Friday 20 March 2020

Spring arrived overnight.

Yesterday I didn't feel well at all and had a splitting headache - almost unknown to me.   Today I feel very sprightly - well as far as one can when using a walking stick.   Jobs done up to two in the afternoon - now - all the tidying, an hour in the garden, several things organised by phone,lunch cooked and eaten.   Paying the newspaper bill was a possible problem.   My daily Times is paid for by subscription but I have a fortnightly magazine and a Saturday paper which I pay for in the shop - and then there is delivery too.
I rang them and they had it sorted in a second and at the same time told me that if I wanted anything I must ring them.   Offers like that do make one feel good at a time like this when it is easy to feel helpless.

There are so many problems and everyone's are different.   I have just phoned our Sunday lunch venue and told them we four will not be going for the forseeable future ;  I suspect in any case that such places will be shut before long.   What a worry for them and for everyone else in a similar position.

There are similar problems everywhere.   Richard Morrison writing on the Arts page in The Times today speaks of the glorious Titian exhibition - 'his six great mythological 'poesy' paintings, brought together for the first time in nearly 400 years' as Morrison puts it  - at The National Gallery.   Th exhibition opened but the N G has now shut its doors until May 4th at the earliest and the Titian show is due to end  in mid June.   Many thousands will miss this great exhibition and the N G will lose out as a result.   He also points out the twist in the tale in that Titian himself died of plague in 1576.   Will things ever be the same again anywhere?

My son has phoned to say that his son in law in Glasgow has Coronavirus and is isolated for four weeks and also his friend in London is in the same situation.   Luckily although both of them have a high temperature and a bad dry cough neither is feeling particularly ill.


  1. I am so glad to hear that your headache has eased. Perhaps it was caused by the stress of worrying about the current state of affairs?
    Today has been wonderfully bright and sunny here, very much Spring weather, except that it is still quite cold. I now have a headache today but may go out for a walk tomorrow if the weather stays dry.

  2. Glad you are feeling better today. Some brighter weather on the way, too.
    I'm on the email list for quite a lot of the major galleries, and I've had loads of emails detailing shut-downs. All taking the better safe than sorry approach, although if they find themselves short staffed they are probably not allowed to open. From what I've read today, more establishments in London are going to be told to close because people there are just not heeding advice.

  3. Yesterday, I, too, woke up with a headache, and funnily enough, O.K. was the same. Today it seems we are all feeling alright again.
    Sorry to hear that your son's son-in-law is infected. Hopefully, him being young (and probably relatively fit) will mean he'll get over it rather soon, and is immune after that.
    So far, I don't know anyone personally who has been tested positive. There are around 130 cases with the coronavirus confirmed in the administrative district of my home town (it is a rather large district with our relatively small town at its centre).

  4. I am sorry to hear about your son's son-in-law and his friend. Wishing them a safe recovery. I did learn of a friend-of-a-friend who succumbed to the virus, and that's as close as it's gotten to me, so far. I fear in then end we may all have relatives affected. My granddaughter had to be tested but thankfully her test was negative.

  5. This is your second bad headache. You need to go to bed when you are ready and turn the television off and the subtitles and relax and sleep. Your body tells you when it is ready for bed.

  6. We started off with sunshine, but then it clouded over a bit but has been dry today - though a . . . "brisk" Easterly wind! Tam and I climbed up Dryslwyn Castle and that helped my anxiety and my breathing.

    Sorry about your - tension? - headache. With me I have a nervous stomach now and have lost my appetite. Even chocolate doesn't appeal!!!

    I hope your son's SiL and his London friend make a full recovery.

    What a shame about the Titian exhibition. Perhaps they will extend it?

  7. You'd better listen to nurse Rachel!! :-)

  8. So pleased you feel better today and I do hope your son's son-in-law and his friend make a good recovery. I think we all feel a bit at sea at the moment, making new routines for ourselves and finding different ways of getting everything done.
    So many things will have to be postponed and sadly many firms will go out of business but if this awful virus can be beaten and lives can be saved, it will be worthwhile.
    Take heart, spring is almost upon us.

  9. That was a lot to do and a short time to do it. It is sad to think of the restaurants that must try to start up again.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. What a day this has been for us all.
    I am happy to read you are feeling better today.
    parsnip xx

  12. The shorts came out again yesterday. 21 C in the afternoon. Lovely.

    My daughter-in-law (the lovely Kellogg) had a migraine recently, and rubbed some potion on her temples which made her face swell-up. She's now been visiting the Doc' for more potions to make it go down again. I think she should simply have taken to her bed instead.

  13. Take care of yourself, looking forward to catching up with you again now I am back

  14. Headaches can come from natural causes as well, like for instance we have high pressure at the moment, or it can be a specific wind. But you are getting better though we are living through traumatic times, give Inspector Montelbano a miss now and then. Take care.

  15. Yes - those of you who said listen to my body are quite right. Last evening I went to bed at ten after an active day (for me) and I didn't wake until 9 this morning. Thanks all of you - reading through your comments gives me great pleasure and so does returning to read what you have to say on your blogs. Keep calm and carry on!

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