Sunday 1 March 2020

March 1st

And don't try telling me it is the first day of Spring - that is March 21st in my book.   But March has certainly 'come in like a lion' so let's hope that at the end of the month it 'goes out like a lamb'.  Storm Jorge is fading now and the wind has dropped considerably but there are snow showers every few minutes and it is by no means warm.

Sunday lunch out as usual today along with plenty of others - our restaurant was packed solid and the smell of roast beef and Yorkshire puds filled the air (I had salmon followed by Stilton and biscuits).  Now I am home again through a sleet storm and the central heating has been turned up a couple of  notches and I intend sitting down to make notes on 'Olive Kitteridge' for tomorrow morning when Book Group meets at my house.   It is a first class book, I can thoroughly recommend it - by Elizabeth Strout.

It's lovely to meet for an hour and a half with a group of friends to discuss something like this.   They are all lovely people and we share a common love of books.   What could be better?



  1. I am glad you have a nice day planned for tomorrow. I am also planning my day right now and will write about it tomorrow. It is cold and bright and sunny here and a splendid East Anglian winter's day. Yes, the first day of Spring is March 21st.

  2. We went for a walk this afternoon and although we haven't had any snow it certainly felt very wintry out there.
    I'm also a firm believer spring starts on the 21st. X

  3. Tomorrow's going to be fun, Weave. Do you supply tea and biscuits - or booze?

  4. Whenever we like to say Spring begins the weather gods are not likely to agree with us. Enjoy your book group tomorrow.

  5. I rarely comment as I'm not a blogger, but do enjoy your posts so much. And just wanted to thank you for recommending Olive Kitteridge.I am currently reading it and it is very fine indeed.
    I hope you have a good week, and also want to add what an inspiration you are to me, and,I'm sure,many.
    Keep well, have fun at book club.

  6. Your day sounds wonderful. I had a walk on a hill above the Danube followed by a 5 km training run. My good lady joined me and 'held my coat' as we say. Then we went to the riverbank where we saw an amazing piece of ironwork which I photographed and will try and blog in the next day or two. We had salmon steaks in olive oil with boiled potatoes and a green salad for tea (as our evening meal used to be called). Next up Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid on TV but the good lady said she didn't like the man with the knife who was trying to take over the Hole in the Wall Gang and would I find something else to watch, so I tried a series called Call the Midwife or something similar but she didn't like that either and is now reading her book. I'm now going to make some cheese and biscuits and read my book which is A History of Civilizations by Fernand Braudel. I'm reading the chapter An Introduction to the Far East which tells of people in China eating bats and snakes in 1680 or about then. Nothing new under the corona of an eclipsed sun I should say.

  7. Except for the very cold weather, sounds like you had a nice day out.

  8. Booze Tom? For my book group? What a waste!
    Thank you for your comments Mary.Gwil- Try your salmon Florentine style i e with a deep layer of spinach (wilted) under the salmon - it is delicious.

  9. I do admire the way you stay so active and involved, and even get around as much as you do! So many people just sit and watch TV, but you keep your mind active, and your meals always sound so delicious. Here we had comfort food as my husband recovers from a bad cold--so fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and peas, a meal I haven't made in years. I even made him some brownies. Poor man, he hates being sick and keeps trying to "get something done." And I keep trying to keep him inside and resting. I wonder which of us is right?

  10. Your Sunday lunch sounds wonderful and your book club plans for tomorrow do as well. Have a wonderful week!

  11. Came in like a lamb here...

  12. It was a lovely warm day today. I did get up early and must go to bed soon.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. I think someone said it was the first day of the Meteorological Spring; which is not the same thing as the 21st.

  15. It is good to have something nice planned in these dreary winter days, isn't it?
    At best I think we can say that March is the harbinger of spring, even if it doesn't happen until April.
    Enjoy your Book Group today.

  16. By the time you'll read this, I suppose your book group will have left after what I imagine a truly good time at your house.
    It's sunny here as I am typing this, but the rest of the week looks rather wet according to the forecast. We do need the water, so I am not complaining, but of course it can make the trips to and from work rather unpleasant, especially if it is as windy as it has been, when an umbrella is useless.

  17. Except for the very cold weather, sounds like you had a nice day out.

  18. And whilst the cat is out the mice will play. Not calling you the cat Pat, but those horrible creatures spamming you - get rid of them. It is lovely that spring is on its way though it is very cold.

  19. Yes Thelma I am getting a lot of spam at the moment - as soon as I see them I remove them- hopefully they will stop in the end.

    Thanks to you all for making contact.


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