Tuesday 11 February 2020


We should have known when we planned it that it was likely to be doomed.   Our friends P and D, who live in Windermere and who know we don't care to drive over the top of the Pennines in mid Winter, had arranged to meet us at the Creamery in Hawes today for a lunch - we booked a table a few weeks ago and were really looking forward to it.   But the weather had other ideas and early this morning P rang to say that they didn't like to risk the weather coming over by the Three Peaks.   Looking on line did show snow in the area and it is high ground.   So sadly we cancelled - doubly sadly as they revealed that today was their Anniversary and therefore a celebration.   So - sorry we called off P and D - but HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

It was a sensible precaution because we have had almost every kind of weather throughout the day - hail, snow, blizzards, periods of sunshine - but always very cold and windy.   W and I, along with friend M, decided to eat in town - I had sausage, mash with onion gravy and crispy kale;  M and W both had fish pie and crispy kale.    If you have never had crispy kale do try it.   Break or chop kale into florets, spray it with that oil you can buy in an aerosol if you wish to lose weight, toss it well so that it is well-covered with oil, spread it on a baking sheet and bake for a short time in a very hot oven until crisp.   Watch it like a hawk because it soon burns.   The result is delicious and even the most seasoned kale-hater will convert immediately.   Maybe 5 minutes is adequate if the oven is very hot - but do watch it - it easily goes from lovely bright green to brown and burnt.

Now it is night time, the ground has a thin layer of snow which will certainly stay overnight, and it is very cold.   Stay warm everyone.


  1. We finally have our winter weather after all. A fire and hot drinks are in order tonight I think.

  2. It's been a very raw day here, the wind is biting cold!

  3. A sensible decision to cancel your lunch with friends, however disappointing. It is not too bad down here though the wind is really strong still, and biting.
    Thank you for the crispy kale tip. I shall have to try it.

  4. I must try the kale - I love those battered and deep fried courgettes they do in the Italian restaurants too. We have had snow on and off all day but it is that very watery sleet kind that soon melts. I have stayed indoors again today and made myself busy cleaning to keep warm.

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  6. My Kale plants are now reduced to long bare stems with just a few tiny leaves on top.... I'll need to wait till next year to try your crispy Kale. I did once have it deep fried which was good.

  7. Crispy kale sounds lovely - how come I have not yet eaten it when in England? I must try it in June, when my sister and I will be in Yorkshire again.
    Good idea to cancel your lunch. Or, rather, postpone - I hope your friends will make the trip over to Hawes another day, when the weather is more travel-friendly.

  8. Better safe than sorry but disappointing to miss meeting up. My husband thinks that onions in a stew constitutes vegetables and has an aversion to anything green. I like the idea of crispy kale. I used to like the “seaweed” that some Chinese restaurants used to serve up. In fact I think it was deep fried shredded green cabbage. Have a nice cosy day. It’s blowing a gale today here in Worcestershire

  9. No snow in Lincolnshire but brrr, it's cold!

  10. Just a mighty cold wind down here. Good decision not to play about with the Pennines in this sort of weather!

  11. It is a bit like frying sage or another herb, but doesn't it take all the goodness out of it I wonder? No snow here but sleet in the rain and a bitterly cold wind.

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  13. Chilly here in south Texas also. But, today the sun came out after almost 10 days of overcast and drizzley rain - yea!

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