Monday 23 March 2020

Is it Monday?

All the days are merging into one now that I have absolutely nothing going on to mark the days out.  I suspect most of us are the same.   At least the sun is shining even if the wind is cold - imagine if all this had coincided with that awful long spell of wet days we had and that terrible flooding (and spare a thought for all those people who were flooded not so long ago and must be coping with the virus and the cleaning up - what a dreadful few months it has been).

When I drew back the curtains in my bedroom this morning the sun was well up and a lone bumble bee was having a slow mosey round my garden - the hellebores, the wallflowers and then off to have a quick look at the Chindoxia before soaring up over the wall into the field.   There is a cold wind blowing but it was warm enough for a bee to be around and that did me good.

Now we are almost banned from going out except in certain special circumstances.   I think this is the right move because people can be so silly.   Up here at the moment food delivery is not easy - people are more than willing to help but in many cases there are just empty shelves.   I am well ahead with my food supplies so am not worried but it is another thing to have to worry about and I could certainly do without it.

I am still reading Michael Palin's 'Sahara' first published in 2002 and I guess probably to accompany a TV series (which I don't remember being on and certainly didn.t see) -and I am really enjoying it.   It is so well written and given my love of travel books (I sometimes think I am a better armchair traveller than a 'real' traveller) Palin makes every place he visits come alive with little pictures he paints of situations or characters.
Just about time for another chapter before bed I think - so until tomorrow.   Take care every one of you.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. If you weren't so hateful and idiotic, you'd realize that Weaver is probably the last of THE GREATEST GENERATION ever. No other generation has given so much to their countries.

  2. I think the days of the week are going to become less and less important Weave. We will all have to keep each other going. Take care.x

  3. Just ignore Amy. Weave is ace. We all know that.

  4. I feel sorry for be filled with so much hate must be a terrible burden.

  5. Just to put it into perspective, please bear in mind that 'anonymous' is not a real person. It is a computer-generated troll which just latches on to certain things out here, but the person who created it is a real person, and probably a snivelling wretch who hardly ever leaves their parent's bedroom. I am trying to remember how to direct Weave back to her lost dashboard to block it, but tonight I am a bit weary and will have to run through it tomorrow.

  6. I live with the not knowing what day it is since I have become more and more housebound ! Every once and awhile I say to my Son are you sure it is Friday ? it feels like Monday !
    You will get better at it.
    As for anonymous it sound like former prince harry and memememememgain not being happy again.
    parsnip xx

  7. I have not been out for any real activity for so long. No groceries, no gasoline. I expect to encounter a brave new world.

  8. You're not alone in getting mixed up with the days of the week; I was still on Sunday till about 4 in the afternoon! I'm not sure that these new guidelines from the government are any different - they'd always said not to make unnecessary journeys or to gather in groups, which to me at least meant only go out for essentials and to stay away from others as much as possible. I don't know where it said All go to the top of Snowdon! The groceries situation is much the same here, I had to go three times to the local shop to secure a loaf of bread - unnecessary journeys or what?

  9. This is a new experience for all of us in one way or another. I'm glad we have each other. I expect we'll have our ups and downs but I have faith in us. Enjoy your book and the coming of Spring. Take care.

  10. Thinking of you Pat... Big Big Hugs! deb

  11. You are so right, Pat, in reminding us of all those people who are less fortunate than we are, struggling with recent flooding or other averse circumstances on top of the corona crisis.
    Here, there is plenty of food and other things in the shops, nobody will have to starve anytime soon here.
    The weather has been similar to yours; very cold (3 below zero as we speak) but sunny.
    As I have different tasks and clients lined up every day, I am not in doubt as to what day of the week it is, and am looking forward to the weekend when I won't have to handle conference calls which I find rather exhausting.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Right Weave, first you have to find your dashboard - can't help you with that.

    Once you have found it, go to SETTINGS.
    From there you will see WHO CAN COMMENT.
    Click the box named USER WITH GOOGLE ACCOUNT etc.

    You have probably set it to ANYONE INCLUDING ANONYMOUS - Get rid of that!

  14. Since retirement every day seems like Sunday to me now. As all my volunteering has been put on hold it is even harder to keep track. With luck, this will eventually be over and we will be able to look back on it and say, well, that was an experience!

  15. Weave, as Tom says, and to find Settings click on Design on your top strip where it says New Post etc. and then go from there what he said.

  16. I feel like we’re a proper community, with Weave at the centre. Pat, you’re the first blog I read every day. Please keep doing what you do; I can’t put my finger on what exactly it is; all I know is that reading your blog calms me down and cheers me up. You’re a treasure. xx

  17. Sigh... You got an evil Anon. comment tooooo!

    I have comment moderation on, so it did not get published. I suggest you do that. One of your regular readers, will tell you how to do it. Or perhaps, your son can talk-you-through-it, over the phone...

    Comment moderation is necessary!!!!!!!! I had it on, even before this evil comment. And my evil Anon. comment, was longer!!!!!!!!!! -smile-

    But if no one can talk you through setting comment moderation on, I will....

    Gentle hugs...
    Stay calm...
    Stay safe...

  18. Don't worry be happy. You can edit who can comment your settings. I tend to overreact and go to lockdown. And open them again when the troll has moved on.

  19. Can't help thinking of what we used to say (re Anonymous)
    Sticks and stones
    May break my bones
    Bur harsh words
    Never hurt me.

    I don't bother to read it - just delete it. I find out that if I delete it I will no longer get any comments from folk using word press - and I have a few.

    Thanks everyone - keep smiling.

  20. my husband and I have been married for about 7 yrs now. We were happily married with two kids, a boy and a girl. 3 months ago, I started to notice some strange behavior from him and a few weeks later I found out that my husband is seeing someone. He started coming home late from work, he hardly care about me or the kids anymore, Sometimes he goes out and doesn't even come back home for about 2-3 days. I did all I could to rectify this problem but all to no avail. I became very worried and needed help. As I was browsing through the Internet one day, I came across a website that suggested that Dr jeffrey can help solve marital problems, restore broken relationships and so on. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he did a spell for me. Two days later, my husband came to me and apologized for the wrongs he did and promise never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. I and my family are living together happily again.. All thanks to Dr jeffrey . If you need a spell caster that can cast a spell that truly works, I suggest you contact him. He will not disappoint you. This is his E-mail:

    WhatsApp +2348162061202
