Friday 13 March 2020

Delicious lunch.

I went in to our local Co-op although I am having my order from Tesco by home delivery this week - our Post Office is located at the back of the Co-op.  Wandering round the fruit and veg looking for bananas (can't bear a day without and I have run out) I saw my very favourite stir fry - Oriental greens with mango and chilli.  It is supposed to be for two and there is quite a lot of it - but I adore it.  I took a pack and then, wandering round, speculated on what protein I could stir fry with it.  Passed the bacon lardons - perfect.   That was my lunch sorted.   Got home, started the lardons off in the pan until the fat was running, added the greens and turned the heat up high.   Stirred continuously for three minutes, tipped on to a hot plate, shook soy sauce over it and ate it.   It was simply delicious and I ate the lot.

So, although it is Friday, I didn't buy fish from our lovely fish stall.   No, instead I bought a dressed crab and intend to have crab and mustard and cress sandwiches for my tea.   How's that for a day of deliciousness?

I watched the News Conference on Corvid 19 last evening.   I thought it was a very comprehensive look at the state of things - I am rarely impressed by Boris, but I thought he came out of it very well.
I just hope that everyone abides by the suggestion to constantly wash one's hands although it is not easy.  I brought home a bag this morning with just half a dozen things in it - my prescription from the chemist (in a paper bag), my dressed crab (in a plastic bag from the fishmonger) and four items from the supermarket - oranges in a box, bananas in a fairtrade plastic bag, stirfry veg in a plastic box and lardons in a plastic box.  When I came in I washed my hands, then unpacked the items, then washed my hands again, then put them all away, then washed my hands again, if  the virus was on any of the items is it now in the fridge and/or the fruit bowl?   At just what point can one stop washing one's hands?

It is almost a Spring day today - flowers are springing up in everyone's gardens, the wind has almost dropped to a light breeze (in the Post Office a six foot man - no lightweight either - told me that yesterday the wind blew him over in our Market Square) and I have just had a stroll round the estate with my Rollator.   Now ready for a sit down with a cup of tea.   Until tomorrow...


  1. Oh, your lunch and tea sound like heaven. Go on and spoil yourself!!
    I was working in the gift shop today but it was impossible to wash my hands after serving each customer. Some things are just not practical.

  2. Washing hands won't stop the virus, if the immune system is weak.

  3. Your tea sounds especially nice. My hand washing regime has always been much as you describe and comes naturally, as I am sure it does to most people. It has been a lovely day here. The supermarket was its usual Friday busy and the loo rolls had all been sold and a new pallet was being brought in as I left. I am not sure what it is about loo rolls but we can rest assured everybody's bottom will be well and truly wiped in the UK, if nothing else.

  4. Rachel's comment about loo rolls made me laugh! I have not been to the supermarket since Monday; usually, once a week is enough when I am on my own, and twice when O.K. comes to spend the weekend or I expect other guests, so I don't know the state of things there right now. But there was definitely no flour left when I went on Monday, with a sign above the empty shelf "Only 2 packets per household". I had meant to get one for my Mum who loves to bake, I didn't want a huge panic-stock like some people seem to have bought before the "2 per household" rule was in place.
    Anyway, your day of culinary delights sounds great! I am not keen on crab meat, but I love it that you always make sure to cook yourself proper meals and eat a healthy diet with plenty of fruit and veg.

  5. Both lunch and dinner sound delicious. I never thought of cooking bacon lardons with stir fry but I really like the thought of it. Must make a mental note. As for hand washing, it is difficult to keep on top, one must touch things after all. I try to be conscious of how much I touch my face and learn to avoid this unless I have just scrubbed my hands. That way at least the risk of transferring the corona virus (and other respiratory viruses) to where it likes to enter our bodies is minimised. Typing this, I have an urge to rub my nose.... Have a good weekend and enjoy your crab, mustard and cress sandwich this evening.

  6. Can't help the idea of loo rolls reminding me of my childhood. Our lavatory, which was at the bottom of the garden (we lived out in the country in the fens of Lincolnshire)and was emptied every Saturday under the damson tree by my father, had a hook on the wall and a neat batch of square newspaper torn up and threaded on string by my mother whenever it was needed to be replenished. We always had a fantastic crop of damsons.

  7. What a fantastic damson story!
    I worked in a nursery for years and took the bus home each night so I got into the habit of a very thorough soapy hand wash as soon as I got home as well as many times during the day.
    That stir fry is inspiring. xx

  8. We’ve also been advised to remove rings for the time being and cut our nails short which sounds sensible and something I can do to help.

  9. Your choices of food for the day sound absolutely delicious.
    I have read that the virus is not likely to be on food or packaging, but do wash my hands before preparing food and on returning home after an outing especially, as well as during the day. The hardest thing for me is to not touch my face.
    The loo roll thing is puzzling. There is always kitchen roll or other tissues, and the good old stand by that you mentioned - newspaper squares! I remember them as being rather scratchy.

  10. You have such lovely meals! I hope your evening has been enjoyable and you have a good weekend, hopefully with some warm sunshine.

  11. Dressed crab - can't beat it. We used to have a 'fish van' visit the village every fortnight with fish from Grimsby. I often bought a dressed crab from the driver. Also I could ask him to try to get me some items I couldn't always find locally.

  12. Oh Pat you had me laughing at the hand washing... Hubs and i were just talking about that very thing last night.. You know.. all we can do is the best we can do.. If we are all just a little more aware and conscious of what we are doing well.. that can only be a good thing right? Stay safe and well dear Pat.. Meanwhile i can't find toilet paper anywhere...!! Not desperate yet.. lets hope they restock soon! Hugs! deb

  13. I need to get out as much as you do, and really have not reason not to go to the mail boxes on my Rollator.

  14. We are not shopping or eating out. Parts of the country are now und quarantine. New regulations are in force. Restaurants, cafes and bars have to close before 3 pm. The only shops allowed to open are for food and household essentials, pharmacies, banks, and post offices.
    Fortunately we saw this pandemic coming a few weeks ago and got everything in. Yesterday there were long supermarket queues. Today in order to avoid contagion we are not going to the farmers market as we usually do. The president made an announcement about the new state of affairs and demonstrated the Japanese greeting that we should use. Handshakes and kisses are a thing of the past. Keep well everybody and keep yourselves informed. Europe is now the epicenter of the outbreak.

  15. I heard yesterday of a visitor to a nursing home who refused, when asked by staff on entering, to either wash their hands or use sanitiser. I hope they were refused entry - I believe people will be asked not to visit anyway, quite soon.

  16. Thanks everyone. Does sound as though things are set to get worse before they get better.

  17. Well one assumes so or else it's a lot of fuss about nothing Weave.

  18. Hello everyone I am Mr Smith Benson from USA, I am giving a testimony on how I joined the illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now,I was scammed by fake agent in south Africa and Nigeria, I was down,I could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all miss but all avail, I was afraid to contact any Illuminati agent because they have eat my money. One day I across a post of someone giving a testimony, thanking a man called Paul mark of being helping him to join the illuminati brotherhood, then I look at the man email and the phone number that was written there, it was a Nigeria number I was afraid to contact him because a Nigeria agent eat my $5,000 and go away with the money then I was very tired, confused and I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join, he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called Paul mark and he told me everything to do, and I was initiated, surprisingly I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great illuminati brotherhood I was so happy,For those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join CONTACT MR PAUL MARK call (+2348163028633 or WhatsApp him +2348163028633 or email:  

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    Do not hesitate to contact us by WhatsApp.

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