you later in the day.

  19. Nice to be able to shout to your neighbours. Sometimes I wish I had a garden.

  20. What a treat! Glad the weather cooperated. Looks like great fun!

  21. This looks such fun! and such nice weather too -
    cold here with some snow upstate - can you believe it!

  22. That looks like fun! A local group of war plane owners and enthusiasts did a couple of flybys yesterday. Two. C17s and a group of eight WWII war planes . Couldn’t identify type of warplanes. The noises were quite attention getting and I couldn’t stop wondering what the skies must have sounded like every day during World War II in Europe and near military bases in America.

  23. Oly sometimes Tom? I suppose you do have to balance the work against the looking.
    Thanks everyone.

  24. Nice photos. Plenty of socially distanced celebrations here. I was surprised how many people have so many Union Jacks and red white and blue ribbons and balloons, and those who didn't improvised very well, I suppose they had time on their hands to get making.

  25. What a great idea and get-together and how lucky you are to have such good neighbors.

  26. Your photo's are lovely. They convey a friendly sense of community.
