Thursday 30 April 2020


Is it just me or is everyone the same?   I never know what day it is.  I look at The Times in the morning - that's my marker.   But the trouble is the time floats by and by the time lunch time arrives I have forgotten again.  I take a Statin at bed time and they come in packs of seven with the day of the week stamped on the packaging.   I always start on the right day but by the time I get to the middle of the week I have somehow got it wrong.  I took Wednesday's tablet a couple of minutes ago.  And I know I haven't missed a night.

There is no doubt about it, lockdown has made us relax so much as we wander about at home, that we tend to lose all semblance of a time scale.   This morning I sat  and watched the lovely tributes to Captain (hon. Colonel) Tom and the Spitfire and Hurricane Flypast especially for him, I tidied the rooms, disposed of yesterday's papers and plastic etc., made the bed, put the dishwasher on and when my doorbell rang I went to the door in my dressing gown.   It was half past eleven and I still hadn't had my shower.   My mother would have been horrified.

I made a lunch in my Remoska - a sausage, bacon and tomato crumble basically.   I can't break copyright by putting the recipe on here but it was tasty and it did give me an idea for making it more tasty and that I can give you.   How you cook it depends upon what you usually cook your meals in.   Because I live alone I rarely put my oven on, preferring to make use of my microwave and my Remoska.   If you use kitchen scissors to cut good quality thick sausages into chunks and brown them in a pan for about ten minutes before adding a chopped up onion, several quartered tomatoes, a few slices of bacon cut into strips and some Bramley apples cut into chunks.   Continue cooking until things begin to be nice and brown.  Then tip into a dish and cover with a thickish layer of a mixture of equal quantities of Parmesan and Breadcrumbs and cook until everything is well cooked and the topping is crispy.  I would guess about twenty minutes in the oven.  You could of course cook it in the oven from the start, just not adding the cheese and crumb layer until  it is cooked more or less - the cheese and crumb layer cooks in no time at all and gets nice and crispy.  Serve with some good  gravy.   If you try it then do let me know how you like it - I just found my recipe today a good way of using up a lot of bits left in the bottom of the fridge.

Until tomorrow...


  1. Ha ha - I don't know where I would be without my statins.

  2. Captain Tom is a credit to our country - I am so pleased he was honoured with a fly past. My tablets do not have the days of the week on them so I have to be extra careful that I remember taking them. I am going to Google Remoska now - never heard of one but they sound useful.

  3. Your meal sounds delicious. I am having leftovers with braised cabbage tonight, that's one of my favourite side dishes.

  4. What is not to love, , , Bacon ! I will try to make something like this.
    Since Son is cooking for me we have the most wonderful dinners with leftovers for the next 2 days. So lucky
    I adore your Captain Tom what a lovely man. We could do with some like this over here. A crazed lunatic in the White House and a #MeToo sex offender Biden to run against him. Oh My Goodness !
    Stay well

  5. Too, too easy to lose track of time. I thought today was Friday. And now it may be--in England.

  6. I admit to 1) having to look up what a Remoksa is, and 2) only knowing the days of the week by whether of not my neighbors have their garbage out. As in, "Why does Mary have her garbage out, it's only Thursday. Or is it Friday?" Garbage days are Tuesday and Friday and recycle day is every other Wednesday. Good grief. Am I reduced to marking my days with garbage?

  7. I love John at "Going Gently" - he has SIRI announce what day it is!
    I too watched toe flyover via BBC Lifestream - what an amazing man and well deserving of all the honours!

  8. I also find that I have to stop and think of what day f the week it is. Funny!

  9. I love concocting meals from what needs to be used up in the fridge. Occasionally the results make me glad I am only cooking for myself, but mostly they are really tasty. The only snag is that I can never remember exactly which bits, or what quantity of them, I used! Your lunch looks very tempting.
    I never know what day of the week it is either but get a helpful reminder each Tuesday when my son rings to ask if I need shopping done on Wednesday. I also cross the days off in my diary, if I remember!!

  10. You're not alone. I keep losing track of my days even though I'm still working. X

  11. I often have to check my 'phone or pad screen to check what day it is.

  12. I thought it was still Tuesday on Wednesday so you are not alone. Time is so strange this spring.

    Your meal sounds delicious. I make a veggie sausage casserole so must try to put a savoury crumble on top. I think it might work.DW

  13. That sounds delicious.

  14. Right! You have helped me with a decision about buying a Remoska. I have read about people who use them and swear by them, so as a 'single' I will now buy one for myself. No car use, therefore lots of fuel money saved - I can excuse the expenditure! I shall also jot down this recipe - it sounds so tasty. Thank you. x
    - Rosemary

  15. Rambler - a similar but slightly less complicated recipe is in the recipe book. If you do buy one I recommend you buy the recipe book too - it is full of useful and tasty recipes.

    Yes Rachel - thought you would be.

    Thanks every one.

  16. Thanks - Remoska now ordered, but the recipe book is more elusive. Lakeland are not taking any orders at present, so I'll have a look on eBay. Can't wait to get cracking!

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