Sunday 9 February 2020

Sunday Morning Early

Well, in spite of the terrible forecasts for Storm Ciara and the sight and sound of pouring rain on the windows when I went to bed, this morning so far everything looks just the same when I look out of the window.   The rain is still pouring down, the trees are bent double (they are flimsy silver birches so don't take a lot of bending) but other than that all seems alright. 

Our neighbouring village is naturally on the alert as in July last year they (and we) were hit by a freak storm when many homes were badly flooded (some houses are still being refurbished and the owners are not back in them yet).   The village has a very active beck running through it and almost every house has some connection with it, either across the road, in front of the house or through the garden.   I have just rung my son, who lives in the village, and he says all appears to be as it should be.

I must say  the storm didn't keep me awake - as with the last few nights I slept  very well indeed, only waking for a short 'comfort stop' before going off again and not waking until half past eight.

It is Sunday and our usual lunch out day - there should be all four of us today - but I do wonder whether W (who is 98) will opt to stay at home on such a day - I collect her from lower down in our little town and take her up to W's where we transfer to W's car (mine is a 2 door Corsa and W's is a 3 door Toyota Corolla, so more room for three).   We shall see but looking at the forecast it doesn't seem as though it will begin to clear this morning.

Although I am still missing my little four-legged friend I must say I am pleased I don't have to take her for a morning walk this morning - I think it would have been an 'out in the back garden' morning and, bless her, she wouldn't have cared for that.



  1. It seems that the storm may not have been as damaging as predicted, here as well as over there. Glad that you are safe and well. Enjoy your lunch.

  2. 70/75 mph winds here in West Wales, but not as much rain as expected. It's a period of very high tides as well, and I know that one of our main coastal roads has been shut this morning for a few hours, and will be again tonight. Take care when you go out and enjoy your lunch.

  3. It's been wild here and the storm kept me awake last night, along with the rain blowing down the chimney. According to the weather reports the last time it was this rough was seven years ago, which is when the rain came in last time. I'll just have to wait for it to dry out.
    Enjoy your lunch but be careful out there. X

  4. I'm glad you're safe and tucked up inside for the moment.

    We've had a few fire brigade rescues here, one poor woman in Llanrwst parked up her motor home in what she though was a safe lay-by, only to wake up to find herself completely cut of by the rising water and had to be helped out by the firemen. Luckily the council have had massive trees cutting programme in the last few weeks, so all the dangerous trees by the roadside have been pruned to within an inch of their lives … probably saving a life or at the very least a nasty accident.

    Stay safe, but enjoy your Sunday lunch if you can venture out later. xx

  5. You amaze me with your social time that you spend with friends. I moved to this area, about two years ago, and have become quite the loner, except for my time at church and with my family...the reason I moved here. I will be going south soon, to see other family, and look forward to the warmth there. Do you enjoy reading? I don't remember if you mention books that you have read recently.

  6. Wellbeing is important. Essential journey? Perhaps the storm has blown out for you, hopefully. Enjoy your meal and friends.

  7. You know Pat Jinx has been gone for a year now and i still think of him. He was a part of our life for 17 years... I'm just now getting comfortable leaving the door open because for 17 years it was 'Don't let the cat out!' lol Fairly warm here for February but a cold front is coming through this afternoon bringing rain.. Our lake here is FULL. The dam here is a hydroelectric and it has been running nonstop.. I have to say thought i have been seeing little signs of Spring.. but that doesn't make me happy.. You know me i'm a Fall/Winter person.. and Winter is way too short where i live.. Be Safe.. Take Care... Hugs! deb

  8. To a certain extent, Bath is fairly sheltered so the winds aren't quite as strong as they could be. Still very windy though. I'm going out in a bit.

  9. Rather windy here but nothing worthy of having its own name - so far at least! I'd planned to have a lazy day indoors today so that's what I'm doing anyway.

  10. It all kicked off in Sheffield! Three panels flew out of the greenhouse, heavy hailstones and some lightening tonight and the River Sheaf was brown and high and fast. All much better now.

  11. I am glad to hear the storm has not caused you any problems. I hope you were able to go out for lunch with your friends as planned.

  12. It seemed that parts of Yorkshire were badly affected and I wondered how your area was faring. The worst seems to be over now and I hope everyone is safe. I think a lot of dog owners, and probably a few dogs, didn't fancy going out today.

  13. If you were also called W you could book a table for www. W98 must be some gal!

  14. Glad the storm doesn't seem serious.

  15. My mother-in-law (same age as you, I think) lives close to the river Skell in Ripon. The water is rushing by her house, but there has not been any damage to her place, and the authorities have said that the worst is past now.
    Here in Germany, Ciara (named Sabine by our weather people) has hit the coast on Sunday morning and made its way inland and southwards during the day and night. Air travel and long distance trains have been stopped. It wasn't too bad in my area, at least not by what I could hear during the night and see this morning from my windows, but local trains in the Stuttgart area did not run until about 10:00 today. Good job I am working from home today anyway!

  16. My eldest grand is in the U K for a semester of university...she said the winds were really bad. We had snow here. Take care.

  17. Miserable, dull but only a bit windy so getting better I suppose. Thanks forcalling.

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