Wednesday 11 March 2020

The trouble wih March....... that we get one nice, Spring-like day and then a succession of chilly, Wintry days.   Hopefully the former get more and the latter less towards the end of the month - but not much of a sign yet.   Today it is cold, wet and windy and a giant black cloud hangs above my window. Spring flowers get more and more in the gardens but the weather doesn't encourage them - it is more likely to be the daylight hours.

I have had a busy day today - I like it like that but am pleased now to be in, the central heating turned up again and everywhere cosy and warm.   This morning the lady from Physiotherapy came to take my blood pressure (up slightly) and discuss exercises to help my balance (she is now going to come once a month to do the exercises and to give me a diary to record each day when I do them).   After that I went with friend W to a half hour of quiet at the Quaker Meeting House - very therapeutic - and then out to lunch (broccoli quiche with new potatoes and salad) followed by an hour's Keep Fit for the over sixties.   Took friend W home, came home, turned up the central heating and am now going to settle down for the evening.

Are we in for a surge in Coronavirus cases here in the UK?   Probably.   Who knows.   All I know is that we must follow Department of Health guidelines, wash our hands, not get too near people and not shake hands.  There is nothing else we can do short of shutting ourselves away from civilisation.   I suppose I fall into that age group 'at risk' - (ie being over eighty) but there is not a lot I can do about that is there.

Life seems to be going on as normal up here, but then there has been no reported case up here yet - I suspect things might change if or when that happens.   In the meantime the cafe where we had our lunch was as full as usual (and the food just as good) and we all keep soldiering on.   Take care.


  1. Today there was a light shower and as the sun was low in the sky a very long wide low rainbow. Almost flat. Very unusual event. Now its very warm here set to get warmer tomorrow. 22 C is the forecast. I have the window open. I might pop to the shop for some beer.

    I went in the park earlier and there was hardly anybody there. Lots of places are closed. Theaters, concert houses, museums etc.. Cinemas are open for the time being but limited to 100 persons per showing. The Vienna Marathon is one of many sporting events to be cancelled. Manchester United play here tomorrow in front of no spectators. It's very quiet. All a bit surreal.

  2. I'm sure it was warmer here at six o'clock this morning than it was later in the day, though it's been bright most of the day. There were plenty of people in the pub when I went for a pub-lunch on Monday, only one case in Cambridgeshire so far though with the huge number of tourists and other overseas visitors to Cambridge it can't go on like that forever. Have a warm and relaxing evening.

  3. Nothing out of the ordinary here. Beautiful day, blue sky and cold, excellent March weather. I went into Wetherspoons at lunchtime and it was the same as it always is on a Wednesday lunchtime, busy. Nothing was mentioned about the virus at any point in my day, the train had the normal number of people on board, and I do not watch any news bulletins so it could be worse or better here, I have no idea. I am glad you enjoyed your lunch and your day and thank you.

  4. So far, in my area I've not noticed much change because of corona. Most people have stopped shaking hands, but I've always been washing my hands a lot anyway - using public transport almost every day for work makes it necessary. The trains and stations have been as crowded as ever, although I hear of many people working from home if they can. At my sister's work place, they have made working from home mandatory if it is at all possible.
    Your lunch sounds great, now I want that quiche and the new spuds!!
    It's been very mild here today, 17 Celsius in the sun, but rather windy. Every time I opened more than one window in my flat, one of them slammed shut.

  5. I hope that life continues as normal for you over there and that you stay safe and well.

  6. March is always a changable month here too. Spring will tease us but sometimes we will still get a snow. That's okay because these are the last days of Winter!

    You mentioned going to a Keep Fit group for over 60's. We go to something like that here twice a week. It is an exercise class for those over 60 and can be a good work out as it is adjustable for your ability.

  7. The weather can't make up it's mind..but it smells like Spring!

  8. That's it: soldiering on. Good for us.

  9. Bright and blustery here inWorcestershire this morning. We seem to be playing a waiting game with coronavirus here. Washing hands and worrying. My daughters are all doctors and I am worrying about them, their families and my 88 year old mother who lives a couple of hours away. I’m just trying to avoid crowds and public transport but when to stop attending W.I. In a large village hall so well spaced out or hour practice? Difficult times.

  10. Should have been choir practice!

  11. You are no more playing a waiting game for this flu than any other flu Catherine.

  12. No signs of anything amiss up here in The Dales as yet. Surreal will arrive Gwil I expect.

  13. Britain is following the science is the message so far.

  14. The days down here are full of surprises - teeming rain, sunshine, hail, sleet, thunder now and then, but no snow thank goodness.
    Life appears to go on as usual which is all we can do. Take precautions but think positive.
